Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case

That would be sweet! And the Governor of Georgia cannot pardon trump.

Georgia is one of the four states (Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah) whose governor does not have the authority to grant clemency, although the governor retains indirect influence by virtue of his power to appoint board members.

I don't believe that the resident MAGA MAGGOTS understand that. Kemp has zero pardon power, they refuse to believe that.
I don't understand how these people are being charged under rico laws.
The prosecution is saying that that the defendant knew that there were no voter fraud crimes and therefore they were "conspiring to overturn the election".
These defendants were forced to choose between a possible prison term and bankruptcy or plead guilty and get probation.
This is really dirty politics.
This is about removing Trump from the 2024 election.
This is Election Rigging.
This is banana republic junta politics.
Dem Voters are too dumb to understand what the Democrat Party is doing to our country.

I understand what you're saying, but if what they (Georgia DA) are doing is legally wrong in prosecuting them in this fashion, then if they plead innocent and go to trial then it should all come out. So none of these people are willing to stick to their values and have the integrity to say I'm not guilty of anything, let's go to trial?
Yet it is the proven sexual abuser that has 4 indictments and 91 counts against him. So keep wishing bad for me and mine while your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King keeps sinking to the bottom!

I don't have to, you've already proven you're a stupid, vengeful, bitter mother fucker with a miserable life who's obsessed with someone that doesn't even know you're alive. The hate has rotted whatever brain you have, and has made you an ugly person, ugly to the core. You're already paying the price and you're too stupid to know it, and your children and grandchildren will pay for your stupidity.
I understand what you're saying, but if what they (Georgia DA) are doing is legally wrong in prosecuting them in this fashion, then if they plead innocent and go to trial then it should all come out. So none of these people are willing to stick to their values and have the integrity to say I'm not guilty of anything, let's go to trial?
well the plea deal is a sure thing, a trial is not a sure thing, especially if there are democrats on the jury
well the plea deal is a sure thing, a trial is not a sure thing, especially if there are democrats on the jury

Integrity, not pleading guilty to something you're not guilty of. If we had more integrity, the corrupt pieces of shit perpetrating this would not get away with what they do. The risks that were taken to found this country are not risks that anyone today is willing to take to save it, therefore it will die and corruption will win. Simple as that.
I understand what you're saying, but if what they (Georgia DA) are doing is legally wrong in prosecuting them in this fashion, then if they plead innocent and go to trial then it should all come out. So none of these people are willing to stick to their values and have the integrity to say I'm not guilty of anything, let's go to trial?
In law, it's generally assumed one does not plead guilty unless one fears being convicted, and really getting the kitchen sink in the head.

One could say the prosecution is "playing dirty pool," which imo is a safe bet most of the time. And the reality is the lower level (-: defendants can't afford the legal bills. But if Willis has the documents showing a conspiracy, and if mult witnesses testify Trump told them to lie, and he knew he lost, will magaworld accept it, or cling to the Big Lie.? I'm pretty sure it's the latter, and not the former.

So if Trump is shown to have conspired to overturn an election that he knew he lost .... and he wants another term ... too damn bad for him, and I hope they take Mar a Lago too.
WASHINGTON — A third attorney who falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump by fraud flipped Tuesday and agreed to cooperate in the Georgia criminal case against the ex-commander-in-chief — saying she had “deep remorse” for her actions.

Jenna Ellis, 38, tearfully said she “failed” to do “due diligence” on fraud claims pushed by Trump, 77, in swing states including Georgia — where President Biden beat Trump by fewer than 12,000 votes. She joined former Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro in also pleading guilty.

“I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states,” Ellis told Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee in court.

“What I did not do, but should have done your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence.”

This looks like a misuse of the rico law.
The charge is "conspiring to overturn the election".
Elections have been contested a lot of times.
I don't recall anyone ever being charged under a rico law.
So, if this is a precedence then it means elections can never be contested again.
This will be a huge win for the corrupt ballot box stuffing election rigging lying sacks of crap Democrats.
hey. this legal smeagol thinks he has it figured out.

doubtless by getting the advice from asocial media personalities posing as professors of ShamU, such as dogturd, poolturd, krakenturd et al.

if only you could offer your "expertise" to your parasitical overlord, then you could
hope for a plea deal and turn deep state evidence in the future, when you scumbags whine about getting caught trying to steal the STOLLEN [sic] 2024 election.

In law, it's generally assumed one does not plead guilty unless one fears being convicted, and really getting the kitchen sink in the head.

One could say the prosecution is "playing dirty pool," which imo is a safe bet most of the time. And the reality is the lower level (-: defendants can't afford the legal bills. But if Willis has the documents showing a conspiracy, and if mult witnesses testify Trump told them to lie, and he knew he lost, will magaworld accept it, or cling to the Big Lie.? I'm pretty sure it's the latter, and not the former.

So if Trump is shown to have conspired to overturn an election that he knew he lost .... and he wants another term ... too damn bad for him, and I hope they take Mar a Lago too.

Don't mistake me for being on your side, I'm far from it. I know exactly what's going on, no one will take a stand and push them to go all the way with their corruption, therefore allowing them to 'win'. It's a 'win' now for your side, but down the road, it's a loss for every American. I honestly hope your side wins everything coming down the pike, it won't be long until true misery sets in, and you'll all deserve every second of it. It's unfortunate that you have to take the rest of us down with you, but if that means an end to your corruption, so be it. Just take the name 'Trump' and substitute it for whoever the next R nominee is, regardless of that person's honesty, integrity, track record, sex, color, gender, that person will be smeared, lied about, and dragged through the mud just as much, if not worse than Trump ever was. Do you really think you're fooling anyone that this is about 'Trump'?
This looks like a misuse of the rico law.
The charge is "conspiring to overturn the election".
Elections have been contested a lot of times.
I don't recall anyone ever being charged under a rico law.
So, if this is a precedence then it means elections can never be contested again.
This will be a huge win for the corrupt ballot box stuffing election rigging lying sacks of crap Democrats.
YOur denials are getting more and more desperate. No election has ever been "contested" like this, and RICO is absolutly appropriate to the case at it was definitely a wide reaching conspiracy.

What it looks like to me is another shoe dropping on Cheeto Jesus.

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