Four-star general: I have wasted 40 years of my life if Trumps lies represent who we are

Four-star general: I have wasted 40 years of my life if Trumps lies represent who we are
By Alison R. Parker at Share Blue

Four-star general: “I have wasted 40 years of my life” if Trump’s lies represent “who we are”


john mclaughlin
If you favor CNN OR Fox and are not dismayed by this, you may now be numb and no longer capable of outrage. Scary if that’s our new normal.

Gen Michael Hayden
If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life. Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.
11:32 PM - Nov 25, 2017
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That a man who spent decades in the military, earning over two dozen awards and decorations, and served another decade in the intelligence community, fears all of his years of service could come to be for nought in the Trump era is nothing short of frightening.

The press that Trump so snidely derides has proven itself to be far more crucial to the security of this country and its citizens than Trump ever has, or likely ever will.

Trump is anti-American and he should be impeached for shitting all over our nation.
You do know that Gen Hayden was the director of the NSA during the time the agency was spying on Americans without a warrant ?
Defend our press!!!! Defend it with your life!!!


Calling out the press as a bunch of partisan hacks is not attacking them. Get back to me when their offices are trashed and their ability to spread their biased bullcrap is actually being stopped in some way by the government.
My biological father served in WWII. He was in the assault on Normandy Beach. When obama was president, my father said that if he had know what was going to happen to this country, he would never have bothered fighting at all.
Your father chose the wrong side in that war apparently.
The Press has been doing a shitty job. THey don't deserve being defended. THey should be reviled and despised.

America has the worst press in history. The newspapers and tv nets never investigate anything. They accept the govt story on everything.

By "press" i do NOT include internet websites. They are our hope.

Really ? Says who? I think the folks in Saudi Arabia and North Korea would disagree.

And Internet news can be just as bad as the MSM. Info wars is just an example of when Internet media goes wrong.

You may not like how the news is reported but that fact they have the freedom to report it is their right. Ans that's what makes our press great.

As much as I despise fox news' style of reporting, its their right and I wouldn't want to anyway.
If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life. Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.
A general objecting to an assault on Truth is so ironic it says more about the idiots taking his comments seriously than it says about either Trump or the General.

And of course Trump has done absolutely zero to hurt the First Amendment or a free press, lol.

As to Truth, Trump is a bidnessman and that means he is a salesman.

What does Truth have to do with salesmanship?
Shareblue is a Liberal Progressive George Soros funded fake news medium. And General Hayden is a Liberal Progressive Obama disciple. His performance in front of Congressional Committees has been shameful.
The press is currently at a 20 year low in being trustworthy.

The unhinged coverage of all Trump scandals, real and imagined, has cost the media in the eyes of the public, among whom only 39 percent said they had a “great deal” or even “some” confidence in news outlets last November.

In the following months, the media tried to sell the idea that Trump supporters had been conned by “fake news” (based on a minuscule amount of Russian spending on Facebook propaganda that added up to the cost of less than a single airing of one commercial on a prime-time network TV show). But the cry of “fake news” was thrown right back in their face by Trump fans who sensed the claim was simply an attempt to distract from uncomfortable truths about Clinton’s shortcomings.

As of last month, still only 48 percent of Americans said they trusted the media, with 45 percent saying they have “hardly any” confidence in it. In other words, it’s basically a coin flip as to whether or not any given American thinks the media is just making stuff up. They aren’t, usually. But with every fashion glossy and sitcom star still beating a drum for Hillary a year after the election, while bashing Trump and everything he stands for from the front page to the sports section, can you blame people for losing respect for the press?

The media are correct in thinking they have an important duty in the Trump era. But the people are correct in noticing that the media is filtering everything through an obsessive hatred for Trump.​
Four-star general: I have wasted 40 years of my life if Trumps lies represent who we are
By Alison R. Parker at Share Blue

Four-star general: “I have wasted 40 years of my life” if Trump’s lies represent “who we are”


john mclaughlin
If you favor CNN OR Fox and are not dismayed by this, you may now be numb and no longer capable of outrage. Scary if that’s our new normal.

Gen Michael Hayden
If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life. Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.
11:32 PM - Nov 25, 2017
3,353 3,353 Replies 33,355 33,355 Retweets 67,406 67,406 likes
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That a man who spent decades in the military, earning over two dozen awards and decorations, and served another decade in the intelligence community, fears all of his years of service could come to be for nought in the Trump era is nothing short of frightening.

The press that Trump so snidely derides has proven itself to be far more crucial to the security of this country and its citizens than Trump ever has, or likely ever will.

