Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan Goes BERSERK After He Is Named In Unmasking


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former CIA Director and Spygate ringleader John Brennan lashed out at Trump again on Thursday suggesting the President is a ‘despot.’

"President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide."
-- John Brennan



THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er:

- Illegally spied on US citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters
- Illegally spied on the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS - was forced to appear before Congress and admit his crime to stay out of jail
- Illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES
- Illegally spied on an opposition party Presidential candidate and his team
- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team
- Perjured himself before Congress, telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier
- Briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier
- Co-authored the ICA and ICR based on the Dossier he & the FBI knew was Russian propaganda
- Had access to 17 Intel Agencies and declared President Trump was a -Compromised Russian Agent'
--- When evidence he already has showed this not to be true he responded by saying, 'Thank Goodness'.
- Suppressed evidence that the Russians REALLY wanted Hillary to be President

THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er needs to be in GITMO for the rest of his life!

Don't forget that JB led the illegal torture program under Bush and into Obama's administration. Then he locked up the guy who blew the whistle on the "enhanced interrogation" program, John Kiriakou who spent 2 years in federal prison. He led the intervention in Syria and was probably involved in Libya before that..

He is essentially a war criminal and now a traitor.
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Former CIA Director and Spygate ringleader John Brennan lashed out at Trump again on Thursday suggesting the President is a ‘despot.’

"President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide."
-- John Brennan



THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er:

- Illegally spied on US citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters
- Illegally spied on the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS - was forced to appear before Congress and admit his crime to stay out of jail
- Illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES
- Illegally spied on an opposition party Presidential candidate and his team
- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team
- Perjured himself before Congress, telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier
- Briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier
- Co-authored the ICA and ICR based on the Dossier he & the FBI knew was Russian propaganda
- Had access to 17 Intel Agencies and declared President Trump was a -Compromised Russian Agent'
--- When evidence he already has showed this not to be true he responded by saying, 'Thank Goodness'.
- Suppressed evidence that the Russians REALLY wanted Hillary to be President

THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er needs to be in GITMO for the rest of his life!

if we only get to put one away for life - here is my call.
Former CIA Director and Spygate ringleader John Brennan lashed out at Trump again on Thursday suggesting the President is a ‘despot.’

"President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide."
-- John Brennan



THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er:

- Illegally spied on US citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters
- Illegally spied on the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS - was forced to appear before Congress and admit his crime to stay out of jail
- Illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES
- Illegally spied on an opposition party Presidential candidate and his team
- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team
- Perjured himself before Congress, telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier
- Briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier
- Co-authored the ICA and ICR based on the Dossier he & the FBI knew was Russian propaganda
- Had access to 17 Intel Agencies and declared President Trump was a -Compromised Russian Agent'
--- When evidence he already has showed this not to be true he responded by saying, 'Thank Goodness'.
- Suppressed evidence that the Russians REALLY wanted Hillary to be President

THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er needs to be in GITMO for the rest of his life!


This is John Brennan going berserk????

John Brennan's tweet
Former CIA Director and Spygate ringleader John Brennan lashed out at Trump again on Thursday suggesting the President is a ‘despot.’

"President Trump’s propaganda & disinformation machine, which operates according to a despot’s playbook, is the most aggressive & odious in history. It far surpasses even Russia’s ability to trample the truth, harm U.S. security, & undermine America’s reputation worldwide."
-- John Brennan



THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er:

- Illegally spied on US citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters
- Illegally spied on the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS - was forced to appear before Congress and admit his crime to stay out of jail
- Illegally spied on USSC JUSTICES
- Illegally spied on an opposition party Presidential candidate and his team
- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team
- Perjured himself before Congress, telling them he knew nothing about the Dossier
- Briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier
- Co-authored the ICA and ICR based on the Dossier he & the FBI knew was Russian propaganda
- Had access to 17 Intel Agencies and declared President Trump was a -Compromised Russian Agent'
--- When evidence he already has showed this not to be true he responded by saying, 'Thank Goodness'.
- Suppressed evidence that the Russians REALLY wanted Hillary to be President

THIS criminal, treasonous M*er F*er needs to be in GITMO for the rest of his life!


This is John Brennan going berserk????

John Brennan's tweet

You Russian bots are deranged. Trump is a despot. He just had Richarg Burr, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee stripped of his title, and the FBI are getting read to file charges of insider trading. How dare he issue a report saying Russian interfered in the election to benefit Donald Trump.

A number of other Senators have also admitted to selling stock before the crash.

Calling Trump a dangerous despot makes Brennan an intelligent and very sane man. Trump is the berserker in this government.

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