Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case

This looks like a huge miscarriage of justice.
The corrupt Democrats are politicizing our justice system to use as their political weapon.
That in itself is election rigging.
Maybe Fani Willis should be charged with election rigging because all of this phony indictment stuff is about preventing Trump from being elected.
YOur thread loks a a weak attempt to get out in from pf bad news for your "side".
In law, it's generally assumed one does not plead guilty unless one fears being convicted, and really getting the kitchen sink in the head.

One could say the prosecution is "playing dirty pool," which imo is a safe bet most of the time. And the reality is the lower level (-: defendants can't afford the legal bills. But if Willis has the documents showing a conspiracy, and if mult witnesses testify Trump told them to lie, and he knew he lost, will magaworld accept it, or cling to the Big Lie.? I'm pretty sure it's the latter, and not the former.

So if Trump is shown to have conspired to overturn an election that he knew he lost .... and he wants another term ... too damn bad for him, and I hope they take Mar a Lago too.
The Dirty Democrats lie about everything, and they cheat all of the time.
There is plenty of evidence that the Dirty Democrats cheated in the 2020 election.
There are unexplainable statistical anomalies in the 2020 election.
This biggest unexplainable anomaly is Joe Biden getting 81 million votes.

All who have pleaded have NOT pled to any RICO but rather to misdemeanors or low-level felonies.

Thus the quality of the case going forward has taken a huge hit and possibly means the RICO charges will eventually get tossed by the court.
The Dirty Democrats lie about everything, and they cheat all of the time.
There is plenty of evidence that the Dirty Democrats cheated in the 2020 election.
There are unexplainable statistical anomalies in the 2020 election.
This biggest unexplainable anomaly is Joe Biden getting 81 million votes.

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hahahahaha. what a retarded loser. delete your account. and god bless you.
Don't mistake me for being on your side, I'm far from it. I know exactly what's going on, no one will take a stand and push them to go all the way with their corruption, therefore allowing them to 'win'. It's a 'win' now for your side, but down the road, it's a loss for every American. I honestly hope your side wins everything coming down the pike, it won't be long until true misery sets in, and you'll all deserve every second of it. It's unfortunate that you have to take the rest of us down with you, but if that means an end to your corruption, so be it. Just take the name 'Trump' and substitute it for whoever the next R nominee is, regardless of that person's honesty, integrity, track record, sex, color, gender, that person will be smeared, lied about, and dragged through the mud just as much, if not worse than Trump ever was. Do you really think you're fooling anyone that this is about 'Trump'?
I'm only a never trumper because of Jan 6. There were reasons to vote for him in 16.

But if there's evidence that he attempted to overturn an election he knew, or should have known, he lost ..... lock him up. I don't think Maga can accept that, regardless of proof.
WASHINGTON — A third attorney who falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump by fraud flipped Tuesday and agreed to cooperate in the Georgia criminal case against the ex-commander-in-chief — saying she had “deep remorse” for her actions.

Jenna Ellis, 38, tearfully said she “failed” to do “due diligence” on fraud claims pushed by Trump, 77, in swing states including Georgia — where President Biden beat Trump by fewer than 12,000 votes. She joined former Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro in also pleading guilty.

“I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states,” Ellis told Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee in court.

“What I did not do, but should have done your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence.”

This looks like a misuse of the rico law.
The charge is "conspiring to overturn the election".
Elections have been contested a lot of times.
I don't recall anyone ever being charged under a rico law.
So, if this is a precedence then it means elections can never be contested again.
This will be a huge win for the corrupt ballot box stuffing election rigging lying sacks of crap Democrats.

It is not the act of contesting an election that is illegal, it was the manner it was done.

I is not illegal for me to challenge a charge on my checking account with my bank, but it is illegal for me to go to my bank with a gun and demand the money back.
All who have pleaded have NOT pled to any RICO but rather to misdemeanors or low-level felonies.

Thus the quality of the case going forward has taken a huge hit and possibly means the RICO charges will eventually get tossed by the court.
They pled guilty to lesser charges because that's what plea bargaining is about. If they had been convicted of the RICO charges they would have been getting much more severe punishment.

It's beyond silly to think that this will make the RICO charges go away.
Another weak person willing to rat on Trump to save her own hide.
Not really. May be true but more likely.... Persecutors do this on purpose, they drain you dry.

She's a real butthead, huh?

From her wiki page

In 2003, Ellis enrolled at Cedarville University. While there, she received a "significant financial award" from a civil case related to her being a victim of a violent crime at age 16. She used the funds to set up a scholarship to benefit future Cedarville students.

If she lives in Colorado (??) or wherever and the trial is taking place in Atlanta, that can get really, really, really, REALLY expensive. Trump don't care. He's a Billionaire. Plus, I don't know for sure, but he might be able to convert some of his campaign contributions to Legal Defense. I'm also quite sure he's getting a lot of donations for his Legal Defense Team.

How much you think Jenna is getting? Prosecutors, being the scum of the Earth they are (Mike Nifong, anybody?) know they can bankrupt the little guys. They do it ALL the time. Every day.

This girl had to plead out. And maybe she wasn't too careful with what she signed, a 'process' crime. So.Fucking.What?

I bet you dimocrap SCUM are proud of yourselves. That is, when you're not protesting in favor of Hamas or tearing down Israeli kidnap victims' posters.

scum through and through
They pled guilty to lesser charges because that's what plea bargaining is about. If they had been convicted of the RICO charges they would have been getting much more severe punishment.

It's beyond silly to think that this will make the RICO charges go away.
I dunno about that. Powell opened up the floodgates, and the stream of lawyers copping pleas isn't done yet.

Trump was going to blame the lawyers of telling him it was legal to put up illegal electors. At some point, the legal bills are unsustainable ... for anyone (-: The irony here being trump and cohen used the same strategy for years so ....

but if Fanni is pointing a finger at you, and Trump joins in .... take the plea. I suspect they'll all lose their law licenses, but Trump fudked em anyway.

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