Four Jewish women targeted in latest anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn

You are a typical Individualist, AKA a complete emotionally detached, and complete logically detached retard.

Individualists being lesser beasts, can't quite grasp societal thinking, AKA Collectivism, because they're colossal savages.

I care about society, and don't take kindly of all the ill will the Chosen have towards us.

You don't get it, You Individualists will never get it.

Exactly why we need to flush you Individualists down the toilet where you belong.


you a self righteous piece of shit. I love it when bigots lecture on morality. Too funny.

pick up a broom and make a contribution to society.

You're a bigot clearly against Muslims.
But, that's okay, because you are told by Fox News tells you its okay.

You're little more than a Monkey, if you can't grasp group thinking AKA collectivism you're basically a complete retarded savage.

The Individualist being prehistoric dregs just think the whole World is comprised of You & Me, they will never grasp anything beyond that because they're not smart enough to.

Only I’m not a bigot against Muslims. You are. You just hate them less than the Jews. Do you deny this?

Oh okay, you support Muslims as individuals, but think its a good idea that they get bombed, massacred, and so forth by the Western Allies.

You're pitifully stupid & degenerate.

I support Israel killing terrorist

They're killing more than just terrorists.

If you weren't very slow witted, you'd know better.
Way to make up vivid assumptions like a snooty piece of trash.

You can't mentally stand up to me, because you're genetic trash, an inferior intellect.

You can't think for yourself, because you have little more than a Chimp's brain.

I mean it’s obvious. You wouldn’t be so consumed by hate if society didn’t reject you. You’re appearance is that of a man that has given up. Try not being a slob, get a gym membership, and find a job. You’ll be better off instead of ruminating over da joooooz all day.

You are a typical Individualist, AKA a complete emotionally detached, and complete logically detached retard.

Individualists being lesser beasts, can't quite grasp societal thinking, AKA Collectivism, because they're colossal savages.

I care about society, and don't take kindly of all the ill will the Chosen have towards us.

You don't get it, You Individualists will never get it.

Exactly why we need to flush your Individualism down the toilet where it belongs.
WRONG!! Individualism is the BASIS of all FREE society. We are ALL unique; that does NOT mean we don't choose to interact with others. We do but it must be on our own terms and of our own choosing. Otherwise it is slavery.


Free society is a mistake.

Individualists tend to be idiots & degenerates who hide behind freedom.

Your Individualists don't grasp society, with your culture being important, you don't grasp your own people in your culture in need of help, don't grasp that cultures conflict, or differ, that there's more to a culture than just individuals, that there's an environment that needs to be taken care of etc. etc.

Individualists let things go to pot, literally.

Individual freedom equates to.
- Abortion.
- Degenerate Porn.
- Illegals being hired.
- Islamic Refugees being tolerated.
- Gangster Rap music.
- Sex change operations.

I can keep going on & on.
There is some truth in that but recall that China for years had forced abortions for the "collective good". The others, though also quite negative imo, are more because of a breakdown of morality among some. I agree that they are not good and remember they were agitated for by leftists who are all for the "collective".


Extreme collectivism isn't so good, but extreme Individualism is the worst hands down.

The only thing worse than Communism is Libertarianism.

you a self righteous piece of shit. I love it when bigots lecture on morality. Too funny.

pick up a broom and make a contribution to society.

You're a bigot clearly against Muslims.
But, that's okay, because you are told by Fox News tells you its okay.

You're little more than a Monkey, if you can't grasp group thinking AKA collectivism you're basically a complete retarded savage.

The Individualist being prehistoric dregs just think the whole World is comprised of You & Me, they will never grasp anything beyond that because they're not smart enough to.

Only I’m not a bigot against Muslims. You are. You just hate them less than the Jews. Do you deny this?

Oh okay, you support Muslims as individuals, but think its a good idea that they get bombed, massacred, and so forth by the Western Allies.

You're pitifully stupid & degenerate.

I support Israel killing terrorist

They're killing more than just terrorists.

If you weren't very slow witted, you'd know better.

it’s not their fault Palestinians hide behind women and children so the likes of you can be outraged
Arabs owned more land than they did.
Why is it so hard to admit who's the real thieving terrorists here?

Its a terrorist attack to massacre, they have been doing it since Deir Yassin.

The only helpless dumb savage here, is yourself.

arabs didn’t own shit, and even if they did, we’re talking 70 years ago and they couldn’t protect their land, dumbass. The Arabs have a home in Palestine called Jordan. Anyway you wouldn’t give a fuck what was going on in the Middle East if it didn’t involve the jooooz.

