Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule – World Tribune: Window on the Real World
His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.
Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”
Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference. “I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.” The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.

If Mueller violated Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association, then the ABA should do something about it! But most likely they won’t touch it. All anyone needs to know about Mueller’s “ethics” is that he knowing worked to keep four innocent men in jail for a murder they didn’t commit.
While claiming that he was trying to be fair. Mueller behaved in an incredibly improper unethical manner before the American public. It takes a lot of arrogance and a misguided sense of propriety to do something like that.
Mueller's recent press conference was vindictive. It is seen for what it is when the full light of truth descends on the Russia Collusion Hoax and the Mueller investigation scam. He can see it all coming apart. All he could do was alleviate the pressure and publicly say he won’t testify. If he did, it would be worse. The guy is not an idiot.
I think the President Trump knows far more than he is letting on. I think Admiral Rogers clued him in on information that puts former agency directors under suspicion. I have to believe that there are some patriots in those agencies that know how to get him information. And I firmly believe that if there was anything really crazy on Weiner’s laptop, he has it. But, these people have so much to lose. They could lose everything and take a lot of people with them. The American taxpayer want to see accountability, no matter who was part of it.
I think that the American public largely agrees that we need to get as much of the truth out as possible. I don’t expect any perfect justice as that would mean most of the Obama cabinet and appointees go to prison. Perhaps that's too much to ask for.
Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule – World Tribune: Window on the Real World
His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.
Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”
Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference. “I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.” The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.

If Mueller violated Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association, then the ABA should do something about it! But most likely they won’t touch it. All anyone needs to know about Mueller’s “ethics” is that he knowing worked to keep four innocent men in jail for a murder they didn’t commit.
While claiming that he was trying to be fair. Mueller behaved in an incredibly improper unethical manner before the American public. It takes a lot of arrogance and a misguided sense of propriety to do something like that.
Mueller's recent press conference was vindictive. It is seen for what it is when the full light of truth descends on the Russia Collusion Hoax and the Mueller investigation scam. He can see it all coming apart. All he could do was alleviate the pressure and publicly say he won’t testify. If he did, it would be worse. The guy is not an idiot.
I think the President Trump knows far more than he is letting on. I think Admiral Rogers clued him in on information that puts former agency directors under suspicion. I have to believe that there are some patriots in those agencies that know how to get him information. And I firmly believe that if there was anything really crazy on Weiner’s laptop, he has it. But, these people have so much to lose. They could lose everything and take a lot of people with them. The American taxpayer want to see accountability, no matter who was part of it.
I think that the American public largely agrees that we need to get as much of the truth out as possible. I don’t expect any perfect justice as that would mean most of the Obama cabinet and appointees go to prison. Perhaps that's too much to ask for.

Muller is nothing more than scum in the swamp and never was anything more than that.
The technicalities are now in the rear view mirror. I doubt more evidence is coming unless Durham unearths something. It is now a simple thing-do the Democrats impeach or not?
All anyone needs to know about Mueller’s “ethics” is that he knowing worked to keep four innocent men in jail for a murder they didn’t commit.

In an April 8 interview with John Catsimatidis on his New York radio show, Mr. Dershowitz asserted that Mr. Mueller was “the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an F.B.I. informer.” Mr. Mueller, he said, was “right at the center of it.” Mr. Bulger was a notorious crime boss in Boston, the head of the Winter Hill Gang, and also a secret source for the F.B.I.

There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller
Muller is nothing more than scum in the swamp and never was anything more than that.

When called to support another company in trouble near a North Vietnamese bunker system on Mutter’s Ridge, Mueller’s Marines slogged through dense vegetation and ran down their ammo as enemy gunners swarmed. At one point in the battle, Mueller personally recovered two seriously wounded Marines and helped patch them up for evac. After a full day of fighting, the NVA pulled back. 13 Marines had been lost, but they’d killed an enemy company commander “and had virtually decimated his staff,” the Corps later reported.

Mueller, among others, was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery; his troops say it was well-earned, along with their respect. “The minute the shit hit the fan, he was there,” one said. “He performed remarkably. After that night, there were a lot of guys who would’ve walked through walls for him.”

7 Fascinating Facts About Robert Mueller’s Time As A Vietnam Marine
Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule – World Tribune: Window on the Real World
His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.
Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”
Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference. “I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.” The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.

If Mueller violated Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association, then the ABA should do something about it! But most likely they won’t touch it. All anyone needs to know about Mueller’s “ethics” is that he knowing worked to keep four innocent men in jail for a murder they didn’t commit.
While claiming that he was trying to be fair. Mueller behaved in an incredibly improper unethical manner before the American public. It takes a lot of arrogance and a misguided sense of propriety to do something like that.
Mueller's recent press conference was vindictive. It is seen for what it is when the full light of truth descends on the Russia Collusion Hoax and the Mueller investigation scam. He can see it all coming apart. All he could do was alleviate the pressure and publicly say he won’t testify. If he did, it would be worse. The guy is not an idiot.
I think the President Trump knows far more than he is letting on. I think Admiral Rogers clued him in on information that puts former agency directors under suspicion. I have to believe that there are some patriots in those agencies that know how to get him information. And I firmly believe that if there was anything really crazy on Weiner’s laptop, he has it. But, these people have so much to lose. They could lose everything and take a lot of people with them. The American taxpayer want to see accountability, no matter who was part of it.
I think that the American public largely agrees that we need to get as much of the truth out as possible. I don’t expect any perfect justice as that would mean most of the Obama cabinet and appointees go to prison. Perhaps that's too much to ask for.
So what? He’s retired. And there’s nothing in the Bar against telling the truth, anyways.

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