Fourth PP video released, it's bad

An adult heart, or any other organ that is donated for transplant or research calls for different procedures as well. It's what is required to get the most out of the gift of organ donation. Are you against all tissue donation?

I am very much in favor of tissue donation. But the adult heart is donated by the person it belongs to, and not against their will, and on the condition it is not harvested until after the donor dies a natural death. They were not murdered and then harvested.

Apples and oranges.

That's not what's happening.

First of all, abortion isn't murder.

Second nothing died.

Third the woman who had the abortion was counseled and signed legal forms to allow the tissue to be used for scientific research.

Nothing is harvested. Nothing is murdered. Words really have meaning and you're not using the correct words for what's happening.
You are also correct. Abortion isn't murder, because nothing died, because fetuses aren't alive. Planned Parenthood says so. You can absolutely decide that your child should stop living. No sane adult would find anything wrong with this. Nothing is harvested. Nothing is murdered. In the immortal words of Rush Limbaugh, "words have meaning".
What the pro-choicers are failing to grasp is that this is not so much about the legality of what Planned Parenthood is doing, but the sheer horror of the destruction of human bodies to harvest body parts in exchange for cash.

These videos absolutely destroy the "lump of cells" smoke and mirrors. It is undeniably human. The abortionists casually discuss livers and stomachs and whole brains. And at 9:04 in this latest video, as the abortionist sifts through the body parts, she supposedly says, "It's a baby." The audio is not very clear, but if that is what she actually says, it will be a devastating admission.

Here's the deal, kids: Half of Americans self-identify as "pro-life" and half self-identify as "pro-choice". But two thirds say they are opposed to second trimester abortions.

That means even many people who consider themselves pro-choice are in disagreement with the Roe v. Wade decision.

And what we see in these videos is the murder of second trimester babies and their organs being carefully picked over and traded for cash.

So forget whether this is legal or not. These revelations will wound the pro-choice movement.

The legality question is very much in play. The concept of compensation for costs vs. profit, and changing procedures for procurement of the tissue in a more whole condition are matters of fact for a court to decide.
Like I said, forget whether it is legal or not. The cold brutality of the abortionists in these videos will hurt the abortion movement. These videos bruise the conscience.

"It's a baby."

Then argue against abortion as you have been. Your lies about the donation of tissue is a completely different matter.
What lies have I told?


The lies you told were saying abortion is murder and that organs were harvested.

Abortion isn't murder. And the abortion wasn't performed to harvest anything.

Nothing was harvested.

Words have real meaning. You're using words that don't apply to this situation.

Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Abortion isn't illegal and by legal standards, it's not alive. It has no birth certificate or social security number.

No one is harvesting anything. Abortions are performed and some who have that procedure decide to donate the tissue for research.

That's what's happening. To put it in any other terms is lying.
The lies you told were saying abortion is murder and that organs were harvested.

Abortion isn't murder. And the abortion wasn't performed to harvest anything.

Nothing was harvested.

Words have real meaning. You're using words that don't apply to this situation.

Murder is the unlawful taking of a life. Abortion isn't illegal and by legal standards, it's not alive. It has no birth certificate or social security number.

No one is harvesting anything. Abortions are performed and some who have that procedure decide to donate the tissue for research.

That's what's happening. To put it in any other terms is lying.
You hit the nail on the head here twice. These are the exact things the anti-choice extremists don't understand. Law determines ethics. Assignment of an SSN is the determining factor in whether someone is inert matter or a living person. That's just all there is to it, and fuck whomever says otherwise because they're stupid because fuck them.
Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
What the pro-choicers are failing to grasp is that this is not so much about the legality of what Planned Parenthood is doing, but the sheer horror of the destruction of human bodies to harvest body parts in exchange for cash.

These videos absolutely destroy the "lump of cells" smoke and mirrors. It is undeniably human. The abortionists casually discuss livers and stomachs and whole brains. And at 9:04 in this latest video, as the abortionist sifts through the body parts, she supposedly says, "It's a baby." The audio is not very clear, but if that is what she actually says, it will be a devastating admission.

Here's the deal, kids: Half of Americans self-identify as "pro-life" and half self-identify as "pro-choice". But two thirds say they are opposed to second trimester abortions.

That means even many people who consider themselves pro-choice are in disagreement with the Roe v. Wade decision.

And what we see in these videos is the murder of second trimester babies and their organs being carefully picked over and traded for cash.

So forget whether this is legal or not. These revelations will wound the pro-choice movement.

The legality question is very much in play. The concept of compensation for costs vs. profit, and changing procedures for procurement of the tissue in a more whole condition are matters of fact for a court to decide.

An adult heart, or any other organ that is donated for transplant or research calls for different procedures as well. It's what is required to get the most out of the gift of organ donation. Are you against all tissue donation?

