Fourth PP video released, it's bad


Yesterday, Truth Revolt reported on the new "attack by extremists" message that was up at the Planned Parenthood websites in place of their usual content. The message on the page included a button that transferred the user to Facebook for a message about the site being unavailable due to a cyber attack.

However, during the time that the site was supposedly down from an attack, portions of the website actually remained online and available. The donation parts.

The Federalist writes:

all of it here:
Planned Parenthood s Planned Extremist Attack Truth Revolt
Who first raised the subject of paying for the tissue donations?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

Who asked about "intact fetuses first"?

PP or the deceitful "buyers"?

This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Only by your biased opinion. Science says it is a human being in development that has not reached the point of being classified as an actual human being. Science and the Constitution say you are just trying to impose your non scientific beliefs on the rest of us by making up new definitions of words and distorting science. Those beliefs are based in religious interpretations, hence you are no better than fundamentalist who force Sharia law on Muslims.

Science used to think there were only 3 dimensions! :) Whenever science makes a new discovery it usually proves their last big idea was wrong. Is the atom really the smallest thing in the universe? :)

Some of the babies we kill are one push away from being a fully born human. 1 push away. Partial means enough is pushed out to slit it's neck. It's DNA is as unique as yours, while it struggles to breathe, and live.

An atheist can come to the same decision by way of humanity, and compassion.

To sell parts you have to acquire parts. If these were puppy parts, you'd go insane. Religion has nothing to do with it. A sense of wrong has everything to do with it.

Are their a lot of atheist that are anti choice activist and proponents? Anyhow, it if is not a religious concern that pushes this anti freedom for women to control their health and futures, it is a moral one. So, what gives you the right to push your beliefs on others?
This is one case where, "WHAT DIFFERENCE COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE?" actually does apply. It has to stop.
How you found out what they are doing, doesn't diminish what they are doing. Concentrate on the big issue here. The one where they are sifting through dead infant parts for goodies.
You are misusing the word infant. Those globs of gooey cells in a dish are not infants.
They were before they were gooey cells in a dish. When they can point to legs, hearts and brains, it's no longer a "thing" it's a human being.
Only by your biased opinion. Science says it is a human being in development that has not reached the point of being classified as an actual human being. Science and the Constitution say you are just trying to impose your non scientific beliefs on the rest of us by making up new definitions of words and distorting science. Those beliefs are based in religious interpretations, hence you are no better than fundamentalist who force Sharia law on Muslims.

Science used to think there were only 3 dimensions! :) Whenever science makes a new discovery it usually proves their last big idea was wrong. Is the atom really the smallest thing in the universe? :)

Some of the babies we kill are one push away from being a fully born human. 1 push away. Partial means enough is pushed out to slit it's neck. It's DNA is as unique as yours, while it struggles to breathe, and live.

An atheist can come to the same decision by way of humanity, and compassion.

To sell parts you have to acquire parts. If these were puppy parts, you'd go insane. Religion has nothing to do with it. A sense of wrong has everything to do with it.

Are their a lot of atheist that are anti choice activist and proponents? Anyhow, it if is not a religious concern that pushes this anti freedom for women to control their health and futures, it is a moral one. So, what gives you the right to push your beliefs on others?

Anti freedom for women, please. I am one.
You can control your health with the doctor you got to keep. And it is affordable now and for everyone....

Yesterday, Truth Revolt reported on the new "attack by extremists" message that was up at the Planned Parenthood websites in place of their usual content. The message on the page included a button that transferred the user to Facebook for a message about the site being unavailable due to a cyber attack.

However, during the time that the site was supposedly down from an attack, portions of the website actually remained online and available. The donation parts.

The Federalist writes:

all of it here:
Planned Parenthood s Planned Extremist Attack Truth Revolt
Thanks. Now we know Planned Parenthood is seeking public assistance. Guess folks can help out if they want to help out. Surprises you want to be so helpful to them.
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.
Clearly did not watch video, read article, or is aware of the law.

No...... 'dimocrap scum' covers it. No need to explain it any further than that

Planned Parenthood doc: Must make fetus harvesting look like research

NEW UNDERCOVER VIDEO SHOWS Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains medical director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing the importance of couching the harvesting of fetal tissue as 'research,' not 'business' — then casually poking around a petri dish of aborted remains as a colleague exclaims, 'Another boy!'

Not research? Exactly what uses are there for tissues other than for research?
Obviously dead fetus tissue is being put into the food supply!

Oh God, don't say that, or Fox will have it's it's lead story tomorrow.
What the pro-choicers are failing to grasp is that this is not so much about the legality of what Planned Parenthood is doing, but the sheer horror of the destruction of human bodies to harvest body parts in exchange for cash.

