Founding Fathers more like Hamas, or Israel?

Who's more like the Founding Fathers: Hamas, or Israel?

  • Hamas

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Israel

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jews were welcome in long as they lived in their own towns.
Since 99.9999999999999999% of Poles were farmers, illiterate and alcoholics, Jews had no reason to be upset about the arrangement.

Own towns? Like how even Warsaw the capital was 35% Jewish?
Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.
Own towns? Like how even Warsaw the capital was 35% Jewish?
The educated Jews, MDs, lawyers and teachers were allowed their in ghettos.
Once again, Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Source, please?
Try reading some history.
What the hell did a Jew have in common with a Polish farmer during 1,000 years of Roman Catholic Church rule? Baseball?

No I meant a source for the ghettos that "Pollacks" apparently forced Jews into.

I've read up a ton of Polish history, and never heard such a thing.

I do know the Pale of Settlement by Tsarist Russia kept Jews in the Pale, however.

None the less it seems within the Pale Jews could roam around pretty well.
I’ve read, and continue to read, a ton of Jewish history.
The Poles did the Jews an immense favor by ostracizing them into their own villages.
The greatest Rabbinical books were written during this period which Hitler brought to an end.

Anyways, this thread isn't about Jews vs Poles, go file your Heeb complaints else-where.
Own towns? Like how even Warsaw the capital was 35% Jewish?
Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
Poland didn’t treat us the best.
Poland left us alone.
And you’re the one who, as always, started the Jew bashing.
Own towns? Like how even Warsaw the capital was 35% Jewish?
Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.
a colonel general failed to issue the order to dig in.
Jews had nothing in common with almost 100% of Pollacks.

Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
You would have HATED the Jew, Jesus. But then, so did the religious Jews of his day.
Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
Poland didn’t treat us the best.
Poland left us alone.
And you’re the one who, as always, started the Jew bashing.

No, I just merely said Poland treated it's minorities better, and had religious freedom earlier than the U.S.A.

You had to bring the topic off topic, because LIKE ALL JEWS Here you can never stay on topic, well if at all.

Even during the Holocaust Poles treated Jews the best, the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations doesn't lie.
Witold Pilecki, and Jan Karski warning the World about your Jew Holocaust.

The U.S.A sure didn't as much, despite being much larger.

You're clueless, like almost everyone of your disgusting people.

I've not met a more dumb, and disrespectful people than you guys.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
Poland didn’t treat us the best.
Poland left us alone.
And you’re the one who, as always, started the Jew bashing.

No, I just merely said Poland treated it's minorities better, and had religious freedom earlier than the U.S.A.

You had to bring the topic off topic, because LIKE ALL JEWS Here you can never stay on topic, well if at all.

Even during the Holocaust Poles treated Jews the best, the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations doesn't lie.
Witold Pilecki, and Jan Karski warning the World about your Jew Holocaust.

The U.S.A sure didn't as much, despite being much larger.

You're clueless, like almost everyone of your disgusting people.

I've not met a more dumb, and disrespectful people than you guys.
You know, nobody gives a dann about Poland. Not sure why you keep pushing it here on this AMERICAN forum.
Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
Poland didn’t treat us the best.
Poland left us alone.
And you’re the one who, as always, started the Jew bashing.

No, I just merely said Poland treated it's minorities better, and had religious freedom earlier than the U.S.A.

You had to bring the topic off topic, because LIKE ALL JEWS Here you can never stay on topic, well if at all.

Even during the Holocaust Poles treated Jews the best, the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations doesn't lie.
Witold Pilecki, and Jan Karski warning the World about your Jew Holocaust.

The U.S.A sure didn't as much, despite being much larger.

You're clueless, like almost everyone of your disgusting people.

I've not met a more dumb, and disrespectful people than you guys.
You know, nobody gives a dann about Poland. Not sure why you keep pushing it here on this AMERICAN forum.

Yet, you dumb f*cking Protestant Chimp like filth push pro-Israel constantly, even though Poland's a more reliable ally.
Because nearly 100% of Jews living in Poland barely spoke Polish, most spoke Yiddish, or Hebrew as their first languages.

After 800 years of living there, you'd think they'd assimilate, of course not, this is EXACTLY why Jews are still despised in Poland.
Yiddish is 16th century German without the curses.
Why would a Jew speak a language when Jews were restricted to non-Polish areas?

Well, Jews left Germany because of the Rhineland Massacres, as well as a ton of Expulsions, and the stupid, mangy bastards never assimilated, still speaking a German based language, and can't grasp why they're despised.
So explain why everyone hates Poland.

Because of Jews, Jews spread most of the anti-Polish propaganda, or anti-Polish neglect.

Jews don't even know they f*cked up in Poland, by never assimilating, and fighting tooth, and nail against Poles, Catholics etc.

Poland did in fact treat Jews the best, and Jews are far too dumb to even know it.

The Jew is the most disrespectful, alien, predator, garbage I've ever seen.

You are the #1 problem in this World.
You would have HATED the Jew, Jesus. But then, so did the religious Jews of his day.

Uh, Jews do often still hate Jesus still.

That's why you Protestant Zionists are complete fruit-loops trying to appease a people who hate the center of your Universe.

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