Fourth PP video released, it's bad

Tissue is being exchanged, money is changing hands. All PP has to show is that the $$ covered costs, and only covered costs, and they are free and clear.

If they can't, and it shows they charged more than it cost them, wouldn't you agree that that would be "profiting" from the transaction, and that would make the transaction illegal?
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :


This is the part that explains why it is happening.

According to the New York Times:

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014 with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.

Researchers say fetal tissue is a uniquely rich source of the stem cells that give rise to tissues and organs, and that studying how they develop can provide clues about how to grow replacements for parts of the body that have failed

“Think of fetal tissue as a kind of instruction booklet,” said Sheldon Miller, the scientific director of the intramural research program at the National Eye Institute.

“We couldn’t get this information any other way,” Dr. Miller said. He said the eye institute bought fetal tissue from a company, created specialized cultures of retinal tissue from it and sent them to other researchers.

Read more at Fetal Tissue Sales

The quandry is that out of the tragedy that is abortion comes a better life for others who might otherwise suffer or die.

Does it justify it?


Is it better than just discarding it and gaining no benefit at all?


The moral issue for some is black and white. For others it is more nuanced.

Speaking only for myself I understand the agonizing that a woman must undergo to make a hard decision like this and if she finds some solace in donating the fetal tissue to research then sobeit.

It is her decision and her's alone. No one else can make it for her and no one else should deprive her of this choice either.

I will support both choices because both are equally valid for the individual women involved. They have to live with themselves.

And in some small way I have to be honest and thank the people who created this video for giving us all the opportunity for having this discussion.

To answer your previous question about the diffs between SECRET govt spy programs and investigative journalism -- and whether my mind is closed. It is not. I take no permanent side in this issue other than minimizing the numbers of abortions, the TYPES of abortions or the Government FUNDING of abortions. The latter only generally pisses me off when it's done in a callous STUPID fashion. Where money given to PP ends up being donations and support for DEMOCRAT candidates.

But this "Snope-yed debunking" is based on scientific support for fetal tissue research which is VERY controversial in the scientific community itself.. Without the train wreck of POLITICAL and MORAL warriors fighting over the emotional issues. California PISSED AWAY billions of $$$$ in an effort to give a Fuck-You to the Bush Admin decision to limit Fed money going to FETAL tissue research. And Snopes is too invested in the issue to point out that VERY LITTLE SUBSTANCE has been produced from the Cali facility compared to the LARGER bulk of stem cell research.. It's not truely neccessary on ANY large scale. And could be done from limited regenerated stocks of fetal tissue. But with PP offering such a commodity "on the cheap" -- why NOT save some bucks, instead of paying for a limited source, -- when PP is virtual treasure trove of dead fetuses.

I don't think with my heart. And I don't think with Snopes or Google. It's clear that virtually unlimited sources of "cheap baby tissue" is a problem.... Especially when the 80% of stem cell work (or more) no longer requires it.
Last edited:
What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :
We've been through this with ACORN. Debunked, my ass.

Snopes is never to be taken serious

Of course not, you say that because they successfully deconstruct a lot of rightwing lies. :lol:

It's left wing, Snopes "debunked" it and the investigations hadn't even began. Puhlease

This particular claim of PP selling body parts has been going on for the better part of a year with nothing to show for it. This is just the latest fraudulent attempt.

Tissue for money.. Call it reimbursement or "list price".. Regen'ed fetal tissue IS available. But PP is a cheaper source. Especiallly if they "harvest it" in a manner that changes the way the procedures are supposed to be done.
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :


This is the part that explains why it is happening.

According to the New York Times:

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014 with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.

Researchers say fetal tissue is a uniquely rich source of the stem cells that give rise to tissues and organs, and that studying how they develop can provide clues about how to grow replacements for parts of the body that have failed

“Think of fetal tissue as a kind of instruction booklet,” said Sheldon Miller, the scientific director of the intramural research program at the National Eye Institute.

“We couldn’t get this information any other way,” Dr. Miller said. He said the eye institute bought fetal tissue from a company, created specialized cultures of retinal tissue from it and sent them to other researchers.

Read more at Fetal Tissue Sales

The quandry is that out of the tragedy that is abortion comes a better life for others who might otherwise suffer or die.

Does it justify it?


Is it better than just discarding it and gaining no benefit at all?


