
At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Bank Name...........City......State........CERT #.....Closing Date.... Updated Date

Home National Bank ..... Blackwell OK..... 11636 July 9, 2010 July 9, 2010
USA Bank .................... Port Chester NY.... 58072 July 9, 2010 July 9, 2010
Ideal Federal Savings Bank.... Baltimore MD.. 32456 July 9, 2010 July 9, 2010
Bay National Bank.............. Baltimore MD... 35462 July 9, 2010 July 9, 2010
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Where did the bank bail out money go? Why are these small local banks failing?
I don't know why this is so surprising to you all the time.

Banks acted incredibly irrationally and took way too big of chances with credit.

Only the ones with political connections were saved, and the ones who managed their risk well enough survived.

Where all these small time banks fail, they will be replaced. That's the beauty of capitalism.
They will continue to fail until you put your shirt back on.

Seeing you shirtless is enough to cause depression

I am happy with who I am.

You, on the other hand have no assurance of who you are. In other words, you are nothing but shit. Must really suck to be you.
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They will continue to fail until you put your shirt back on.

Seeing you shirtless is enough to cause depression

I am happy with who I am. With one blow from my right fist, I could crack your skull or break your ribs. I could knock guys out with one right with 14 ounce gloves on.

You, on the other hand have no assurance of who you are. In other words, you are nothing but shit. Must really suck to be you.

REALLY, dude?

Are you REALLY playing internet tough guy at your ripe old age?

I thought that kind of stupid ass shit was reserved for 14 year old punks.
I don't know why this is so surprising to you all the time.

Banks acted incredibly irrationally and took way too big of chances with credit.

Only the ones with political connections were saved, and the ones who managed their risk well enough survived.

Where all these small time banks fail, they will be replaced. That's the beauty of capitalism.

Paulie I really wish you would stop with all the grossly stupid comments. It is not suprising to me at all. I was the one who told the low IQ shitheads like you on this board that it was going to happen. Remember, I said that the collapse of the economy would be exactly like a slow motion falling house of cards. Stupid clucks like you disagreed with me back then, but it still keeps on happening exactly as I said it would. Now, you stand in amazement that you could be so wrong.
They will continue to fail until you put your shirt back on.

Seeing you shirtless is enough to cause depression

I am happy with who I am. With one blow from my right fist, I could crack your skull or break your ribs. I could knock guys out with one right with 14 ounce gloves on.

You, on the other hand have no assurance of who you are. In other words, you are nothing but shit. Must really suck to be you.

REALLY, dude?

Are you REALLY playing internet tough guy at your ripe old age?

I thought that kind of stupid ass shit was reserved for 14 year old punks.

You want to meet with me? Come on, I dare you, you little wimpy dork.
I am happy with who I am. With one blow from my right fist, I could crack your skull or break your ribs. I could knock guys out with one right with 14 ounce gloves on.

You, on the other hand have no assurance of who you are. In other words, you are nothing but shit. Must really suck to be you.

REALLY, dude?

Are you REALLY playing internet tough guy at your ripe old age?

I thought that kind of stupid ass shit was reserved for 14 year old punks.

You want to meet with me? Come on, I dare you, you little wimpy dork.

Honestly old man, seeing your fat ass from 25 years ago leaves me with no doubt in my mind that I could air your fucking geriatric ass the fuck out.

I'm 30 years old and in fucking tip top shape, my man.

Let me know whenever you hit the east coast.
a) banks fail on a regular basis good times and bad. Lots of banks made lots of bad decisions. We will be shaking out from the latest panic for quite some while yet. Even now, lending is way down.

2) the board concurs with me that you look silly. We thought we had laughed you back into modesty. You can be tough as you like, but you do look a jackass. Threats and bluster do not change that. You probably can pound me into the dirt, but that does not make you look good. Quite the reverse.
REALLY, dude?

Are you REALLY playing internet tough guy at your ripe old age?

I thought that kind of stupid ass shit was reserved for 14 year old punks.

You want to meet with me? Come on, I dare you, you little wimpy dork.

Honestly old man, seeing your fat ass from 25 years ago leaves me with no doubt in my mind that I could air your fucking geriatric ass the fuck out.

I'm 30 years old and in fucking tip top shape, my man.