These videos absolutely destroy the "lump of cells" smoke and mirrors. It is undeniably human. The abortionists casually discuss livers and stomachs and whole brains. And at 9:04 in this latest video, as the abortionist sifts through the body parts, she supposedly says, "It's a baby." The audio is not very clear, but if that is what she actually says, it will be a devastating admission.

Here's the deal, kids: Half of Americans self-identify as "pro-life" and half self-identify as "pro-choice". But two thirds say they are opposed to second trimester abortions.

That means even many people who consider themselves pro-choice are in disagreement with the Roe v. Wade decision.

And what we see in these videos is the murder of second trimester babies and their organs being carefully picked over and traded for cash.

So forget whether this is legal or not. These revelations will wound the pro-choice movement.

The legality question is very much in play. The concept of compensation for costs vs. profit, and changing procedures for procurement of the tissue in a more whole condition are matters of fact for a court to decide.
Like I said, forget whether it is legal or not. The cold brutality of the abortionists in these videos will hurt the abortion movement. These videos bruise the conscience.

"It's a baby."

Then argue against abortion as you have been. Your lies about the donation of tissue is a completely different matter.
What lies have I told?


The lies you told were saying abortion is murder and that organs were harvested.

Abortion isn't murder. And the abortion wasn't performed to harvest anything.

Nothing was harvested.

Abortion is murder and organs are most certainly being harvested. Livers, brains, stomachs.

No lies from me. Sorry.
An adult heart, or any other organ that is donated for transplant or research calls for different procedures as well. It's what is required to get the most out of the gift of organ donation. Are you against all tissue donation?

I am very much in favor of tissue donation. But the adult heart is donated by the person it belongs to, and not against their will, and on the condition it is not harvested until after the donor dies a natural death. They were not murdered and then harvested.

Apples and oranges.

That's not what's happening.

First of all, abortion isn't murder.

Second nothing died.

Third the woman who had the abortion was counseled and signed legal forms to allow the tissue to be used for scientific research.

Nothing is harvested. Nothing is murdered. Words really have meaning and you're not using the correct words for what's happening.

Have you noticed how all of those who have been deceived by the video are emoting instead of thinking for themselves?

The video was intended to inflame their senses and shut down their rational thinking abilities and, unfortunately, it works all too well on the most gullible.

They want to believe the lies.

They've been doing it for years. Just look at posts on this board. Some crazy right winger posts crazy lies, the right wingers take the bait and run with it. The lies are exposed with the honest truth and the right wingers prefer the lies and prefer to keep repeating the lies.

It seems to me that most of their beliefs are built on lies and they're fine with it.

But if you have to lie, how valid is your point?
The legality question is very much in play. The concept of compensation for costs vs. profit, and changing procedures for procurement of the tissue in a more whole condition are matters of fact for a court to decide.
Like I said, forget whether it is legal or not. The cold brutality of the abortionists in these videos will hurt the abortion movement. These videos bruise the conscience.

"It's a baby."

Then argue against abortion as you have been. Your lies about the donation of tissue is a completely different matter.
What lies have I told?


The lies you told were saying abortion is murder and that organs were harvested.

Abortion isn't murder. And the abortion wasn't performed to harvest anything.

Nothing was harvested.

Abortion is murder and organs are most certainly being harvested. Livers, brains, stomachs.

No lies from me. Sorry.

Murder is the illegal act of taking someone's life.

Abortion isn't illegal so it's not murder. Plus there's no life to kill.

You can believe what you want but it doesn't make what you want to believe true or factual or legal.

Organs aren't being harvested anymore than residual embryos from IVF treatments are harvesting organs.

I had IVF treatments, I had to be counseled about the donation program. I had to fill out the forms. All of which are the exact same as for abortions.

So if you want to tell me that residual embryos from IVF treatments that are donated to research is harvesting organs you're really reaching. Just as you're reaching about saying aborted tissue is harvesting organs.

You're usually a very level headed person. I'm surprised that you actually believe the lies. I guess you really hate abortion.

Whether you hate abortion or not doesn't give anyone the right to lie and slander an organization. Nor does it give anyone the right to break the law and record someone without their knowledge or consent.
It looks liberals are acting like the three monkeys, "See no evil", "Hear no evil" "Speak no evil."

Calling people a liar when they've just proved what they said, well that's not ignorance, it is a form of detachment from the real world.
That is really dumb, but you already know that. Nobody is denying they participate with donating tissue.
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

Now they have been promoted to "journalists"? :eek:

But I gather you must now be all in favor of the NSA secretly wiretapping all of your calls, right?

After all you so support this secret taping of PP, right?

