Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.
Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.
You never heard of fundamentalist Islam?
It's the largest and best organized anti Jewish movement on earth. And it's the driving force behind the failed and dormant disinvest, sanction and boycott movement that has tried to
starve Israel.

Attacks on small groups of individuals and synagogues are indeed indicative of a larger movement. People that attack aren't doing this for no reason at all.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.

It increased in New York.
Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Complaints in Subway See Dramatic Rise

The Rise of Anti-Semitic Violence Against Jews in New York City

Doesn't look like one identifiable group that is responsible. Steven Jorge is being held without bail and is court ordered to have a psychological evaluation. Ayana Logan was released but told she needed to participate in a city mental health program. That was a phenomenally stupid move.

Antisemitism is on the rise. It saw an increase in Italy due to the online propaganda starting some 15 years ago. The increase in the US the last year does not surprise me. TBH, the number of people that don't care doesn't surprise me either.
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The left is virulently anti Semitic. They are for demolishing Israel, and the individual Jews that cling to it.
It's no more complicated than that. Wiping out Israel is one of their basic goals.
The left is virulently anti Semitic. They are for demolishing Israel, and the individual Jews that cling to it.
It's no more complicated than that. Wiping out Israel is one of their basic goals.

The Democratic Party has an antisemitism problem and they don't appear to be in any hurry to take care of that. How that filters down may very well be aiding and abetting.
The Democratic Party has an antisemitism problem and they don't appear to be in any hurry to take care of that. How that filters down may very well be aiding and abetting.
Their sheltering of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is proof of that.
Sometimes though the chosen people do some pretty stupid things to get their asses kicked......

Who doesn't do "stupid things to get their asses kicked"?
I dont go out and vote for the very people who want to see me destroyed.


There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.

It's increased in New York.
Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Complaints in Subway See Dramatic Rise

The Rise of Anti-Semitic Violence Against Jews in New York City

Doesn't look like one identifiable group that is responsible. Steven Jorge is being held without bail and is court ordered to have a psychological evaluation. Ayana Logan was released but told she needed to participate in a city mental health program. That was a phenomenally stupid move.

Antisemitism is on the rise. It saw an increase in Italy due to the online propaganda starting some 15 years ago. The increase in the US the last year does not surprise me. TBH, the number of people that don't care doesn't surprise me either.

I agree..phenomenally stupid. But I have to point out Ayana is a Muslim name. The other attacks involved "youths" (direct quote) and "groups of people" (direct quote). We all know what that means...or should by now.
Jews deserve this shit because they helped the Demoncrats get elected in the city, state and most of the time the country like Bill Clinton and the brown turd Oblummer.
How unamerican and disgusting. If I had my way, I would put you on every talk show in the county to embarrass your stupid, evil ass. I would also like to to see who salutes when you raise that flag. Drag the roaches into the light.
The Democratic Party has an antisemitism problem and they don't appear to be in any hurry to take care of that. How that filters down may very well be aiding and abetting.
Their sheltering of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is proof of that.

Yep. The Democratic Party will regret Omar and Tlaib.

Remember Jessie Jackson's "hymie-town" remarks? Didnt hurt him a bit with his power base in the Democrat Party.
Jews will continue to support the Democrats however. There is more here than meets the eye.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
As a man who beat up an Indian because he thought he was a Muslim said shortly after the election, "things are different now".
Man charged with ethnic intimidation after alleged attack at Red Robin restaurant
A mix of German Lutherans, and British Anglicans / Baptists & other British Protestants make up the majority of Christian induced mass murder, and genocide.
I don't want to get off on a tangent down your vicious hate powered rabbit hole but you don't think Catholic nations like Spain, Belgium, France, Portugal, Italy etc. put millions to the sword while building colonial empires?

How nice of you to let Germany's non Protestant population off the hook for what Germany did as a nation.
That's how bigots roll.

All those West / South European countries combined still don't equalize to the mass murder by Anglo-Saxon (English - German) Protestants.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd's Protestant, and butchered Catholics by millions, including Catholic clergy.

Hands down the biggest mass murder inflicted on Jews, came from Germans, and Ukrainians, neither were particularly Catholic,
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.

It's increased in New York.
Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Complaints in Subway See Dramatic Rise

The Rise of Anti-Semitic Violence Against Jews in New York City

Doesn't look like one identifiable group that is responsible. Steven Jorge is being held without bail and is court ordered to have a psychological evaluation. Ayana Logan was released but told she needed to participate in a city mental health program. That was a phenomenally stupid move.

Antisemitism is on the rise. It saw an increase in Italy due to the online propaganda starting some 15 years ago. The increase in the US the last year does not surprise me. TBH, the number of people that don't care doesn't surprise me either.

I agree..phenomenally stupid. But I have to point out Ayana is a Muslim name. The other attacks involved "youths" (direct quote) and "groups of people" (direct quote). We all know what that means...or should by now.

Yep. But, hey those youths are all just kids.......

Well, the other link the commentary doesn't have any problem saying the majority of this has been committed by African Americans and Latinos.

One of these attackers allegedly has ties to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement but they aren't saying which one.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.
As a man who beat up an Indian because he thought he was a Muslim said shortly after the election, "things are different now".
Man charged with ethnic intimidation after alleged attack at Red Robin restaurant

The bulk of that crap was after 9/11. So, perhaps it would be ok if we just focused on the OP.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

How would a Jewish person "assimilate" in a predominantly Catholic country? The jerk Christians have always equated assimilating with converting. There is nothing wrong with speaking Yiddish or any other language. Maintaining one's own religion rather than converting to someone else's is not "rejecting" anything. Do you "reject" Mohammad? Are you going to run out and join the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons just because they come to your door? The idiots running the Catholic Church in medieval times banned usury and shoved the Jews toward banking while prohibiting them to practice other professions. Today's Christians seem to enjoy usury.

You don't make a lick of sense. There is no reason to blame the Jews for anything in history, and there certainly is no reason to attack them or kill them today or any day. Even if there were any reason to attack them, doing so would not be the least bit Christ-like.

So, there we go.
They refused to assimilate, rejected Jesus, and used usury & banking, but then wonder why nobody liked them?

Some nasty mass murderers are non-Christians who rejected Jesus.
Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Leon Trotsky, among others.
Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.
You never heard of fundamentalist Islam?
It's the largest and best organized anti Jewish movement on earth. And it's the driving force behind the failed and dormant disinvest, sanction and boycott movement that has tried to
starve Israel.

Attacks on small groups of individuals and synagogues are indeed indicative of a larger movement. People that attack aren't doing this for no reason at all.

The Globalist issue is the Chosen, and their largely West European Protestant collaborators.

The Globalists are not the Islamists.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

Yeah I have to agree with the other posters here. I know Jews are a privileged and protected class but come on...attacks on individuals arent indicative of a major anti-semitic movement.

It increased in New York.
Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Complaints in Subway See Dramatic Rise

The Rise of Anti-Semitic Violence Against Jews in New York City

Doesn't look like one identifiable group that is responsible. Steven Jorge is being held without bail and is court ordered to have a psychological evaluation. Ayana Logan was released but told she needed to participate in a city mental health program. That was a phenomenally stupid move.

Antisemitism is on the rise. It saw an increase in Italy due to the online propaganda starting some 15 years ago. The increase in the US the last year does not surprise me. TBH, the number of people that don't care doesn't surprise me either.

Why is anti-Semitic violence so high in New York?

Maybe because people deal with them here & don't care for them?

Multiculturalism the great failure of Humanity.

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