Fourth PP video released, it's bad

PP is a non profit organisation and always will be.

Check their tax returns and see if you can find any "profits".
You've got to be kidding!

Seriously, PP is Tea Party?!

View attachment 46095

Do you need an adult to explain to you what non-profit and not-for-profit means?

Or are you just here for the opportunity the OP provides to expose your ignorance on this topic?
How to Make Money With a Nonprofit Organization

Nonprofit corporations, by definition, exist not to make money but to fulfill one of the purposes recognized by federal law: charitable, educational, religious, scientific or literary activities. Under federal tax law and state corporate statutes, however, as long as a nonprofit corporation is organized and operated for a recognized nonprofit purpose, it can take in more money than it expends in conducting its activities. In other words, it can make a profit.

Nonprofit Corporations Can Do Good Works and Make Money Too Non-Profit Article
So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.
I bet if pp tried to win them over to God, instead of an abortion. You would demand their federal funding cut immediately.

1st Amendment separation of church and state is off topic. Please stick to the OP and not derail the thread.
There is no separation of church and state dumbass. There is the first amendment of free speech.
PP is a non profit organisation and always will be.

Check their tax returns and see if you can find any "profits".
You've got to be kidding!

Seriously, PP is Tea Party?!

View attachment 46095

Do you need an adult to explain to you what non-profit and not-for-profit means?

Or are you just here for the opportunity the OP provides to expose your ignorance on this topic?

If you hit the lottery for 500 million + and people started sending you millions in the mail, and you hit the other, you don't have to pay taxes on all that, lottery, would you consider it profit or loss? Profit means gain:

Financial gain from a transaction or from a period of investment or business activity, usually calculated as income in excess of costs or as the final value of an ...

When you "profit" you buy Lamborghinis.......
So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.

Try being a young pregnant girl walking in their office wanting to keep your baby and needing an OBGYN.

They will not help you. Period.

Prove it!


I talk to them and girls that have talked to them everyday.

They will not provide referral information on OBGYN's to women wanting to keep their babies.

Pregnancy tests and abortions... That's it.
The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

The video reeks of desperation.

So that means you are against ANY investigative reporting involving deception, right?

This wasn't investigative reporting. It was a choreographed farce.
How much do you suppose the PP actors were paid to throw their organization under the bus like that?

To my knowledge -- every one of those interviewed were confirmed as employees or there at the clinics by agreement thru PP.. Topic is serious enough without all the drama and denials of fact.. If they were "informers" -- they seemed very happy with their jobs..
Which of course makes it much more difficult to support the claim that the video is "a choreographed farce".
The woman was whining; You're going to make this election about ABORTION. how dare you...when all they do is make elections about race, abortion so war on womeeen. You'll be seeing that from them again. mark my words

‘I Can’t Sit Here Anymore and Listen!’: TV Segment Skids to a Stop After Conservative Pundit Invokes Abortion During Debate on Cecil the Lion

all of here:
I Can t Sit Here Anymore and Listen TV Segment Skids to a Stop After Conservative Pundit Invokes Abortion During Debate on Cecil the Lion Video
Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.

Try being a young pregnant girl walking in their office wanting to keep your baby and needing an OBGYN.

They will not help you. Period.

Prove it!


I talk to them and girls that have talked to them everyday.

They will not provide referral information on OBGYN's to women wanting to keep their babies.

Pregnancy tests and abortions... That's it.

Your personal anecdotes are not factual data.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
It's funny that pro-abortionist have always argued that these weren't babies, they were zygotes or fetuses and the like. But now you have PP talking about specific body parts like hearts, livers, lungs destroys the whole argument that these aren't human beings but they're merely globs of unwanted tissue.
No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people.
You lie to yourself more than most people do,interesting!! you should get help.
There are no pro-abortion people.
Yourself, Desidero Te, Candycorn, Statistikhengst, Skylar, mamooth, Dragonfly... Those are just the names that immediately come to mind from this specific forum.
Same response to you, drop the emotions and make rational responses instead. Abortion is safe, legal, and necessary at times. That's as far as it goes.
Move along, nothing to see here. Return to your homes, all is secure.

"I am not a crook"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

Sure, nothing to see, just look the other way.
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Lame, SassssyIrishLame. The park owners and Zimbabwe government did not give Palmer permission to kill Cecil, you stupid twit.
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

These idiots are just now learning how to operate the video on their iPhones. They have no idea how film editors can weave a perfect lie when they have enough footage.
You do know the long version is posted as well, don't you?
So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.

Try being a young pregnant girl walking in their office wanting to keep your baby and needing an OBGYN.

They will not help you. Period.
Sorry, but that is simply a BIG FAT LIE....

OBGYN's are available to all and affordable under Obamacare, all the more reason not to need abortion clinics swarming the ghetto.
That girl sat in class and listened to representatives from PP lecture on the benefits of not wanting to keep it.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.
Did you watch the tapes? And you still deny what is happening??? You are amazing.
There are no pro-abortion people.
Yourself, Desidero Te, Candycorn, Statistikhengst, Skylar, mamooth, Dragonfly... Those are just the names that immediately come to mind from this specific forum.
Same response to you, drop the emotions and make rational responses instead. Abortion is safe, legal, and necessary at times. That's as far as it goes.
Move along, nothing to see here. Return to your homes, all is secure.

"I am not a crook"
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

Sure, nothing to see, just look the other way.

"It was an Anti-Islamic video"
"I needed my own email server because I only use one phone"
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
"If Iran violates the agreement, we have snap back sanctions"
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".
Where did she insist there was a simple flat fee that covered only the cost of transportation? I think I missed that part.

Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

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