The moral issue for some is black and white. For others it is more nuanced.

Speaking only for myself I understand the agonizing that a woman must undergo to make a hard decision like this and if she finds some solace in donating the fetal tissue to research then sobeit.

It is her decision and her's alone. No one else can make it for her and no one else should deprive her of this choice either.

I will support both choices because both are equally valid for the individual women involved. They have to live with themselves.

And in some small way I have to be honest and thank the people who created this video for giving us all the opportunity for having this discussion.

To answer your previous question about the diffs between SECRET govt spy programs and investigative journalism -- and whether my mind is closed. It is not. I take no permanent side in this issue other than minimizing the numbers of abortions, the TYPES of abortions or the Government FUNDING of abortions. The latter only generally pisses me off when it's done in a callous STUPID fashion. Where money given to PP ends up being donations and support for DEMOCRAT candidates.

But this "Snope-yed debunking" is based on scientific support for fetal tissue research which is VERY controversial in the scientific community itself.. Without the train wreck of POLITICAL and MORAL warriors fighting over the emotional issues. California PISSED AWAY billions of $$$$ in an effort to give a Fuck-You to the Bush Admin decision to limit Fed money going to FETAL tissue research. And Snopes is too invested in the issue to point out that VERY LITTLE SUBSTANCE has been produced from the Cali facility compared to the LARGER bulk of stem cell research.. It's not truely neccessary on ANY large scale. And could be done from limited regenerated stocks of fetal tissue. But with PP offering such a commodity "on the cheap" -- why NOT save some bucks, instead of paying for a limited source, -- when PP is virtual treasure trove of dead fetuses.

I don't think with my heart. And I don't think with Snopes or Google. It's clear that virtually unlimited sources of "cheap baby tissue" is a problem.... Especially when the 80% of stem cell work (or more) no longer requires it.

Thank you for your response.

If the donation of fetal tissue was banned entirely would you still insist that the non-abortion funding of PP be withdrawn by Congress and if your answer is yes, then why?

Secondly you mentioned that there is still 20% of fetal tissue research that still requires it. Where is that going to come from?

Finally there is another source of fetal tissue that is being completely ignored by the anti-abortion zealots. That source is the fertilized eggs from in-vitro clinics that are not used. Should they be vilified the same way that PP is being attacked and if not, they why not?
We've been through this with ACORN. Debunked, my ass.

Snopes is never to be taken serious

Of course not, you say that because they successfully deconstruct a lot of rightwing lies. :lol:

It's left wing, Snopes "debunked" it and the investigations hadn't even began. Puhlease

This particular claim of PP selling body parts has been going on for the better part of a year with nothing to show for it. This is just the latest fraudulent attempt.

Tissue for money.. Call it reimbursement or "list price".. Regen'ed fetal tissue IS available. But PP is a cheaper source. Especiallly if they "harvest it" in a manner that changes the way the procedures are supposed to be done.

Guidelines issued by HHS do not allow that.

How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine -

When fetal tissue is used in research, it is often sent from the hospital or clinic that performs the abortion to an affiliated research center, Hyun said. Another safeguard in the Health and Human Services guidelines is that a clinical team that performs the abortion cannot know that the fetus will be donated, to help ensure that they do not change how they perform the abortion, or jeopardize the safety of the woman, Hyun said.

These guidelines have been solidified and become more widespread since the 1990s, Hyun said, adding that, "I believe [all clinicians] are well aware of them now."
It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :


This is the part that explains why it is happening.

According to the New York Times:

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014 with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.

Researchers say fetal tissue is a uniquely rich source of the stem cells that give rise to tissues and organs, and that studying how they develop can provide clues about how to grow replacements for parts of the body that have failed

“Think of fetal tissue as a kind of instruction booklet,” said Sheldon Miller, the scientific director of the intramural research program at the National Eye Institute.

“We couldn’t get this information any other way,” Dr. Miller said. He said the eye institute bought fetal tissue from a company, created specialized cultures of retinal tissue from it and sent them to other researchers.

Read more at Fetal Tissue Sales

The quandry is that out of the tragedy that is abortion comes a better life for others who might otherwise suffer or die.

Does it justify it?


Is it better than just discarding it and gaining no benefit at all?


The moral issue for some is black and white. For others it is more nuanced.

