Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

The left is virulently anti Semitic. They are for demolishing Israel, and the individual Jews that cling to it.
It's no more complicated than that. Wiping out Israel is one of their basic goals.

Correction, Collectivists whether Right wing, or Left Wing are just more intelligent & moral.

We grasp the crimes against Humanity being done by your beloved.

Individualists being Chimpo the Clown, don't grasp a heck of a lot.
Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

You're a fascist cockroach.

Mexicans aren't assimilating, and you don't like that.

But, when Jews aren't assimilating, how dare you object to that!!! Sniff sniff hissy fit.

Make up your mind, low IQ idiot.
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You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and there are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
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The Democratic Party has an antisemitism problem and they don't appear to be in any hurry to take care of that. How that filters down may very well be aiding and abetting.
Their sheltering of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is proof of that.

Yep. The Democratic Party will regret Omar and Tlaib.

Remember Jessie Jackson's "hymie-town" remarks? Didnt hurt him a bit with his power base in the Democrat Party.
Jews will continue to support the Democrats however. There is more here than meets the eye.
Republican Jewish Coalition

Nothing hurts Jessie Jackson.
There have been at least eight suspected anti-Semitic attacks in the city so far this week — including a pair on four Jewish women and a threat to “shoot up” the Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn, police and sources said Friday.

The most recent incident occurred around 7 a.m. Friday when a man in his mid-40s walked into the headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights and threatened to fire some rounds before fleeing toward the subway, authorities said.

Earlier in the morning, a deranged woman assaulted three women in Crown Heights, cops said.

Folks are taking this too far.

"Jew will not replace us". Light a tiki torch for peace.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.

No, just no.
You'd have to be awfully dumb to be a Republican to support them.

Things that come from them.

- Marxism by Karl Marx.
- Social Democracy by Eduard Bernstein.
- Contribute 50% of Democrat funding.
- Soros. financier of the NWO / Political disruption.
- Rothschilds backer & probable founder of the NWO
- Jacob Schiff financier of the Bolshevik Revolution.
- Saul Alinsky - Planner of Leftism.
- Paul Ehlrich - Population control.
- Carl Grunberg founder of the Cultural Marxist Frankfurt school.
- Noam Chomsky - Liberal philosopher inventor of Libertarian Socialism.
- Henry Waxman.
- Bernie Sanders.
- David Axelrod backer of Obama.
- Elena Kagan.
- Ruth Ginsburgh
- Hollywood.
- Facebook.
- Lyft which supports refugees.
- Leon Trotsky Soviet butcher
- Lenin Soviet butcher killed about 10 million.
- Fidel Castro boasted of his Chosen roots.
- Genrikh Yagoda. Soviet leader of the NKVD killed about 10 million.
- Lazar Kaganovich Soviet butcher.
- Jakub Berman Soviet butcher of 6,000 Poles & imprisoned 500,000 Polish patriots.
- Salomon Morel
- Wiesenthal Center.
- AJC called for open borders.
Last edited:
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.

No, just no.
You'd have to be awfully dumb to be a Republican to support them.

Things that come from them.

- Marxism.
- Social Democracy
- Contribute 50% of Democrat funding.
- Soros. financier of the NWO / Political disruption.
- Rothschilds backer & probable founder of the NWO
- Jacob Schiff financier of the Bolshevik Revolution.
- Saul Alinsky - Planner of Leftism.
- Paul Ehlrich - Population control.
- Noam Chomsky - Liberal philosopher inventor of Libertarian Socialism.
- Henry Waxman.
- Bernie Sanders.
- David Axelrod backer of Obama.
- Elena Kagan.
- Ruth Ginsburgh
- Hollywood.
- Facebook.
- Lyft which supports refugees.
- Leon Trotsky Soviet butcher
- Lenin Soviet butcher killed about 10 million.
- Fidel Castro boasted of his Chosen roots.
- Genrikh Yagoda. Soviet leader of the NKVD killed about 10 million.
- Lazar Kaganovich Soviet butcher.
- Jakub Berman Soviet butcher of 6,000 Poles & imprisoned 500,000 Polish patriots.
- Salomon Morel
- Wiesenthal Center.
- AJC called for open borders.

