Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A former Department of State official confessed Monday that the reason no one in the Obama administration referred to certain acts of terror as “radical Islam” is because they were scared of alienating Muslim allies."

Hmmm.... President Obama did not want to put the terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood (the terrorists he helped elevating to power in Egypt after helping overthrow the US ally Mubarak) on the Terrorist List ... even though many of our Muslim Allies had already put the Muslim Brotherhood on THEIR Terrorist lists. About all of our middle Eastern allies recognized that calling a terrorist group an 'Islamic Extremist' group was not an insult to al Muslims - they knew the difference and had no problem separating the two.

“To defeat radical Islamic extremism, we needed our Islamic allies–the Jordanians, the Emiratis, the Egyptians, the Saudis–and they believed that term unfairly vilified a whole religion,” Stengel wrote."

Egypt knew and considered the Muslim Brotherhood was / is a terrorist organization - that is why Egypt's military overthrew Obama's beloved MB government and held it until proper elections were held.

“They also told us that they did not consider the Islamic State to be Islamic, and its grotesque violence against Muslims proved it,” he added."

Muslims beheading and murdering Muslims who did not follow the Islamic Faith - a practice they have sworn to do to everyone in the world (convert or die) - or anyone who did not agree with / join them...and Obama could not understand that one?!

Former Obama State Dept Official Explains Why They Never Said ‘Radical Islam’
I know that is a little more complex than the usual Alex Jones crap that you are used to, but get a grownup to explain it to you. It really does make sense, and when you grow up, you will understand it.
From everything I know from friends and co workers the Muslims that I knew preferred the differentiation.

It cuts to the extremists and the violent jihadists. It's like we Christians going "no way jose that you are going to lump me in with that scum Westoro Baptists baby".

"Internally, where everyone is Muslim and people do know the difference, they have no problem using those terms.

Vidino explained that in Muslim countries, there's a perception that Westerners don't "appreciate the differences between Islam and Islamism."

By our language we can show that we do understand the difference.

Should The Phrase 'Islamic Extremism' Be Used? It's Debatable

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