Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
Why do Jews vote Democrat when inner city blacks attack them all the time.
How many anti-black crimes have happened? You know, blacks killing blacks? What makes jews any different? Killing is killing- religion is just an excuse to legitimize a grievance-

Satan hates God's "chosen people" and he persuades the immoral to persecute Jews. No segment of humanity has been as persecuted as Jews.

Whoa there, what about blacks?

Do you have a problem with them?

Well the Democrats tell us that blacks have been so downtrodden and abused, so much so that we need to pay reparations to blacks. Suggesting that Jews suffered more might not go over very well with blacks and Democrats.

Jews make up a minute portion of the world's population and always have. Yet, they've been persecuted like no other in all of human history. Why do you suppose that is? If you were open-minded, you would recognize this as anecdotal evidence of God and Satan.

No...I don't see it that way. I think their persecution is largely a result of Christianity - specifically Catholicism and the role it assigned Jews.
No...I don't see it that way. I think their persecution is largely a result of Christianity - specifically Catholicism and the role it assigned Jews.

They were persecuted long before Christians existed. They're prosecuted massively by Muslims and atheists. The U.N. condemns Israel more than they condemn North Korea with their concentration camps.
No...I don't see it that way. I think their persecution is largely a result of Christianity - specifically Catholicism and the role it assigned Jews.

They were persecuted long before Christians existed. They're prosecuted massively by Muslims and atheists. The U.N. condemns Israel more than they condemn North Korea with their concentration camps.

They weren't persecuted massively before Christians, and Muslims persecuted them mainly after Israel. I don't think Atheists care about them one way or the other. Israel and Jews are two different entities. The bulk of the persecution came from the Christian Church, historically.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
I must cheer the complete break down of the police in NY. Mayor Deblassio the dumb, has been the root cause of these attacks. The Jews deserve this shit because they helped the Demoncrats get elected in the city, state and most of the time the country like Bill Clinton and the brown turd Oblummer. Elections have consequences, you vote for liberalism, it is going to hurt you in the end.

They deserve it?

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Why don't these NYC juden move to Israell? ... :dunno:

I mean, isn't that why the tribe stole the Palestinian's land and created Israel so all the world's jews could live there? .. :cool:

You've got a serious hard-on for the Jews. You have that in common with the white supremacists that infect this forum.

Female Israeli soldiers could kick this pussies ass.

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There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
Why do Jews vote Democrat when inner city blacks attack them all the time.

Another stereo type?

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How many anti-black crimes have happened? You know, blacks killing blacks? What makes jews any different? Killing is killing- religion is just an excuse to legitimize a grievance-
Blacks aren't targeting blacks BECAUSE they are black.

Satan inspired Jew haters are targeting Jews because they've been brainwashed to believe "the jews" are the root of all evil
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
Why do Jews vote Democrat when inner city blacks attack them all the time.
About RJC

Did you just not know?
How many anti-black crimes have happened? You know, blacks killing blacks? What makes jews any different? Killing is killing- religion is just an excuse to legitimize a grievance-
Blacks aren't targeting blacks BECAUSE they are black.

Satan inspired Jew haters are targeting Jews because they've been brainwashed to believe "the jews" are the root of all evil

Not all evil, just a lot of it.
No...I don't see it that way. I think their persecution is largely a result of Christianity - specifically Catholicism and the role it assigned Jews.

They were persecuted long before Christians existed. They're prosecuted massively by Muslims and atheists. The U.N. condemns Israel more than they condemn North Korea with their concentration camps.

They weren't persecuted massively before Christians, and Muslims persecuted them mainly after Israel. I don't think Atheists care about them one way or the other. Israel and Jews are two different entities. The bulk of the persecution came from the Christian Church, historically.
Ummm...Pyramids? Slaves in Egypt? Let my people go! Long before Christianity.
What "chosen" people?

Every religion think's they are chosen.

So there is no "God" or "Satan" and it's just a freak coincidence that the Jews have been persecuted like no other segment of humanity in human history?

Maybe everybody hates them for a reason.
Our good looks and superior athletic prowess?

Maybe because you know who contributes 50% of Democrat money, runs Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Lyft, and make up Soros , Saul Ailinsky, Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, founded Marxism, founded Social Democracy etc. etc.
What "chosen" people?

Every religion think's they are chosen.

So there is no "God" or "Satan" and it's just a freak coincidence that the Jews have been persecuted like no other segment of humanity in human history?

Maybe everybody hates them for a reason.
Our good looks and superior athletic prowess?

Maybe because you know who contributes 50% of Democrat money, runs Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Lyft, Soros funds and so forth.
The point is the hatred was there long before any of these companies or even Christianity. My parents have left the Democrat party because of its recent blatant Antisemitic views.

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