Fourth PP video released, it's bad

That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?

PP is a non profit organisation and always will be.

Check their tax returns and see if you can find any "profits".
Nonprofit doesn't necessarily mean they don't make one, it's what they do with a profit that counts.
You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.
The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go.

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.

Try being a young pregnant girl walking in their office wanting to keep your baby and needing an OBGYN.

They will not help you. Period.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.
Could you tell me how they managed to get a dialogue recorded about price if they weren't selling and buying?
Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.
The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go.
I met and had a nice long talk years ago with a young women that had survived a saline abortion attempt.She was a very enlightening person. She has some health problems from the attempt on her life,but isn't bitter.I walked away a different person. These are people just like all of us,evry single one,every single time.
People that deny this indisputable fact,are ether just plain bad people,or are so deluded,they can convince themselves,that they are NOT killing another human being.
Nope, entirely untrue. Even when fully formed and breathing, you might just have a body waiting for its organs to be put to better use. Life is brutal. Now you know.
Tbch I've been waiting since yesterday for you to act on your belief that you get to decide who's worthy of personhood and who isn't and decide I don't get that privilege anymore. Since life is brutal, you know?
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.
Did you support Kermit Gosnel?
It's funny that pro-abortionist have always argued that these weren't babies, they were zygotes or fetuses and the like. But now you have PP talking about specific body parts like hearts, livers, lungs destroys the whole argument that these aren't human beings but they're merely globs of unwanted tissue.
No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
Nope, entirely untrue. Even when fully formed and breathing, you might just have a body waiting for its organs to be put to better use. Life is brutal. Now you know.
Tbch I've been waiting since yesterday for you to act on your belief that you get to decide who's worthy of personhood and who isn't and decide I don't get that privilege anymore. Since life is brutal, you know?
Not "me", "we"...
It's funny that pro-abortionist have always argued that these weren't babies, they were zygotes or fetuses and the like. But now you have PP talking about specific body parts like hearts, livers, lungs destroys the whole argument that these aren't human beings but they're merely globs of unwanted tissue.
No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people.
It's funny that pro-abortionist have always argued that these weren't babies, they were zygotes or fetuses and the like. But now you have PP talking about specific body parts like hearts, livers, lungs destroys the whole argument that these aren't human beings but they're merely globs of unwanted tissue.
No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people.

Yes there are, they just prefer to call themselves pro-choice because it sounds better than the truth.
The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.
The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go.

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

The OP is about exposing the brutal practices of planned parenthood. If you ran a car repair shop and ran out of car parts, what would you do? You'd go looking for more parts..... Planned parenthood is in the parts business. That they were exposed is the least of a moral persons problem. WHAT was exposed is the real issue. Welcome to transparency. I know it's foreign to you, but try....

You can lie about PP all you like but it won't alter reality.

PP is in the business of women's healthcare.

Trying to shut down the 97% of their healthcare to women business because of the 3% service that you don't like is disingenuous.

Try being a young pregnant girl walking in their office wanting to keep your baby and needing an OBGYN.

They will not help you. Period.

Prove it!

No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people.

Yes there are, they just prefer to call themselves pro-choice because it sounds better than the truth.

Yep, and they prefer to call their babies a clump of cells so they can live with themselves when they have them sucked out
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.
Could you tell me how they managed to get a dialogue recorded about price if they weren't selling and buying?

They were asking about tissue samples. They offered to pay for them. PP donates tissue samples to genuine research organizations. They weren't to know that they were dealing with a bunch of deceitful anti-rights zealots trying to entrap them.
No one, who knows anything, uses that argument, except Pro-Lifers, who don't know anything.

Oh please, I've heard that argument for the past twenty years. You are lying POS.

You are dismissed.
You haven't heard it from anyone, who knew anything at all. I can't help if you spend your life talking to fucking stupid people, which is what I'm doing when I'm talking to you...

Thanks for clarifying what I knew all along, that pro abortion people are stupid.
There are no pro-abortion people.

Yes there are, they just prefer to call themselves pro-choice because it sounds better than the truth.
Rational you are not, like just then. Drop the emotions and then you might be able to make an argument. I'd be perfectly happy with no abortions, but that ain't gonna happen on this planet.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.
Could you tell me how they managed to get a dialogue recorded about price if they weren't selling and buying?

They were asking about tissue samples. They offered to pay for them. PP donates tissue samples to genuine research organizations. They weren't to know that they were dealing with a bunch of deceitful anti-rights zealots trying to entrap them.

Just fucking stop, just stop. Any thinking person sees exactly what is going on
There are no pro-abortion people.
Yourself, Desidero Te, Candycorn, Statistikhengst, Skylar, mamooth, Dragonfly... Those are just the names that immediately come to mind from this specific forum.
Same response to you, drop the emotions and make rational responses instead. Abortion is safe, legal, and necessary at times. That's as far as it goes.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.
Did you support Kermit Gosnel?

No, what he was doing was illegal and he deserved to be prosecuted and jailed.
Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.

The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.
She said one had the baby before the procedure could be done. That is murder.

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