Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

Your equivalency was false.
Your defense is weak- why are jews special?

Your opening statement was stupid. You conflated the targeted attacks against Jews for being Jewish with other attacks that had to do with personal animosity, drug deals gone bad, rival gang activity and any of a number of other reasons.

You should have one of the big kids explain to you the notion of MOTIVE some day. What motivated the attacks against Jews is ethnic hatred, and so we should be discussing this in terms of ethnic hatred.
Didn't say you did- bright boy- I simply asked the question- you're the one who said showing prejudice is problem, bright boy.
And you were the one, based on zero evidence, claiming that I was somehow advocating Jewish supremacy or something like that when I did nothing of the kind.

That's the kind of thing that gets you the ironic title of bright boy...because you haven't displayed much brightness at all.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
I must cheer the complete break down of the police in NY. Mayor Deblassio the dumb, has been the root cause of these attacks. The Jews deserve this shit because they helped the Demoncrats get elected in the city, state and most of the time the country like Bill Clinton and the brown turd Oblummer. Elections have consequences, you vote for liberalism, it is going to hurt you in the end.

Bet the filthy pigs who are doing this are not Jewish and are not Democrats.
And you were the one, based on zero evidence, claiming that I was somehow advocating Jewish supremacy or something like that when I did nothing of the kind.

It is all part of his paranoid thought processes. Have you seen him spinning his tales of secret cabals orchestrating 911 from within the United States? If you WERE, somehow, advocating Jewish supremacy it would tie in with his paranoia.
It is all part of his paranoid thought processes. Have you seen him spinning his tales of secret cabals orchestrating 911 from within the United States? If you WERE, somehow, advocating Jewish supremacy it would tie in with his paranoia.
Anti Semitism has infected Europe for decades and you only have to look to the rhetoric of Nazi party propaganda before WWII blaming a cabal of Jewish millionaire industrialists for the previous war, as if the Jews forced Germany to form a disastrous alliance with the Austro-Hungarian empire and get entangled in a war which they had little to no chance of winning.
What "chosen" people?

Every religion think's they are chosen.

So there is no "God" or "Satan" and it's just a freak coincidence that the Jews have been persecuted like no other segment of humanity in human history?

Maybe everybody hates them for a reason.
Our good looks and superior athletic prowess?

Maybe because you know who contributes 50% of Democrat money, runs Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Lyft, and make up Soros , Saul Ailinsky, Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, founded Marxism, founded Social Democracy etc. etc.

There is no reason to single out Jews, even if your listed activities are somehow horrible or evil. Look at all the filthy crap that Christians have been spouting for centuries and continue to do up until the current moment. These include the koch brothers, roger ailes, hannity, carlson, graham, falwell, darwin deason, andy beal, de vos, etc. There is no room to talk.
Your equivalency was false.
Your defense is weak- why are jews special?

Your opening statement was stupid. You conflated the targeted attacks against Jews for being Jewish with other attacks that had to do with personal animosity, drug deals gone bad, rival gang activity and any of a number of other reasons.

You should have one of the big kids explain to you the notion of MOTIVE some day. What motivated the attacks against Jews is ethnic hatred, and so we should be discussing this in terms of ethnic hatred.

Sounds like a Liberal argument.
Some of the same violent acts must be better, or worse based on motive.

No, just no.

Violence is wrong, regardless.
It is all part of his paranoid thought processes. Have you seen him spinning his tales of secret cabals orchestrating 911 from within the United States? If you WERE, somehow, advocating Jewish supremacy it would tie in with his paranoia.
Anti Semitism has infected Europe for decades and you only have to look to the rhetoric of Nazi party propaganda before WWII blaming a cabal of Jewish millionaire industrialists for the previous war, as if the Jews forced Germany to form a disastrous alliance with the Austro-Hungarian empire and get entangled in a war which they had little to no chance of winning.

Everybody basically hated Jews in the 1930's, the USA included.

They aren't so innocent.

The NKVD was dominantly you know who.
Maybe everybody hates them for a reason.
Our good looks and superior athletic prowess?

Maybe because you know who contributes 50% of Democrat money, runs Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Lyft, Soros funds and so forth.
The point is the hatred was there long before any of these companies or even Christianity.

Good point, Its worse now than ever, and Western Europeans just fold over like wet noodle for you.
Probably worse during the time of Pharaohs and Egypt? Slaves for ~1000 yrs?

The Egyptians never spoke of it.
Even if they were, they weren't Ashkenazi.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.
What "chosen" people?