Let me know whenever you hit the east coast.

I'll bet $500,000 that you do not last five seconds with me in the ring. I still look today like I looked twenty years ago. I can throw 300 pounds around like it is noting. I doubt that you could even pick up 300 pounds. You are a wimp and will craw back into your cave and ask your daughter to protect you. You are easily the most disgusting piece of shit that I have ever encountered.
a) banks fail on a regular basis good times and bad. Lots of banks made lots of bad decisions. We will be shaking out from the latest panic for quite some while yet. Even now, lending is way down.

2) the board concurs with me that you look silly. We thought we had laughed you back into modesty. You can be tough as you like, but you do look a jackass. Threats and bluster do not change that. You probably can pound me into the dirt, but that does not make you look good. Quite the reverse.

I don't care if you think I look good. I am just happy with who I am. I am one of the strongest men in the world who can still step into a ring and kick ass. Pauli won't represent because he is a total dork. Probably queer on top of that.
you put Mr T into the ring with Stephen Hawkins, the fact that Mr T can pound Stevie into jelly does not make Mr T an intellectual.
you put Mr T into the ring with Stephen Hawkins, the fact that Mr T can pound Stevie into jelly does not make Mr T an intellectual.

We already settled the intellectual thing a long time ago. Nobody will put their money up. They found out that I always win. Low IQ shits like Pauli talk a good line, but never represent when called forward. He is a disgusting subhuman dork.

When it comes to intellect, I have never been wrong on this forum. I just post what I know and post the truth. Dorks like Pauli challenge the truth because they are so stupid as I have pointed out thousands of times in the past. Pauli is just dumber than shit and he is a wimp on top of it.
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Pauli, I will make you a fair bargain. Stop with all of the insults, and I will stop proving you to be the world's dumbest buffoon.

We will just call a truce to this insane nonsense that you started. I only verbally confront people who go out of their way to cause trouble on the board. If you stop acting like a shithead, I will stop pointing out that you are one.

Sound fair?
I don't know why this is so surprising to you all the time.

Banks acted incredibly irrationally and took way too big of chances with credit.

Only the ones with political connections were saved, and the ones who managed their risk well enough survived.

Where all these small time banks fail, they will be replaced. That's the beauty of capitalism.

i thought i had read that the small time banks did not take the same outlandish risks that the big time banks took....? at least that is what was said on the 24/7 about the banks up here?
With all the consolidations and so on over the years, there are a lot less banks than there used to be. But there are new ones all the time.

Back when I was taking econ 202 in college in the late 70's, I think 20 bank failures a week was a normal average.

It only gets really weird when the failures are huge.

And in the early 80s the number of failures went through the roof after de regulation of interest rates.

It s the reason we have the FDIC and the Fed in the firs place is to pick up the pieces after banks fail.

I think 4 a week is below average.
With all the consolidations and so on over the years, there are a lot less banks than there used to be. But there are new ones all the time.

Back when I was taking econ 202 in college in the late 70's, I think 20 bank failures a week was a normal average.

It only gets really weird when the failures are huge.

And in the early 80s the number of failures went through the roof after de regulation of interest rates.

It s the reason we have the FDIC and the Fed in the firs place is to pick up the pieces after banks fail.

I think 4 a week is below average.

Though there were bank failures in the 1970's there were a lot more Savings and Loan failures. S&L's were not banks.
I don't know why this is so surprising to you all the time.

Banks acted incredibly irrationally and took way too big of chances with credit.

Only the ones with political connections were saved, and the ones who managed their risk well enough survived.

Where all these small time banks fail, they will be replaced. That's the beauty of capitalism.

i thought i had read that the small time banks did not take the same outlandish risks that the big time banks took....? at least that is what was said on the 24/7 about the banks up here?

CARE, risk is relative. A lot of small time banks see themselves as enablers of the local communities. They are the ones that will make the loan for the new store building or the new car repair shop...... They make the smaller construction loans for local projects. As long as the economy does not go into a serious recession those loans are almost always good. This time around, we have a strong recession that is not abating and is beginning to look like a Depression. They are failing because so many of the small towns are feeling this economic collapse. As I posted years ago, it is going to just keep keepin on failing bit by bit by bit by bit.

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