Except there is a law that states providers cannot change procedures in order to improve harvesting when it comes to fetal tissue, and a law saying the places cannot profit from it. All PP has to do is show it does not change procedures due to harvesting, and//or show the costs of the tissue recoveries vs. what they actually charge.

I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

It's the same care they take when a woman goes through invetro treatments.

Great care is taken with those embryos so they're not harmed. Not just for the pregnancy but for future storage and donation to research.

They do that because the left over embryos are mostly donated to research the same way aborted tissue is donated.

It's standard procedure. Though obviously none of those right wingers have any clue about medical procedures or science.

I guess IVF doctors and everyone who handles those embryos are harvesting organs and are criminals too.

The anti choice/anti life people are lying and anyone who takes even the smallest look at all this sees the truth and walks away from the crazy anti choice/anti life people.
Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?
As the Hill would say, "What difference does it make?!!" The PP talked about low balling the price and wanted the buyer to start the bidding!

Utter nonsense!

There is never any "bidding" for tissue samples.

You have been completely and utterly duped.

Watch again from the beginning and see who brings up pricing first.

Who mentions intact fetuses? What does PP say in response? They do D&C's and the only intact fetuses they see are when the woman arrives after spontaneously aborting her own fetus.

The phony buyers bring up the details about the body parts too.

It is all edited to make it appear as though it is PP but it is the phony "buyers" who do all the talking about those aspects.
Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.
Did you watch the tapes? And you still deny what is happening??? You are amazing.

Yes, I watched the video.

Were you duped into believing everything in that illicit edited video scam?

Because it was very well edited and it made it appear that PP was doing something illegal.

So without the video everything's a-ok? Maybe they can round you up a heart...

The reality was that the phony "buyers" were deceiving you and PP.

So without the videos, everything is a-ok? Maybe they can round you up a heart....
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Do you scum know what this means (in red)

In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Ginde at the abortion-clinic headquarters of PPRM in Denver to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs. When the actors request intact fetal specimens, Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.”
Welcome to Spontaneous Abortion, closely related to Miscarriage. Look them up.

Spontaneous Abortion is the EXACT same thing as a miscarriage.

One is the medical term and the other the non medical term.

That's the only difference.
As the Hill would say, "What difference does it make?!!" The PP talked about low balling the price and wanted the buyer to start the bidding!

Utter nonsense!

There is never any "bidding" for tissue samples.

You have been completely and utterly duped.

Watch again from the beginning and see who brings up pricing first.

Who mentions intact fetuses? What does PP say in response? They do D&C's and the only intact fetuses they see are when the woman arrives after spontaneously aborting her own fetus.

The phony buyers bring up the details about the body parts too.

It is all edited to make it appear as though it is PP but it is the phony "buyers" who do all the talking about those aspects.
Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.
Utter nonsense!

There is never any "bidding" for tissue samples.

You have been completely and utterly duped.

Watch again from the beginning and see who brings up pricing first.

Who mentions intact fetuses? What does PP say in response? They do D&C's and the only intact fetuses they see are when the woman arrives after spontaneously aborting her own fetus.

The phony buyers bring up the details about the body parts too.

It is all edited to make it appear as though it is PP but it is the phony "buyers" who do all the talking about those aspects.
Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.
His hypocrisy turns my stomach. He goes on rants calling the right haters and such, but his very screen name is Italian for I despise you.
I answered him for years, tried to educate him but my time is too valuable to me to spend it educating the ineducable.
How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.

Then why did they blur out her face so you couldn't see her expressions?

I can think of two reasons, maybe they actually respect her privacy while hating what she does, and two, there may have been more restrictions on recording a person's full image as opposed to their voice in the jurisdiction they were in, and this group seems to be very legally savvy.

Or they are just dishonest and know that her expressions will expose the fact that what they are asking are leading questions.

The reason why the faces were not exposed is because no one signed a consent giving the criminal recorders the right to record the conversation and didn't give signed consent to use their image on TV.

Which shows that the people who made the recording didn't follow standard industry policy of not breaking the law by not informing and receiving consent to do the recording and not obtaining written permission to use it on TV.

Which shows that the people who did the recording aren't professionals nor do they bother to find out what the laws are in each state before they made the recordings. Which again, is a violation of standard industry policy.

I've worked on several TV shows, DVDs and movies. EVERYONE on camera must sign a release to use their image and consents to the recording. I've signed that form.

