Fourteen-year-old girl killed in Burlington Coat Factory

This kind of policing has to stop. The man was not armed with a gun. Cops start firing away with little or no concern where they are firing. If a suspect is firing on you, that is one thing but there is no reason to be firing in a situation like this.

Get someone there who can talk to him. Fire non lethal weapons. This idea that you will do as you are told, right now or we start blasting has to stop.

Los Angeles police fatally shot a 14-year-old girl who was in a clothing store dressing room Thursday when officers fired on an assault suspect and a bullet went through the wall and struck the girl, authorities said.

Girl, 14, killed by LA police in clothing store shooting | AP News
Ashli Babbitt would agree with you.
Perhaps the assailant was black? The shoppers, mostly black? So, no one there could really be considered an "innocent" bystander? If this resembles the actual scenario, even slightly, most white cops would feel free to lob a grenade at the suspect (if they carried them).

North Hollywood is a largely Latino neighborhood. It's damned unlikely that the majority of the shoppers where black. This looks like a bad shooting where an innocent bystander was killed.
Two things....

1) This kind of "shoot first" policing is dead wrong. There was no indication this man had a gun, in fact every indication he did not.
All they had to do was overwhelm the guy with numbers and no one would have died. An officers sidearm should not be used to apprehend an unarmed person in a closed room. That makes no sense.
2) This is what you get when your "justice" system is controlled by virtue signaling attention seekers who defund law enforcement, release violent offenders back on the streets DAILY.
He didn't have a gun; he had a bike lock on the end of a chain. That's a lethal weapon by any standard. Martial artists and Medieval warriors used similar weapons to good effect against opponents wearing chain mail armor.
You are deranged. I am talking common sense and the whole fucking world agrees with me. Get rid of your uns and you will live longer and happier lives.
If that's true, why are the British cops carrying more guns than ever before? Your criminal class is rapidly becoming more violent than our criminal class because they are far less likely to face armed opposition. Yes, you have fewer gun deaths NOW, but we have fewer home invasion robberies and other personal violence.
Because we had allowed where they were kept to deteriorate to atrocious conditions.
Mental hospitals always had atrocious conditions. That's what happens when you warehouse people who are mentally ill and often violent.
Mental hospitals always had atrocious conditions. That's what happens when you warehouse people who are mentally ill and often violent.

Sure, and instead of providing proper care we just released them. We had arms deals to deal with.
Los Angeles Police Department officers urged a colleague who shot and killed a suspect and a teen bystander inside a Burlington Coat Factory to "slow down" multiple times, body-camera footage released by the department on Monday showed.

Officers urged cop to 'slow down' before he fatally shot a suspect and 14-year-old girl inside a Burlington Coat Factory, body-camera footage shows

Isn't it going to be tough to convince people to just do what the cops tell you to do, when even they will not do that?
He didn't have a gun; he had a bike lock on the end of a chain. That's a lethal weapon by any standard. Martial artists and Medieval warriors used similar weapons to good effect against opponents wearing chain mail armor.
Well, post-medieval peasants did, and they had single hinge-like links rather than chains, and martial artists rarely go up against mail, and Kevlar is better against bludgeon attacks anyway, but that's all nitpicking. You're correct that it could kill someone, but aren't cops kind of out there to take down dangerous people with weapons?

I realize I'm Monday morning quarterbacking here, but they had numbers, armor, presumably nightsticks, and were thinking clearly. I have to think they could have at least considered removing their sidearms and taking him down in person.
Sure, and instead of providing proper care we just released them. We had arms deals to deal with.
You can't really treat the seriously mentally ill, all you can do is medicate and warehouse them. The ACLU sued to prevent the mentally ill from being locked up against their own will even when it was in their best interests. Under that ruling a mentally ill person must be an immediate and real threat to him/herself or others and even then, can only be confined until medication reduces the problem. The mentally ill generally stop taking their meds as soon as they are released. In your opinion, what's better, being safely warehoused, even under poor conditions, or living dangerously on the street at the mercy of criminals, other mentally ill and the weather?
Well, post-medieval peasants did, and they had single hinge-like links rather than chains, and martial artists rarely go up against mail, and Kevlar is better against bludgeon attacks anyway, but that's all nitpicking. You're correct that it could kill someone, but aren't cops kind of out there to take down dangerous people with weapons?

I realize I'm Monday morning quarterbacking here, but they had numbers, armor, presumably nightsticks, and were thinking clearly. I have to think they could have at least considered removing their sidearms and taking him down in person.
The tool you are thinking of is a flail and it was used to beat wheat to separate the wheat from the chaff.

LAPD doesn't have nightsticks anymore, too many criminals were being injured during arrests; they aren't allowed MagLites anymore either for the same reason.

I'm not saying LAPD did everything or even anything correct in this case. As I said, it looks like a bad shooting from what little I've seen. police are trained not to fire if it endangers bystanders, and the officer obviously couldn't see inside the dressing room.
Well, post-medieval peasants did, and they had single hinge-like links rather than chains, and martial artists rarely go up against mail, and Kevlar is better against bludgeon attacks anyway, but that's all nitpicking. You're correct that it could kill someone, but aren't cops kind of out there to take down dangerous people with weapons?

I realize I'm Monday morning quarterbacking here, but they had numbers, armor, presumably nightsticks, and were thinking clearly. I have to think they could have at least considered removing their sidearms and taking him down in person.
Knights and Men at Arms used a chain attached to a handle with a ball (sometimes spiked) on the end of the chain. I believe the spiked version was called a Morningstar. It would crush Chain Mail and even penetrate Plate Armor.
You can't really treat the seriously mentally ill, all you can do is medicate and warehouse them. The ACLU sued to prevent the mentally ill from being locked up against their own will even when it was in their best interests. Under that ruling a mentally ill person must be an immediate and real threat to him/herself or others and even then, can only be confined until medication reduces the problem. The mentally ill generally stop taking their meds as soon as they are released. In your opinion, what's better, being safely warehoused, even under poor conditions, or living dangerously on the street at the mercy of criminals, other mentally ill and the weather?

To note, John Nash had a mental illness. He treated himself. Or learned to live with it.

Mental illnesses may not go away but they can be treated.
What part was wrong for you?

Did the Officers have to use lethal rounds inside the store?

Are you saying the death of the fourteen year old is the fault of her, her parents, the store or even the criminal?

No, the officers had no reason to use lethal force but you will say they did while proclaiming the fourteen year old got what she deserved because let admit the truth you get a joy out of cop killings…
Should have called the social workers to talk to the felon who was beating people to a pulp.
Why was the cop so eager to start shooting in a crowed place? Was he paid to do this to defame police?
In a police state your response ids not to question why, but to justify the shooting asshole.

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