Every religion think's they are chosen.

So there is no "God" or "Satan" and it's just a freak coincidence that the Jews have been persecuted like no other segment of humanity in human history?

Maybe everybody hates them for a reason.
Our good looks and superior athletic prowess?

Maybe because you know who contributes 50% of Democrat money, runs Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Facebook, Lyft, and make up Soros , Saul Ailinsky, Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, founded Marxism, founded Social Democracy etc. etc.

There is no reason to single out Jews, even if your listed activities are somehow horrible or evil. Look at all the filthy crap that Christians have been spouting for centuries and continue to do up until the current moment. These include the koch brothers, roger ailes, hannity, carlson, graham, falwell, darwin deason, andy beal, de vos, etc. There is no room to talk.

A mix of German Lutherans, and British Anglicans / Baptists & other British Protestants make up the majority of Christian induced mass murder, and genocide.
Everybody basically hated Jews in the 1930's, the USA included.
Anti Semitism was somewhat more common then in the USA then it is now but it was by no means a mainstream theme. You must be mistaking the Klan for mainstream American sentiment which is how bigots operate.

[They aren't so innocent.

The NKVD was dominantly you know who.
I have no idea what you mean.
Everybody basically hated Jews in the 1930's, the USA included.
Anti Semitism was somewhat more common then in the USA then it is now but it was by no means a mainstream theme. You must be mistaking the Klan for mainstream American sentiment which is how bigots operate.

[They aren't so innocent.

The NKVD was dominantly you know who.
I have no idea what you mean.

Father Coughlin was popular.
Anti-Semitic quotas were also common in the United States.

History of antisemitism in the United States - Wikipedia

In the first half of the 20th century, Jews were discriminated against in employment, access to residential and resort areas, membership in clubs and organizations, and in tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions in colleges and universities. Restaurants, hotels and other establishments that barred Jews from entry were called "restricted".[12]

In 1922, educational discrimination became a national issue when Harvard announced it was considering a quota system for Jewish students. Although it was eventually dropped, the quota was enforced in many colleges. As late as 1945 Dartmouth College had a limiting quota of Jewish students. To limit the growing number of Jewish students, a number of private liberal arts universities and medical and dental schools instituted a quota system referred to as Numerus clausus. These included Harvard University, Columbia University, Cornell University, and Boston University.[citation needed] In 1925 Yale University, which already had such admissions preferences as "character", "solidity", and "physical characteristics" added a program of legacy preference admission spots for children of Yale alumni, in an explicit attempt to put the brakes on the rising percentage of Jews in the student body. This was soon copied by other Ivy League and other schools,[citation needed] and admissions of Jews were kept down to 10% through the 1950s. Such policies were for the most part discarded during the early 1960s although the last vestiges were not eliminated at Yale University until 1970.

Jews encountered resistance when they tried to move into white-collar and professional positions. Banking, insurance, public utilities, medical schools, hospitals, large law firms and faculty positions, restricted the entrance of Jews. This era of "polite" Judeophobia through social discrimination, underwent an ideological escalation in the 1930s.

Restriction on immigration[edit]
In 1924, Congress passed the Johnson–Reed Act severely restricting immigration. Although the act did not specifically target Jews, the effect of the legislation was that 86% of the 165,000 permitted entries were from Northern European countries, with Germany, Britain, and Ireland having the highest quotas. The act effectively diminished the flow of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe to a trickle.
A mix of German Lutherans, and British Anglicans / Baptists & other British Protestants make up the majority of Christian induced mass murder, and genocide.
I don't want to get off on a tangent down your vicious hate powered rabbit hole but you don't think Catholic nations like Spain, Belgium, France, Portugal, Italy etc. put millions to the sword while building colonial empires?

How nice of you to let Germany's non Protestant population off the hook for what Germany did as a nation.
That's how bigots roll.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

How would a Jewish person "assimilate" in a predominantly Catholic country? The jerk Christians have always equated assimilating with converting. There is nothing wrong with speaking Yiddish or any other language. Maintaining one's own religion rather than converting to someone else's is not "rejecting" anything. Do you "reject" Mohammad? Are you going to run out and join the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons just because they come to your door? The idiots running the Catholic Church in medieval times banned usury and shoved the Jews toward banking while prohibiting them to practice other professions. Today's Christians seem to enjoy usury.

You don't make a lick of sense. There is no reason to blame the Jews for anything in history, and there certainly is no reason to attack them or kill them today or any day. Even if there were any reason to attack them, doing so would not be the least bit Christ-like.

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