Take a shower, lose some weight, get a job you psycho
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.

So shooting into crowds maiming & massacring is how civilized nations behave?

Only in your savage low IQ mush head.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.

No, just no.
You'd have to be awfully dumb to be a Republican to support them.

Things that come from them.

- Marxism.
- Social Democracy
- Contribute 50% of Democrat funding.
- Soros. financier of the NWO / Political disruption.
- Rothschilds backer & probable founder of the NWO
- Jacob Schiff financier of the Bolshevik Revolution.
- Saul Alinsky - Planner of Leftism.
- Paul Ehlrich - Population control.
- Noam Chomsky - Liberal philosopher inventor of Libertarian Socialism.
- Henry Waxman.
- Bernie Sanders.
- David Axelrod backer of Obama.
- Elena Kagan.
- Ruth Ginsburgh
- Hollywood.
- Facebook.
- Lyft which supports refugees.
- Leon Trotsky Soviet butcher
- Lenin Soviet butcher killed about 10 million.
- Fidel Castro boasted of his Chosen roots.
- Genrikh Yagoda. Soviet leader of the NKVD killed about 10 million.
- Lazar Kaganovich Soviet butcher.
- Jakub Berman Soviet butcher of 6,000 Poles & imprisoned 500,000 Polish patriots.
- Salomon Morel
- Wiesenthal Center.
- AJC called for open borders.

Take a shower, lose some weight, get a job you psycho

Typical dumb obnoxious response, You'd expect from a clear dumb savage.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

How would a Jewish person "assimilate" in a predominantly Catholic country? The jerk Christians have always equated assimilating with converting. There is nothing wrong with speaking Yiddish or any other language. Maintaining one's own religion rather than converting to someone else's is not "rejecting" anything. Do you "reject" Mohammad? Are you going to run out and join the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons just because they come to your door? The idiots running the Catholic Church in medieval times banned usury and shoved the Jews toward banking while prohibiting them to practice other professions. Today's Christians seem to enjoy usury.

You don't make a lick of sense. There is no reason to blame the Jews for anything in history, and there certainly is no reason to attack them or kill them today or any day. Even if there were any reason to attack them, doing so would nNot be the least bit Christ-like.

So, there we go.
They refused to assimilate, rejected Jesus, and used usury & banking, but then wonder why nobody liked them?

Some nasty mass murderers are non-Christians who rejected Jesus.
Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Leon Trotsky, among others.

I've already explained it, dingbat. Nobody "refused to assimilate." Nobody "rejected Jesus" merely by not converting to somebody else's religion. The "usury" bit is nonsense. Do you convert to anything that comes along? Why have you rejected Islam?
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.

So shooting into crowds maiming & massacring is how civilized nations behave?

Only in your savage low IQ mush head.

you are an imbecile. If it were a just world Israel would be allowed to defeat their terrorists enemies once and for all, but because of the U.S. and the rest of the world they’re expected to tolerate them. You’re just a tribal simpleton. You’re thinking isn’t new and refreshing, you’ve been manipulated and taught to hate because you have a weak mind.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

How would a Jewish person "assimilate" in a predominantly Catholic country? The jerk Christians have always equated assimilating with converting. There is nothing wrong with speaking Yiddish or any other language. Maintaining one's own religion rather than converting to someone else's is not "rejecting" anything. Do you "reject" Mohammad? Are you going to run out and join the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons just because they come to your door? The idiots running the Catholic Church in medieval times banned usury and shoved the Jews toward banking while prohibiting them to practice other professions. Today's Christians seem to enjoy usury.

You don't make a lick of sense. There is no reason to blame the Jews for anything in history, and there certainly is no reason to attack them or kill them today or any day. Even if there were any reason to attack them, doing so would nNot be the least bit Christ-like.

So, there we go.
They refused to assimilate, rejected Jesus, and used usury & banking, but then wonder why nobody liked them?

Some nasty mass murderers are non-Christians who rejected Jesus.
Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Leon Trotsky, among others.

I've already explained it, dingbat. Nobody "refused to assimilate." Nobody "rejected Jesus" merely by not converting to somebody else's religion. The "usury" bit is nonsense. Do you convert to anything that comes along? Why have you rejected Islam?