Actually all records show Jews owned less land than Arabs.

So, what?

I see you support barbarity, of he who shoots & loots the most gets to control the land.

Let me ask you, why are there sanctions on Russia for doing this in Crimea?
Why did we bomb Serbia for doing this in Kosovo & Bosnia?
Why did we go to war with Saddam when he did this in Kuwait?

It seems like the Chosen have special privileges, and can literally get away with mass murder & grand theft.

the Arabs got most of Palestine. All that matters is what you can protect you fool. The Jews have done wonders with their land and defeated the savages numerous times. This isn’t the only land dispute in the history of the world. To the victor goes the spoils.

Bad answer, and massive hypocrisy.

You don't have the decency to admit to the mass immigration of your beloved who stole land.

If Russia was wrong in Crimea, Saddam was wrong in Kuwait & Serbia wrong in Bosnia.

Than surely your beloved is wrong in Palestine.

No; after the defeat of the Ottomans it was decided to disband their political structures. All the competing factors were considered and the Palestinians got their homeland in Jordan and the Jews got Israel. The rest has been the usual border disputes etc and anti-US agitation of outside players. Recall that Gaza was administered by Egypt until they dumped it. It is now run by terrorists. It's a mess.


A bunch of Jewish immigrants flooded in & stole from the Palestinian majority in the 1940's.
I mean it’s obvious. You wouldn’t be so consumed by hate if society didn’t reject you. You’re appearance is that of a man that has given up. Try not being a slob, get a gym membership, and find a job. You’ll be better off instead of ruminating over da joooooz all day.

You are a typical Individualist, AKA a complete emotionally detached, and complete logically detached retard.

Individualists being lesser beasts, can't quite grasp societal thinking, AKA Collectivism, because they're colossal savages.

I care about society, and don't take kindly of all the ill will the Chosen have towards us.

You don't get it, You Individualists will never get it.

Exactly why we need to flush you Individualists down the toilet where you belong.


you a self righteous piece of shit. I love it when bigots lecture on morality. Too funny.

pick up a broom and make a contribution to society.

You're a bigot clearly against Muslims.
But, that's okay, because you are told by Fox News tells you its okay.

You're little more than a Monkey, if you can't grasp group thinking AKA collectivism you're basically a complete retarded savage.

The Individualist being prehistoric dregs just think the whole World is comprised of You & Me, they will never grasp anything beyond that because they're not smart enough to.

Only I’m not a bigot against Muslims. You are. You just hate them less than the Jews. Do you deny this?

Oh okay, you support Muslims as individuals, but think its a good idea that they get bombed, massacred, and so forth by the Western Allies.

You're pitifully stupid degenerate.

Terrorists are not ONLY Muslims though they are the more common these days. It has not always been so. Being anti-terrorist is NOT anti-Muslim.

You're a bigot clearly against Muslims.
But, that's okay, because you are told by Fox News tells you its okay.

You're little more than a Monkey, if you can't grasp group thinking AKA collectivism you're basically a complete retarded savage.

The Individualist being prehistoric dregs just think the whole World is comprised of You & Me, they will never grasp anything beyond that because they're not smart enough to.

Only I’m not a bigot against Muslims. You are. You just hate them less than the Jews. Do you deny this?

Oh okay, you support Muslims as individuals, but think its a good idea that they get bombed, massacred, and so forth by the Western Allies.

You're pitifully stupid & degenerate.

I support Israel killing terrorist

They're killing more than just terrorists.

If you weren't very slow witted, you'd know better.

it’s not their fault Palestinians hide behind women and children so the likes of you can be outraged

2014 Israel–Gaza conflict - Wikipedia

Gazan civilian casualty rates estimates range between 70% by the Gaza Health Ministry,[14][22][51] 65% by United Nations Protection Cluster by OCHA (based in part Gaza Health Ministry reports),[19] and 36% by Israeli officials,[53][20] The UN estimated that more than 7,000 homes for 10,000 families were razed, together with an additional 89,000 homes damaged, of which roughly 10,000 were severely affected by the bombing.[54] Rebuilding costs were calculated to run from 4–6 billion dollars, over 20 years.[55]
arabs didn’t own shit, and even if they did, we’re talking 70 years ago and they couldn’t protect their land, dumbass. The Arabs have a home in Palestine called Jordan. Anyway you wouldn’t give a fuck what was going on in the Middle East if it didn’t involve the jooooz.