Trump is anti-American and he should be impeached for shitting all over our nation.

His unsupported, hysterical opinion is noted and dismissed.

Fuck him.

Don't say that! Science Rocks will be all over him trying to do just that!
Four-star general: I have wasted 40 years of my life if Trumps lies represent who we are
By Alison R. Parker at Share Blue

Four-star general: “I have wasted 40 years of my life” if Trump’s lies represent “who we are”


john mclaughlin
If you favor CNN OR Fox and are not dismayed by this, you may now be numb and no longer capable of outrage. Scary if that’s our new normal.

Gen Michael Hayden
If this is who we are or who we are becoming, I have wasted 40 years of my life. Until now it was not possible for me to conceive of an American President capable of such an outrageous assault on truth, a free press or the first amendment.
11:32 PM - Nov 25, 2017
3,353 3,353 Replies 33,355 33,355 Retweets 67,406 67,406 likes
Twitter Ads info and privacy
That a man who spent decades in the military, earning over two dozen awards and decorations, and served another decade in the intelligence community, fears all of his years of service could come to be for nought in the Trump era is nothing short of frightening.

The press that Trump so snidely derides has proven itself to be far more crucial to the security of this country and its citizens than Trump ever has, or likely ever will.

Trump is anti-American and he should be impeached for shitting all over our nation.[/Q/PredUOTE]

Shareblue is a Liberal Progressive George Soros funded fake news medium. And General Hayden is a Liberal Progressive Obama disciple. His performance in front of Congressional Committees has been shameful.
The press is currently at a 20 year low in being trustworthy.
The presidency is currently at a 228 year low in being trustworthy.

Sorry bud but the affirmative action Presidency of Obama is over.
And has been replaced by the reign of The Orange Slut/Predator/Warmonger whose main goal is to destroy the fabric of decent American society.
What lies?. The good general didn't give any examples.
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He lied about the loan his father once gave him.

He lied about his company’s bankruptcies.

He lied about his federal financial-disclosure forms.

He lied about his endorsements.

He lied about “stop and frisk.”

He lied about “birtherism.”

He lied about New York.

He lied about Michigan and Ohio.

He lied about Palm Beach, Fla.

He lied about Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve.

He lied about the trade deficit.

He lied about Hillary Clinton’s tax plan.

He lied about her child-care plan

He lied about China devaluing its currency.

He lied about Mexico having the world’s largest factories.

He lied about the United States’s nuclear arsenal.

He lied about NATO’s budget.

He lied about NATO’s terrorism policy.

Opinion | The Lies Trump Told

And that is just a few of the many lies that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has told. His speeches are rated in lies per minute. LOL

You're a laughable little hack, just a cursory look at your bullshit list,

1) he didn't say that Mexico had the biggest factories in the world he said they were building some of the bigger factories and Elon Musk didn't build a god damn thing in California literally every single penny came from the tax payer funded subsidies.

2) China absolutely does manipulate their currency and have been doing so for decades.

3) And finally no the real unemployment rate hasn't been declining for years, in fact 95 million people simply dropped out of the labor force you laughable little shill.

Haha...95 million people dropped out of the labor force? Out of 160 million? Uh...don't know where you are getting your numbers...., but did that number give you ANY pause, before you regurgitated it here?
The presidency is currently at a 228 year low in being trustworthy.

Sorry bud but the affirmative action Presidency of Obama is over.
Obama won the presidency twice with a plurality of votes. If anything, repugs depend upon the "affirmative action" of the electoral college. The majority of Americans know better. Even Shrub brought more to the office than Trump and I never thought I'd be able to say that.

Obama was the most dishonest and least transparent President in American history and it's not hard to get votes when you have the overwhelming majority of the press acting as the ministry of propaganda and have opposition journalists wiretapped and arrested. Obama was elected POTUS for one reason and one reason only, because he was black.
Wasn't hard to vote for Obama when he was running against a war hawk after 7 years of Iraqnam, who chose an absolutely unprepared and unfit running mate Caribou Barbie. And then 4 years later, a smarmy vulture capitalist. If he could have run again, he would have beat Dump in a landslide.

Name a single Obama accomplishment.
Here's 10:

1. Passed healthcare reform
2. Passed economic stimulus - got us out of the second great republican depression
3. Passed Wall Street reform
4. Ended War in Iraq
5. Began drawdown of war in Afghanistan
6. Eliminated Osama Bin Laden
7. Turned around US Auto industry
8. Recapitalized Banks
9. Repealed "Don't ask, don't tell"
10. Toppled Qaddafi

What has Trump done besides making a mockery of the presidency?

Forum List