Speaking only for myself I understand the agonizing that a woman must undergo to make a hard decision like this and if she finds some solace in donating the fetal tissue to research then sobeit.

It is her decision and her's alone. No one else can make it for her and no one else should deprive her of this choice either.

I will support both choices because both are equally valid for the individual women involved. They have to live with themselves.

And in some small way I have to be honest and thank the people who created this video for giving us all the opportunity for having this discussion.

To answer your previous question about the diffs between SECRET govt spy programs and investigative journalism -- and whether my mind is closed. It is not. I take no permanent side in this issue other than minimizing the numbers of abortions, the TYPES of abortions or the Government FUNDING of abortions. The latter only generally pisses me off when it's done in a callous STUPID fashion. Where money given to PP ends up being donations and support for DEMOCRAT candidates.

But this "Snope-yed debunking" is based on scientific support for fetal tissue research which is VERY controversial in the scientific community itself.. Without the train wreck of POLITICAL and MORAL warriors fighting over the emotional issues. California PISSED AWAY billions of $$$$ in an effort to give a Fuck-You to the Bush Admin decision to limit Fed money going to FETAL tissue research. And Snopes is too invested in the issue to point out that VERY LITTLE SUBSTANCE has been produced from the Cali facility compared to the LARGER bulk of stem cell research.. It's not truely neccessary on ANY large scale. And could be done from limited regenerated stocks of fetal tissue. But with PP offering such a commodity "on the cheap" -- why NOT save some bucks, instead of paying for a limited source, -- when PP is virtual treasure trove of dead fetuses.

I don't think with my heart. And I don't think with Snopes or Google. It's clear that virtually unlimited sources of "cheap baby tissue" is a problem.... Especially when the 80% of stem cell work (or more) no longer requires it.

Thank you for your response.

If the donation of fetal tissue was banned entirely would you still insist that the non-abortion funding of PP be withdrawn by Congress and if your answer is yes, then why?

Secondly you mentioned that there is still 20% of fetal tissue research that still requires it. Where is that going to come from?

Finally there is another source of fetal tissue that is being completely ignored by the anti-abortion zealots. That source is the fertilized eggs from in-vitro clinics that are not used. Should they be vilified the same way that PP is being attacked and if not, they why not?

Certainly never involve my opinion in the "non-abortion" side of PP.. It exists along with all the "choices" that Congress makes to fulfill "public needs:".. Don't think it's the BEST we can do.. But you're talking about the Fed Govt here.. Like I said awhile back. I'd like to see contraceptives moved to over the counter.

I DO think their abortion side funding is an issue. If there IS to be Fed Supplements for abortion, it should be in the form of reimbursements to MediCaid.. Not to particular suppliers.

When Bush "banned" fetal tissue research -- he actually did no such thiing. He pulled Federal funding from fetal tissue that wasn't already in several widely available lines. What I meant by regenerated Fetal tissue -- is that there are several well known "lines" that all go back to a group of single donation. These lines are propagated by means of cloning the tissue and making MORE of it. Thus -- for a price -- it was still available under Bush and I assume it still is available today..

Using KNOWN tissue lines makes for better science in that everybody can replicate results based on the same samples with KNOWN DNA... Why use that costly stuff -- if there's a cheaper way to get it. Eh????
Snopes is never to be taken serious

Of course not, you say that because they successfully deconstruct a lot of rightwing lies. :lol:

It's left wing, Snopes "debunked" it and the investigations hadn't even began. Puhlease

This particular claim of PP selling body parts has been going on for the better part of a year with nothing to show for it. This is just the latest fraudulent attempt.

Tissue for money.. Call it reimbursement or "list price".. Regen'ed fetal tissue IS available. But PP is a cheaper source. Especiallly if they "harvest it" in a manner that changes the way the procedures are supposed to be done.

Guidelines issued by HHS do not allow that.

How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine -

When fetal tissue is used in research, it is often sent from the hospital or clinic that performs the abortion to an affiliated research center, Hyun said. Another safeguard in the Health and Human Services guidelines is that a clinical team that performs the abortion cannot know that the fetus will be donated, to help ensure that they do not change how they perform the abortion, or jeopardize the safety of the woman, Hyun said.

These guidelines have been solidified and become more widespread since the 1990s, Hyun said, adding that, "I believe [all clinicians] are well aware of them now."