They lived in Catholic countries for over 1,000 years, and never assimilated.

Their connection to Usury is well documented.

The problem is you don't think.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.

No, just no.
You'd have to be awfully dumb to be a Republican to support them.

Things that come from them.

- Marxism.
- Social Democracy
- Contribute 50% of Democrat funding.
- Soros. financier of the NWO / Political disruption.
- Rothschilds backer & probable founder of the NWO
- Jacob Schiff financier of the Bolshevik Revolution.
- Saul Alinsky - Planner of Leftism.
- Paul Ehlrich - Population control.
- Noam Chomsky - Liberal philosopher inventor of Libertarian Socialism.
- Henry Waxman.
- Bernie Sanders.
- David Axelrod backer of Obama.
- Elena Kagan.
- Ruth Ginsburgh
- Hollywood.
- Facebook.
- Lyft which supports refugees.
- Leon Trotsky Soviet butcher
- Lenin Soviet butcher killed about 10 million.
- Fidel Castro boasted of his Chosen roots.
- Genrikh Yagoda. Soviet leader of the NKVD killed about 10 million.
- Lazar Kaganovich Soviet butcher.
- Jakub Berman Soviet butcher of 6,000 Poles & imprisoned 500,000 Polish patriots.
- Salomon Morel
- Wiesenthal Center.
- AJC called for open borders.

Take a shower, lose some weight, get a job you psycho

Typical dumb obnoxious response, You'd expect from a clear dumb savage.

that clearly functions better in society than you.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.

So shooting into crowds maiming & massacring is how civilized nations behave?

Only in your savage low IQ mush head.

you are an imbecile. If it were a just world Israel would be allowed to defeat their terrorists enemies once and for all, but because of the U.S. and the rest of the world they’re expected to tolerate them. You’re just a tribal simpleton. You’re thinking isn’t new and refreshing, you’ve been manipulated and taught to hate because you have a weak mind.

Arabs owned more land than they did.
Why is it so hard to admit who's the real thieving terrorists here?

Its a terrorist attack to massacre, they have been doing it since Deir Yassin.

The only helpless dumb savage here, is yourself.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.

No, just no.
You'd have to be awfully dumb to be a Republican to support them.

Things that come from them.

- Marxism.
- Social Democracy
- Contribute 50% of Democrat funding.
- Soros. financier of the NWO / Political disruption.
- Rothschilds backer & probable founder of the NWO
- Jacob Schiff financier of the Bolshevik Revolution.
- Saul Alinsky - Planner of Leftism.
- Paul Ehlrich - Population control.
- Noam Chomsky - Liberal philosopher inventor of Libertarian Socialism.
- Henry Waxman.
- Bernie Sanders.
- David Axelrod backer of Obama.
- Elena Kagan.
- Ruth Ginsburgh
- Hollywood.
- Facebook.
- Lyft which supports refugees.
- Leon Trotsky Soviet butcher
- Lenin Soviet butcher killed about 10 million.
- Fidel Castro boasted of his Chosen roots.
- Genrikh Yagoda. Soviet leader of the NKVD killed about 10 million.
- Lazar Kaganovich Soviet butcher.
- Jakub Berman Soviet butcher of 6,000 Poles & imprisoned 500,000 Polish patriots.
- Salomon Morel
- Wiesenthal Center.
- AJC called for open borders.

Take a shower, lose some weight, get a job you psycho

Typical dumb obnoxious response, You'd expect from a clear dumb savage.

that clearly functions better in society than you.

Way to make up vivid assumptions like a snooty piece of trash.

You can't mentally stand up to me, because you're genetic trash, an inferior intellect.

You can't think for yourself, because you have little more than a Chimp's brain.
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.
Ah yes, the colonizer/ethnic cleanser rationale.

Israel is a military dictatorship that controls via violence and oppression a majority of the people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, denying them basic human rights because they are not Jewish. The US supports 73% of the world’s dictatorships, so there is nothing at all odd about our support for Israel’s apartheid; we supported South Africa’s as well. And now, Israel is helping us move toward a privatized police state which surveils its own citizenry.


The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance”

Should go nicely with our militarized white nationalist police force. Our future is quietly being put into place while we quibble over something Bette Midler said? Yeah, we’re truly such an exceptional people ain’t we.
Antisemitism exists for a number of reasons.

