Former Secretary of State Position To Try To End Criminal Donor Investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: How Hillary Bullied Tiny Bangladesh To Help Clinton Foundation Donor

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempted to bully tiny Bangladesh to force it to end a corruption investigation of Mohammad Yunus, a long-time Clinton family friend and Clinton Foundation donor, according to documents.

The information comes from two Bangladeshi government documents generated as part of a request from the U.S. Congress. They shed new, disturbing light on Clinton’s use of hard-ball tactics against the poorest country in South Asia in order to help her millionaire friend and foundation donor.

The documents show Clinton deployed an array of high-powered Department of State, U.S. Embassy and World Bank officials to rescue Yunus, who faced financial mismanagement charges at a state-owned bank called Grameen Bank. He was eventually
removed from the bank."

Criminal mis-use and abuse of the position of Secretary of State...

While snowflakes whine and cry, demanding people stop talking about Hillary, and while Hillary continues her '2016 Election Loss Blame Tour', her crimes and personal abuses of power continue to ooze out.

The 2nd Special Counsel can not be appointed soon enough, and the newly confirmed Director of the FBI can not be sworn in fast enough...

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