Well obviously DUH !!! That's how it's SUPPOSED to work. But you now have multiple PP personnel confirming that they VIOLATE these guidelines with impunity. THAT is why I'm even in this thread. Because I'm appalled at the callousness and unprofessionalism of the people punked on video. And would NEVER want my daughter or loved ones anywhere NEAR a PP clinic for more than a urinary tract infection....

Did you not WATCH the segments??? Why are you arguing what SHOULD BE????
OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :


This is the part that explains why it is happening.

According to the New York Times:

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014 with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.

Researchers say fetal tissue is a uniquely rich source of the stem cells that give rise to tissues and organs, and that studying how they develop can provide clues about how to grow replacements for parts of the body that have failed

“Think of fetal tissue as a kind of instruction booklet,” said Sheldon Miller, the scientific director of the intramural research program at the National Eye Institute.

“We couldn’t get this information any other way,” Dr. Miller said. He said the eye institute bought fetal tissue from a company, created specialized cultures of retinal tissue from it and sent them to other researchers.

Read more at Fetal Tissue Sales

The quandry is that out of the tragedy that is abortion comes a better life for others who might otherwise suffer or die.

Does it justify it?


Is it better than just discarding it and gaining no benefit at all?


The moral issue for some is black and white. For others it is more nuanced.

Speaking only for myself I understand the agonizing that a woman must undergo to make a hard decision like this and if she finds some solace in donating the fetal tissue to research then sobeit.

It is her decision and her's alone. No one else can make it for her and no one else should deprive her of this choice either.

I will support both choices because both are equally valid for the individual women involved. They have to live with themselves.

And in some small way I have to be honest and thank the people who created this video for giving us all the opportunity for having this discussion.

To answer your previous question about the diffs between SECRET govt spy programs and investigative journalism -- and whether my mind is closed. It is not. I take no permanent side in this issue other than minimizing the numbers of abortions, the TYPES of abortions or the Government FUNDING of abortions. The latter only generally pisses me off when it's done in a callous STUPID fashion. Where money given to PP ends up being donations and support for DEMOCRAT candidates.

But this "Snope-yed debunking" is based on scientific support for fetal tissue research which is VERY controversial in the scientific community itself.. Without the train wreck of POLITICAL and MORAL warriors fighting over the emotional issues. California PISSED AWAY billions of $$$$ in an effort to give a Fuck-You to the Bush Admin decision to limit Fed money going to FETAL tissue research. And Snopes is too invested in the issue to point out that VERY LITTLE SUBSTANCE has been produced from the Cali facility compared to the LARGER bulk of stem cell research.. It's not truely neccessary on ANY large scale. And could be done from limited regenerated stocks of fetal tissue. But with PP offering such a commodity "on the cheap" -- why NOT save some bucks, instead of paying for a limited source, -- when PP is virtual treasure trove of dead fetuses.

I don't think with my heart. And I don't think with Snopes or Google. It's clear that virtually unlimited sources of "cheap baby tissue" is a problem.... Especially when the 80% of stem cell work (or more) no longer requires it.

Thank you for your response.

If the donation of fetal tissue was banned entirely would you still insist that the non-abortion funding of PP be withdrawn by Congress and if your answer is yes, then why?

Secondly you mentioned that there is still 20% of fetal tissue research that still requires it. Where is that going to come from?

Finally there is another source of fetal tissue that is being completely ignored by the anti-abortion zealots. That source is the fertilized eggs from in-vitro clinics that are not used. Should they be vilified the same way that PP is being attacked and if not, they why not?

Certainly never involve my opinion in the "non-abortion" side of PP.. It exists along with all the "choices" that Congress makes to fulfill "public needs:".. Don't think it's the BEST we can do.. But you're talking about the Fed Govt here.. Like I said awhile back. I'd like to see contraceptives moved to over the counter.

I DO think their abortion side funding is an issue. If there IS to be Fed Supplements for abortion, it should be in the form of reimbursements to MediCaid.. Not to particular suppliers.

When Bush "banned" fetal tissue research -- he actually did no such thiing. He pulled Federal funding from fetal tissue that wasn't already in several widely available lines. What I meant by regenerated Fetal tissue -- is that there are several well known "lines" that all go back to a group of single donation. These lines are propagated by means of cloning the tissue and making MORE of it. Thus -- for a price -- it was still available under Bush and I assume it still is available today..