One of the reasons is, indeed, doctrinal. Muslims are the primary persecutors of Jews in the world today due to Mohammad's teachings. Catholicism was the primary impetus for antisemitism in centuries past, but this has scaled back considerably during the last century.

The primary driving force for antisemitism, however, is psychological. The canards of antisemitism are all about power, control, secretiveness, disloyalty and manipulation, and this acts on a disturbed psyche like heroin to a junky. Worthless excuses for human beings who have failed at every level realize they are worthless and so look for an outside force to blame. It is all too easy for them to get hooked by these canards as it then becomes JEWS who have made them worthless rather than themselves. Don't you know -- antisemites are failures because of all that sneaky Jewish manipulation and control and not because they really are worthless.

Tied in to the dysfunctional psyche appeal of antisemitism is a pure numbers game. After the diaspora, Jews were scattered across Europe and elsewhere, but always as small enclaves within a larger society. They mostly kept to themselves, held the sorts of jobs they were allowed to have and prospered because of their inherent values and work ethic. The very fact that they prospered and were different made it all too easy for people to target them since they were the small minority. It's just basic human dynamics vis a vis majority and minority.

Over 1,000 years in Catholic countries refusing to assimilate, speaking Yiddish, rejecting Christ, and behind usury, banking, business and can't grasp why they're despised.

How would a Jewish person "assimilate" in a predominantly Catholic country? The jerk Christians have always equated assimilating with converting. There is nothing wrong with speaking Yiddish or any other language. Maintaining one's own religion rather than converting to someone else's is not "rejecting" anything. Do you "reject" Mohammad? Are you going to run out and join the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons just because they come to your door? The idiots running the Catholic Church in medieval times banned usury and shoved the Jews toward banking while prohibiting them to practice other professions. Today's Christians seem to enjoy usury.

You don't make a lick of sense. There is no reason to blame the Jews for anything in history, and there certainly is no reason to attack them or kill them today or any day. Even if there were any reason to attack them, doing so would nNot be the least bit Christ-like.

So, there we go.
They refused to assimilate, rejected Jesus, and used usury & banking, but then wonder why nobody liked them?

Some nasty mass murderers are non-Christians who rejected Jesus.
Julius Popper, Genrikh Yagoda, Lazar Kaganovich, Leon Trotsky, among others.

I've already explained it, dingbat. Nobody "refused to assimilate." Nobody "rejected Jesus" merely by not converting to somebody else's religion. The "usury" bit is nonsense. Do you convert to anything that comes along? Why have you rejected Islam?

They lived in Catholic countries for over 1,000 years, and never assimilated.

Their connection to Usury is well documented.

The problem is you don't think.

Well you tell me what they were supposed to do to "assimilate"?
You have to be an idiot to be anti Semitic. The Jews don’t bother anyone. Yes a small percentage of them are very powerful and do have undesirable traits, but those people have nothing to do with the blue collar Jews, and they’re are people with undesirable traits in any ethnicity. You really have to be a dumb conspiracy theorist to hate them for “controlling the world”. Blame everything you don’t like with the world on the Jews and see how far that’ll get you fat man.
Jews are fine, Israel is an apartheid nation state.

wrong. “When civilized men are fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are”. You support the savages.

So shooting into crowds maiming & massacring is how civilized nations behave?

Only in your savage low IQ mush head.

you are an imbecile. If it were a just world Israel would be allowed to defeat their terrorists enemies once and for all, but because of the U.S. and the rest of the world they’re expected to tolerate them. You’re just a tribal simpleton. You’re thinking isn’t new and refreshing, you’ve been manipulated and taught to hate because you have a weak mind.

Arabs owned more land than they did.
Why is it so hard to admit who's the real thieving terrorists here?

Its a terrorist attack to massacre, they have been doing it since Deir Yassin.

The only helpless dumb savage here, is yourself.

arabs didn’t own shit, and even if they did, we’re talking 70 years ago and they couldn’t protect their land, dumbass. The Arabs have a home in Palestine called Jordan. Anyway you wouldn’t give a fuck what was going on in the Middle East if it didn’t involve the jooooz.

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