Four Senate Republicans Fail to Show Up for Vote on Amendment Defunding Vaccine Mandates, Ensuring Failure

You mean like this?

View attachment 603078

That's a graphic of Trump's vs Democrat policies.

Now......who'd you vote for?????

(Just checking to see if 'moron' is correct.)
here, you dumbstruck twat. i will help you. the next time you want to make the point that obama was such a great president that he even made sure that Australian shelves were stocked, and trump was such a colossal failure that he did not manage to ensure full shelves in the USA, even prior to the pandemic, then post this:

ZomboDroid 18022022194628-01.jpeg
here, you dumbstruck twat. i will help you. the next time you want to make the point that obama was such a great president that he even made sure that Australian shelves were stocked, and trump was such a colossal failure that he did not manage to ensure full shelves in the USA, even prior to the pandemic, then post this:

View attachment 603099

OK, OK.....stop begging.

Magnaminity is my middle I will give you one more chance to prove you're not a moron......a one-question moron-test:



.....Or this.....


Your choice.
here, you dumbstruck twat. i will help you. the next time you want to make the point that obama was such a great president that he even made sure that Australian shelves were stocked, and trump was such a colossal failure that he did not manage to ensure full shelves in the USA, even prior to the pandemic, then post this:

View attachment 603099

There is a term in your post that you must have learned in order to specify family members of the female persuasion.

Your sort seems to resort to that sort of language when they have been bested in an argument, as you have been today.

Learn how to address your betters, your intellectually and morally superiors.
not even a thank you from the ungrateful tard who relies on facebook memes to make a point. that, or undigested copypasta. you should sue your alma mater for failing so hard.
not even a thank you from the ungrateful tard who relies on facebook memes to make a point. that, or undigested copypasta. you should sue your alma mater for failing so hard.

not even a thank you from the ungrateful tard who relies on facebook memes to make a point. that, or undigested copypasta. you should sue your alma mater for failing so hard.



.....Or this.....


Speak up, moron.

That's why you see Establishment GOP going after those associated with Former President Trump ...
With the full support of Democrats and Progressives.

It is never about getting rid of the Establishment for either side of the aisle ... :thup:
Same thing happened to the Tea Party ... They were devoured/consumed by the Establishment GOP.

No, they are all going after traitors who attempted to over throw democracy in the US.
Shut up, traitor.

Obama armed Iran
Biden armed the Taliban
Bill Clinton gove our missile technology to China
Hillary sold our uranium to Russia
Ted Kennedy offered to work with the Kremlin against America's government.
The Nazi Party credited the Democrat Party for a great many of their ideas and plans.
The Democrats put American citizens in concentration camps.

What were you saying about 'traitors'????
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Traitors are better than Democrats? Sounds like something a seditious piece of shit would say. Tell you what, you like dictators? Move to Russia so you can worship Putin, an autocrat after your own heart.
Move to Russia so you can worship Putin, an autocrat after your own heart.

Why bother moving all the way to Russia?

Canada is closer, and Trudeau is acting a lot like Putin.
Obama armed Iran
Biden armed the Taliban
Bill Clinton gove our missile technology to China
Hillary sold our uranium to Russia
Ted Kennedy offered to work with the Kremlin against America's government.
The Nazi Party credited the Democrat Party for a great many of their ideas and plans.
The Democrats put American citizens in concentration camps.

What were you saying about 'traitors'????
That those who tried to over throw our democratic system of government and those who support them are traitors. There is no denying that.

Most of what you wrote above is conspiracy theory bollocks, misrepresentation of the facts, or just straight up false.

The only accurate thing you wrote was that a Democrat administration put Americans of Japanese heritage into camps during WWII. Not that Republicans didn’t support it at the time. Nor did they support making up for it over 40 years later: Civil Liberties Act of 1988 - Wikipedia

Conservatives would’ve loved to lock up every Middle Easterner or Muslim after 9/11. Many, if not most, conservatives would like to have Muslims kicked out of the country today.
That those who tried to over throw our democratic system of government and those who support them are traitors. There is no denying that.

Most of what you wrote above is conspiracy theory bollocks, misrepresentation of the facts, or just straight up false.

The only accurate thing you wrote was that a Democrat administration put Americans of Japanese heritage into camps during WWII. Not that Republicans didn’t support it at the time. Nor did they support making up for it over 40 years later: Civil Liberties Act of 1988 - Wikipedia

Conservatives would’ve loved to lock up every Middle Easterner or Muslim after 9/11. Many, if not most, conservatives would like to have Muslims kicked out of the country today.

Those were Democrats......your sort.
They lie to you about everything, and you're dumb enough to believe every one of the hoaxes.

1. We've all seen the videos of how peaceful Trump supporters were in the Capitol on Jan 6th.....I'll provide them for any who hasn't seen them.....

.....and the reports of Leftist agents provocateurs who did actual rioting and damage......I'll provide those as well if you need same.....and students of history recognize the same ploy as the Reichstag Fire, also by Nazis, the folks with whom the Democrats share so very many interests and methhods.

2. The same ideologists have been smearing the Canadian truckers, .....

Nazi flag at 'Freedom Convoy' spurs bill to ban hate symbols › news › canada › 2022/02/07

NDP MP introduces a bill to prohibit hateful symbols, but Bernie Farber, a supporter of the move in principal, concedes there would be ...

3. But Toronto Sun journalist Joe Wormington points out it is one more false flag attempt to quash protests against the totalitarians.

"Fox News segment suggests fascist symbols at Canadian trucker convoy are false flags

Joe Warmington: Nazi and Confederate flags at Ottawa trucker rally “were most likely props that were put in to try to quell this thing. ... I smell a rat.”

JOHN ROBERTS (ANCHOR): So, there's a lot of pejoratives that are being thrown around about the people who are involved in these protests, but what is the real situation on the ground? We want to bring in Joe Warmington, he's a reporter for the Toronto Sun, and he has made his way from Toronto, where he is normally based, up there to Canada's capital of Ottawa. So, Joe, we were saying that early on in these protests there were some swastikas that were displayed. I have seen a picture of one fella who was carrying a Confederate Flag, that brush has been used to paint literally everybody who is involved in this protest. But, what is the real story and what are you seeing on the ground there in Ottawa?

JOE WARMINGTON (TORONTO SUN REPORTER): Well, the capital of Canada right now is "Truckistan," really. I mean, you can see it. They have even got their own watch tower over my shoulder, and basically there is no answer for it. As far as these horrible hate flags, I mean, those were most likely props that were put in to try to quell this thing and, you know, obviously that didn't work, and really nothing has worked.

...I think it's kind of textbook to do something like that. The flags themselves, the ones that you referred to, were nowhere near all of this, they were in other parts of town. Nobody really saw them outside of social media. So, I smell a rat on that. I don't see anything like that. There's no hate here that I've seen. There's no danger here that I've seen. There's no violence here that I've seen. It's a, you know, a party atmosphere and it is what it is. I mean, it's got under the skin of the prime minister, he has no answer for it, and of course when you have no answer for it, you are going to have to come up with things and that's all that was."

Exactly the same for Trump supporters on Jan 6.

The Democrats/Left lie about everything.
So would you rather live under Putin or Trudeau?

Putin is wedded to the Democrats.

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
here, you dumbstruck twat. i will help you. the next time you want to make the point that obama was such a great president that he even made sure that Australian shelves were stocked, and trump was such a colossal failure that he did not manage to ensure full shelves in the USA, even prior to the pandemic, then post this:

View attachment 603099
Sorry dumbfuck, the supply chain issues and empty shelves are ALL on Xiden. But as a good cult member, you have to cry about Trump.

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