Actually all records show Jews owned less land than Arabs.

So, what?

I see you support barbarity, of he who shoots & loots the most gets to control the land.

Let me ask you, why are there sanctions on Russia for doing this in Crimea?
Why did we bomb Serbia for doing this in Kosovo & Bosnia?
Why did we go to war with Saddam when he did this in Kuwait?

It seems like the Chosen have special privileges, and can literally get away with mass murder & grand theft.

the Arabs got most of Palestine. All that matters is what you can protect you fool. The Jews have done wonders with their land and defeated the savages numerous times. This isn’t the only land dispute in the history of the world. To the victor goes the spoils.

Bad answer, and massive hypocrisy.

You don't have the decency to admit to the mass immigration of your beloved who stole land.

If Russia was wrong in Crimea, Saddam was wrong in Kuwait & Serbia wrong in Bosnia.

Than surely your beloved is wrong in Palestine.

No; after the defeat of the Ottomans it was decided to disband their political structures. All the competing factors were considered and the Palestinians got their homeland in Jordan and the Jews got Israel. The rest has been the usual border disputes etc and anti-US agitation of outside players. Recall that Gaza was administered by Egypt until they dumped it. It is now run by terrorists. It's a mess.


A bunch of Jewish immigrants flooded in & stole from the Palestinian majority in the 1940's.

Rubbish. The Land was ex-Ottoman and a Brit Mandate after WW1. They considered the competing claims and Israel was established by the UN in 1946. Pals weren't even a group then; that didn't happen until the 70s and that Slime Arafat.

Only I’m not a bigot against Muslims. You are. You just hate them less than the Jews. Do you deny this?

Oh okay, you support Muslims as individuals, but think its a good idea that they get bombed, massacred, and so forth by the Western Allies.

You're pitifully stupid & degenerate.

I support Israel killing terrorist

They're killing more than just terrorists.

If you weren't very slow witted, you'd know better.

it’s not their fault Palestinians hide behind women and children so the likes of you can be outraged

2014 Israel–Gaza conflict - Wikipedia

Gazan civilian casualty rates estimates range between 70% by the Gaza Health Ministry,[14][22][51] 65% by United Nations Protection Cluster by OCHA (based in part Gaza Health Ministry reports),[19] and 36% by Israeli officials,[53][20] The UN estimated that more than 7,000 homes for 10,000 families were razed, together with an additional 89,000 homes damaged, of which roughly 10,000 were severely affected by the bombing.[54] Rebuilding costs were calculated to run from 4–6 billion dollars, over 20 years.[55]

Compered to Syria it was a Police Action. Your point?

Actually all records show Jews owned less land than Arabs.

So, what?

I see you support barbarity, of he who shoots & loots the most gets to control the land.

Let me ask you, why are there sanctions on Russia for doing this in Crimea?
Why did we bomb Serbia for doing this in Kosovo & Bosnia?
Why did we go to war with Saddam when he did this in Kuwait?

It seems like the Chosen have special privileges, and can literally get away with mass murder & grand theft.

the Arabs got most of Palestine. All that matters is what you can protect you fool. The Jews have done wonders with their land and defeated the savages numerous times. This isn’t the only land dispute in the history of the world. To the victor goes the spoils.

Bad answer, and massive hypocrisy.

You don't have the decency to admit to the mass immigration of your beloved who stole land.

If Russia was wrong in Crimea, Saddam was wrong in Kuwait & Serbia wrong in Bosnia.

Than surely your beloved is wrong in Palestine.

No; after the defeat of the Ottomans it was decided to disband their political structures. All the competing factors were considered and the Palestinians got their homeland in Jordan and the Jews got Israel. The rest has been the usual border disputes etc and anti-US agitation of outside players. Recall that Gaza was administered by Egypt until they dumped it. It is now run by terrorists. It's a mess.


A bunch of Jewish immigrants flooded in & stole from the Palestinian majority in the 1940's.

Rubbish. The Land was ex-Ottoman and a Brit Mandate after WW1. They considered the competing claims and Israel was established by the UN in 1946. Pals weren't even a group then; that didn't happen until the 70s and that Slime Arafat.


They had autonomy & a majority.

Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem - Wikipedia
The U.N. mandate divided the land between Israel for the Jews and Transjordan for the Arabs. Around the same time, India was partitioned into two states, India for the Hindus, Pakistan for the Muslims. Why was the two-state solution for the Jews and the Arabs rejected?

Does anyone remember that the Jews at the time had just survived the largest massacre in history?
The U.N. mandate divided the land between Israel for the Jews and Transjordan for the Arabs. Around the same time, India was partitioned into two states, India for the Hindus, Pakistan for the Muslims. Why was the two-state solution for the Jews and the Arabs rejected?

Does anyone remember that the Jews at the time had just survived the largest massacre in history?

Wrong, not the largest genocide / mass murder event.

- Muslim occupation of India 100's of millions dead.
- Mao killed 65 million Chinese.
- Raj India 60 million dead by British famines.
- Stalin killed 40 million Eastern Europeans.
-Operation Barbarossa 25 million dead by Nazis in Russia.
- Japanese invasion of China 20 million dead.
- Spanish invasion of Mexico (Aztecs) 20 million dead from bullets, and disease.
- Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide 8 million dead.
Last edited:
The UN created the Zion, good for them.
The UN isn't pro Zion enough, bad on them.
The UN created nations for both the Israelis and Palestinians.

Only the Israelis were serious about building a nation for their people.

The Palestinians were serious about blowing up Jews.

Correction, Israelis kicked Palestinians to the curb, and massacred them in Deir Yassin & elsewhere.

The problem is you Western Europeans are ignorant, one track minded & subservient, a true race of trash.
Correction, Israelis kicked Palestinians to the curb, and massacred them in Deir Yassin & elsewhere.

The problem is you Western Europeans are ignorant, one track minded & subservient, a true race of trash.
Your mental problems prevent you from rational and truthful thought. Seek help.
Correction, Israelis kicked Palestinians to the curb, and massacred them in Deir Yassin & elsewhere.

The problem is you Western Europeans are ignorant, one track minded & subservient, a true race of trash.
Your mental problems prevent you from rational and truthful thought. Seek help.

Tell us about the King David Hotel bombing, and who at the time were the terrorist scums.

The problem is your low IQ.
Tell us about the King David Hotel bombing, and who at the time were the terrorist scums.

The problem is your low IQ.
Out of the long history of Israel and Palestine side by side you have cherry picked two isolated incidents where the militant Irgun committed terrorist acts (though if it had been the PLO blowing up the King David, no one would have given advance notice so as to absolutely minimize civilian injuries).

Of course like all liars you absolutely ignore the other side of the picture. I don't blame an idiot like yourself because the
picture is so vast and contains so many atrocities carried out against citizens of Israel by people who love the death of Jews more than they love the lives of their own children. So fuck off now. I'm not interested in your blather and revisionist history.
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia
Tell us about the King David Hotel bombing, and who at the time were the terrorist scums.

The problem is your low IQ.
Out of the long history of Israel and Palestine side by side you have cherry picked two isolated incidents where the militant Irgun committed terrorist acts (though if it had been the PLO blowing up the King David, no one would have given advance notice so as to absolutely minimize civilian injuries).

Of course like all liars you absolutely ignore the other side of the picture. I don't blame an idiot like yourself because the
picture is so vast and contains so many atrocities carried out against citizens of Israel by people who love the death of Jews more than they love their own children. So fuck off now. I'm not interested in your blather and revisionist history.
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia

Facts are my friend, not yours.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
The U.N. mandate divided the land between Israel for the Jews and Transjordan for the Arabs. Around the same time, India was partitioned into two states, India for the Hindus, Pakistan for the Muslims. Why was the two-state solution for the Jews and the Arabs rejected?

Does anyone remember that the Jews at the time had just survived the largest massacre in history?

Wrong, not the largest genocide / mass murder event.

- Muslim occupation of India 100's of millions dead.
- Mao killed 65 million Chinese.
- Raj India 60 million dead by British famines.
- Stalin killed 40 million Eastern Europeans.
-Operation Barbarossa 25 million dead by Nazis in Russia.
- Japanese invasion of China 20 million dead.
- Spanish invasion of Mexico (Aztecs) 20 million dead from bullets, and disease.
- Leopold's Belgian Congo genocide 8 million dead.

Planned massacres targeted at one group of people, with special structures designed and built for the occasion, and those in predominantly Christian countries? Who do you think should have welcomed the survivors of the Holocaust? The Jews have not been the only ones targeted for total destruction in history, but what was done to them was really, really shitty. The worst.

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