This whole thing is nothing but one big crime. The criminals are the people who did the recording. I sure hope that they're prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Only by your biased opinion. Science says it is a human being in development that has not reached the point of being classified as an actual human being. Science and the Constitution say you are just trying to impose your non scientific beliefs on the rest of us by making up new definitions of words and distorting science. Those beliefs are based in religious interpretations, hence you are no better than fundamentalist who force Sharia law on Muslims.
They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?
It's quite easy, really, to avoid such a trap. You simply don't leave any doors open. "Planned Parenthood follows the law by accepting compensation that only covers the cost of transporting the dead baby parts" would have stopped the whole thing right there. That's not what happened, though, is it? When the exec starts talking about charging different prices for different dead baby parts, she's gone into profit territory. If PP's policy is to NOT do that, then saying so is easy.
Last edited:
Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.
His hypocrisy turns my stomach. He goes on rants calling the right haters and such, but his very screen name is Italian for I despise you.
I answered him for years, tried to educate him but my time is too valuable to me to spend it educating the ineducable.
You're probably right.
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Only by your biased opinion. Science says it is a human being in development that has not reached the point of being classified as an actual human being. Science and the Constitution say you are just trying to impose your non scientific beliefs on the rest of us by making up new definitions of words and distorting science. Those beliefs are based in religious interpretations, hence you are no better than fundamentalist who force Sharia law on Muslims.
Oh brother...
Utter nonsense!

There is never any "bidding" for tissue samples.

You have been completely and utterly duped.

Watch again from the beginning and see who brings up pricing first.

Who mentions intact fetuses? What does PP say in response? They do D&C's and the only intact fetuses they see are when the woman arrives after spontaneously aborting her own fetus.

The phony buyers bring up the details about the body parts too.

It is all edited to make it appear as though it is PP but it is the phony "buyers" who do all the talking about those aspects.
Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.

Oh the irony!


You have been deceived by the OP video and having had the deception pointed out to you and your refusing to address it that makes you an accomplice after the fact to this vile deception.

But somehow my "statements" are "empty" even though they expose exactly where and how you have been deceived?

Run along and play with little Urni. I am sure you two can lick your wounds together and call nasty old DT names behind his back because that wouldn't be "cowardly" on your part!

Look, you cannot deny there was a discussion about price and the PP person brought up the fact they wanted the buyer to bid first because they didn't want to get low balled.

It does not make any difference who brought up what first. It was discussed and a price settled upon.
You have no leg to stand on. Maybe you can get one from PP, sicko.

You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.

Oh the irony!


You have been deceived by the OP video and having had the deception pointed out to you and your refusing to address it that makes you an accomplice after the fact to this vile deception.

But somehow my "statements" are "empty" even though they expose exactly where and how you have been deceived?

Run along and play with little Urni. I am sure you two can lick your wounds together and call nasty old DT names behind his back because that wouldn't be "cowardly" on your part!

Oh, I wouldn't have to say anything behind your back. It's hard to take you seriously because you cannot address facts. I have come to the conclusion that you are and will remain clueless. I'll spend my time with someone who can conceive of a honest dialogue.
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Only by your biased opinion. Science says it is a human being in development that has not reached the point of being classified as an actual human being. Science and the Constitution say you are just trying to impose your non scientific beliefs on the rest of us by making up new definitions of words and distorting science. Those beliefs are based in religious interpretations, hence you are no better than fundamentalist who force Sharia law on Muslims.

Science used to think there were only 3 dimensions! :) Whenever science makes a new discovery it usually proves their last big idea was wrong. Is the atom really the smallest thing in the universe? :)

Some of the babies we kill are one push away from being a fully born human. 1 push away. Partial means enough is pushed out to slit it's neck. It's DNA is as unique as yours, while it struggles to breathe, and live.

An atheist can come to the same decision by way of humanity, and compassion.

To sell parts you have to acquire parts. If these were puppy parts, you'd go insane. Religion has nothing to do with it. A sense of wrong has everything to do with it.
You have been deceived by the editing in the video and now you refuse to look at the evidence of how you been deceived.

That says volumes about your lack of honesty and integrity.

The video is nothing more than a con job and those who are gullible are obviously falling for it which means the deceivers achieve their nefarious goal.

Ever heard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true?

Well this is a classic example.

You just refuse to open your eyes and your mind because you want to believe these lies.

That makes you no better than the perpetrators of this con job.

At least I can still look myself in the eye.
You did not address anything in my post. That says volumes about your honesty and integrity.
I put those lacking intellectual integrity on ignore.
Thank you, Ernie. But I cannot let his cowardice and empty statements go unanswered.

Oh the irony!


You have been deceived by the OP video and having had the deception pointed out to you and your refusing to address it that makes you an accomplice after the fact to this vile deception.

But somehow my "statements" are "empty" even though they expose exactly where and how you have been deceived?

Run along and play with little Urni. I am sure you two can lick your wounds together and call nasty old DT names behind his back because that wouldn't be "cowardly" on your part!

Oh, I wouldn't have to say anything behind your back. It's hard to take you seriously because you cannot address facts. I have come to the conclusion that you are and will remain clueless. I'll spend my time with someone who can conceive of a honest dialogue.
Well said!

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