So that makes the NSA secretly wiretapping your phone acceptable by your own standards?

Because if it isn't then I would hate to have to call you the "H-word". :eek:

But let's put that aside and deal with the actual dishonesty that is occurring in these videos.

You know, the part where you are being deceived by these phony "buyers" into believing that PP is breaking the law.

Shall we have a substantive discussion on the fact that is not happening in reality?

Or is your mind already closed on that subject?
You can't be serious.
They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

Now they have been promoted to "journalists"? :eek:

But I gather you must now be all in favor of the NSA secretly wiretapping all of your calls, right?

After all you so support this secret taping of PP, right?

So that makes the NSA secretly wiretapping your phone acceptable by your own standards?

Because if it isn't then I would hate to have to call you the "H-word". :eek:

But let's put that aside and deal with the actual dishonesty that is occurring in these videos.

You know, the part where you are being deceived by these phony "buyers" into believing that PP is breaking the law.

Shall we have a substantive discussion on the fact that is not happening in reality?

Or is your mind already closed on that subject?
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

They also release the unedited versions, so that dog isn't going to hunt.
It didn't hunt before. The "heavily edited" meme is just a smoke screen to hide their sheer terror.

I have to wonder at people who would, in the face of such atrocity, defend their ideological stance right to the bitter end.

What ever happened to the notion and sensible, "I still support choice, but this just goes to far and we need to end this aspect of it"

So bitterly married to their ideology that they will actually defend this....and attack a group of people who are exposing this ghoulish behavior by PP.

This drives home the very notion that they are not to be reasoned with......nor tolerated.
They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

Now they have been promoted to "journalists"? :eek:

But I gather you must now be all in favor of the NSA secretly wiretapping all of your calls, right?

After all you so support this secret taping of PP, right?

So that makes the NSA secretly wiretapping your phone acceptable by your own standards?

Because if it isn't then I would hate to have to call you the "H-word". :eek:

But let's put that aside and deal with the actual dishonesty that is occurring in these videos.

You know, the part where you are being deceived by these phony "buyers" into believing that PP is breaking the law.

Shall we have a substantive discussion on the fact that is not happening in reality?

Or is your mind already closed on that subject?
I knew you were stupid, but wow....

You don't even know the difference between a government and a private organization.
Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

Now they have been promoted to "journalists"? :eek:

But I gather you must now be all in favor of the NSA secretly wiretapping all of your calls, right?

After all you so support this secret taping of PP, right?

So that makes the NSA secretly wiretapping your phone acceptable by your own standards?

Because if it isn't then I would hate to have to call you the "H-word". :eek:

But let's put that aside and deal with the actual dishonesty that is occurring in these videos.

You know, the part where you are being deceived by these phony "buyers" into believing that PP is breaking the law.

Shall we have a substantive discussion on the fact that is not happening in reality?

Or is your mind already closed on that subject?
I knew you were stupid, but wow....

You don't even know the difference between a government and a private organization.

So you support someone spying on you just as long as it isn't the government?

And when they post an edited video of you on the internet engaging in "illegal activities" you would have no problem with that because it wasn't the "government" who did it to you?
If they were 'donating' tissue, then why were they selling it.

You are among the dimmest bulbs, aren't you?

They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :
They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :


This is the part that explains why it is happening.

According to the New York Times:

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014 with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.

Researchers say fetal tissue is a uniquely rich source of the stem cells that give rise to tissues and organs, and that studying how they develop can provide clues about how to grow replacements for parts of the body that have failed

“Think of fetal tissue as a kind of instruction booklet,” said Sheldon Miller, the scientific director of the intramural research program at the National Eye Institute.

“We couldn’t get this information any other way,” Dr. Miller said. He said the eye institute bought fetal tissue from a company, created specialized cultures of retinal tissue from it and sent them to other researchers.

Read more at Fetal Tissue Sales

The quandry is that out of the tragedy that is abortion comes a better life for others who might otherwise suffer or die.

Does it justify it?


Is it better than just discarding it and gaining no benefit at all?


The moral issue for some is black and white. For others it is more nuanced.

Speaking only for myself I understand the agonizing that a woman must undergo to make a hard decision like this and if she finds some solace in donating the fetal tissue to research then sobeit.

It is her decision and her's alone. No one else can make it for her and no one else should deprive her of this choice either.

I will support both choices because both are equally valid for the individual women involved. They have to live with themselves.

And in some small way I have to be honest and thank the people who created this video for giving us all the opportunity for having this discussion.
They weren't selling it. The phony "buyers" are deceiving you into believing that PP is "selling tissue" because that is illegal.

This is a con job and you are being duped.

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :
We've been through this with ACORN. Debunked, my ass.

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