Former Teen Pageant Contestants Claim Trump Would Walk In On Them While Changing

So he lied? Despite the women verifying what he said was true?

He's either a liar or a creep. (He's both)
Trump said he would walk backstage when the contestants were getting ready to appear.

The contestants said Trump would walk backstage while they were getting ready to appear.

If you can't see that these are the same statements you need a brain scan.

Trump said on the Howard Stern show that no men were around. Does that mean no men wandering around visiting or does it include workers? Because there were certainly men doing various jobs as always happens backstage. Clearly this is a rehash of Trumphate that is always dragged out because democrats just despise patriots and want us ALL DEAD.
Trump said he would walk backstage when the contestants were getting ready to appear.

The contestants said Trump would walk backstage while they were getting ready to appear.

If you can't see that these are the same statements you need a brain scan.

Trump said on the Howard Stern show that no men were around. Does that mean no men wandering around visiting or does it include workers? Because there were certainly men doing various jobs as always happens backstage. Clearly this is a rehash of Trumphate that is always dragged out because democrats just despise patriots and want us ALL DEAD.
Wow! You are WHACKO! :cuckoo:
Lie. He said while they were dressing.

But you know that. Do you not have even an ounce of self respect?
I have not an ounce or less of respect for you. Dog vomit at least means something. You are arguing over the exact same statements meaning something different.
Clearly says there was... backstage was the dressing room.

Former Miss New Hampshire Bridget Sullivan told BuzzFeed News in May that it was “shocking” Trump would come backstage to wish the contestants good luck when many of them weren’t dressed.
“The time that he walked through the dressing rooms was really shocking. We were all naked,” Sullivan said
There are no individual dressing rooms with doors. Have you ever been backstage at a theater?
Just to clear things up, there are two incidents here.

1. Trump said on the Stern show in 1997 that he would walk in to the changing rooms of beauty contestants that were over 18, as they were changing and often naked.
“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump said. “No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it…. ‘Is everyone OK’? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.”
Source: CBS News, left-center bias, high factual reporting.

2. Separate from that, four contestants of the Miss Teen USA pageant, the youngest of which was 15, said that he walked in on them also while changing and sometimes naked.
Miss Vermont Teen USA Mariah Billado, says she remembered Trump saying as he walked in, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” She also remembers telling Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, a co-host at the time, about the incident. “Yeah, he does that,” Ivanka responded.
Source: The Hill, least biased, mostly factual reporting.

Trump's people denied the second event ever happened, and no charges were filed.
Which was Trump.

You even take on Trumps propensity to lie.
Weird how you have issues with liars....yet you back them 100% when they're Democrats who everyone can see are lying.

I'm not talking about little white lies, but whoppers that are so blatant that every journalist in the room knows it's total BS.

Your press secretary can't open her mouth without telling a bold-faced lie that blows everyone's mind.
.Their entire MO is just one big cheap-ass bag of tricks.

I have a tape of a top Soviet KGB agent who defected to the USA years ago being interviewed about some of the tactics they used in the USSR and some of them are exactly like what the democrats are doing now; it is all variations of psych-operations they employ in order to get others to think, believe, and act as they want them to, thus affecting any number of things from public perception and opinion to the outcome of national elections-- always according to some preconceived plan, just as the FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys we are now finding out, then directed them to certain places and actions in time, to set them up to fit a desired mold so to be arrested and then charged as they are being done right now with various crimes now as a preamble to try to build a case against Trump soon that J6 was somehow this planned "insurrection" he orchestrated in which the Cap Police somehow just barely managed to beat back and defeat in the nick of time in order to save Mother Earth Herself.

Put another way: the 180° OPPOSITE of what the law was INTENDED to be--- instead of acting on a crime and using the Law to address the crime with uniformity irregardless of the man culprited (thinking Hunter Biden), they are instead trying the REVERSE using "Justice" in order to use the Man in target in order to manufacture the crime against irregardless of the facts or the Laws so to be actually planning the conviction first around the person so desired, then trying to shape the alleged facts and the laws around fitting their need to attain the desired conviction. All this before any actual crime is even known to have actually been enacted, just as with Russiagate and both impeachments.

That is a Soviet Totalitarian Police State or what the Nazis called their Reichsführer-SS operating at its very best.

That is the so-called Democrats today.
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Far more plausible than Biden identifying as a POTUS leading the free world.
damned trump what is wrong with him....a man who likes pussy is just weird.....why cant he be a nice old pedophile like JOe or drown some young hottie like Kennedy did or show off his big package to teenage girls like liberal god anthony weiner did
damned trump what is wrong with him....a man who likes pussy is just weird.....why cant he be a nice old pedophile like JOe or drown some young hottie like Kennedy did or show off his big package to teenage girls like liberal god anthony weiner did

So as long as it's for sexual gratification it's OK?
damned trump what is wrong with him....a man who likes pussy is just weird.....why cant he be a nice old pedophile like JOe or drown some young hottie like Kennedy did or show off his big package to teenage girls like liberal god anthony weiner did

Do you claim to be a Christian like most rightwingers??? :)

I don't know if you are or not... I was just wondering how rampant and continual Adultery fits in to the picture for Christians and the two other religions who follow or try to follow the 10 commandments? Vs. girls who terminate their pregnancies, from men like Trump? In it, for the conquest mostly?

Is this to them, all the girl's fault for spreading her legs, and not the man who so recklessly unzips his zipper?

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