Using KNOWN tissue lines makes for better science in that everybody can replicate results based on the same samples with KNOWN DNA... Why use that costly stuff -- if there's a cheaper way to get it. Eh????

In some ways Bush jr actually did some good with that fetal tissue ban, albeit unintentionally.

Everyone was assuming that adult stem cells were too limited whereas fetal cells had more potential to cure a greater range of diseases.

But by being forced to use the adult stem cells they actually got better results than with the fetal stem cells.

So overall there is still a whole lot of research still ongoing and it is going to quite some time before we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In the meantime we need a rational approach to reducing abortions and I agree that contraception is the answer since no one is going to "abstain". The results from the CO study on long term contraceptives for teens indicates that would lower 80% of teen pregnancies.

What is not to like about a cost effective means to eliminate abortions?
Of course not, you say that because they successfully deconstruct a lot of rightwing lies. :lol:

It's left wing, Snopes "debunked" it and the investigations hadn't even began. Puhlease

This particular claim of PP selling body parts has been going on for the better part of a year with nothing to show for it. This is just the latest fraudulent attempt.

Tissue for money.. Call it reimbursement or "list price".. Regen'ed fetal tissue IS available. But PP is a cheaper source. Especiallly if they "harvest it" in a manner that changes the way the procedures are supposed to be done.

Guidelines issued by HHS do not allow that.

How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine -

When fetal tissue is used in research, it is often sent from the hospital or clinic that performs the abortion to an affiliated research center, Hyun said. Another safeguard in the Health and Human Services guidelines is that a clinical team that performs the abortion cannot know that the fetus will be donated, to help ensure that they do not change how they perform the abortion, or jeopardize the safety of the woman, Hyun said.

These guidelines have been solidified and become more widespread since the 1990s, Hyun said, adding that, "I believe [all clinicians] are well aware of them now."

Well obviously DUH !!! That's how it's SUPPOSED to work. But you now have multiple PP personnel confirming that they VIOLATE these guidelines with impunity. THAT is why I'm even in this thread. Because I'm appalled at the callousness and unprofessionalism of the people punked on video. And would NEVER want my daughter or loved ones anywhere NEAR a PP clinic for more than a urinary tract infection....

Did you not WATCH the segments??? Why are you arguing what SHOULD BE????

Yes, they appear to be callous.

But not for the reasons that the zealots want you to believe.

They are working in an industry where abortions are what they do all day long. To them that is their job and everyone ultimately makes jokes about their job because that is human nature.

I had girlfriends who were nurses in psychiatric care and the ER. You should have heard some of the things they said. It wasn't because they didn't care and weren't professionals providing the best care possible. It was a form of stress release for them just as it is in every other profession.

So no, I am not going to hold them to a different standard than I do everyone else. What was on those vile videos was edited to make it appear as though they were callous and unprofessional.

Given that the basis of those vile videos is a lie no different to the blood libel that was used against the Jews as a person of integrity I have to give the benefit of the doubt to those who doing a difficult job rather than those who have a nefarious and dishonest agenda.

If you have to bear false witness in order to make your point then you don't have a position to stand on IMO.

And yes, those who created those videos are liars who have destroyed their own credibility.
Note how the organization hostile to privacy rights and responsible for the smear campaign released the doctored videos in parts over a period of time, rather than immediately taking them to the authorities to investigate.

Clearly their intent was political, having nothing to do with concerns about the law being 'broken,' and everything to do with attacking the hated Planned Parenthood and the right of women to decide whether to have a child or not.
They would also have to justify why they charge more for some "tissues" than for others, given that they have a fixed cost.

It was the phony "buyers" trying to invent a "fee scale for parts".

OMG -- Journalists posing as buyers... What respecting news agency would EVER pull a "stunt" like that? Or for that matter, what documentary prizes should EVER be given for "undercover journalism"....

I'm SHOCKED...... And you're a hypocrit... Get over it.. The story IS what it is...

What it is though, is highly suspect....

Factcheck has debunked it: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Snopes has debunked it: Fetal Tissue Sales :
We've been through this with ACORN. Debunked, my ass.

Snopes is never to be taken serious

Nope. Run by liberal activists.
It's left wing, Snopes "debunked" it and the investigations hadn't even began. Puhlease

This particular claim of PP selling body parts has been going on for the better part of a year with nothing to show for it. This is just the latest fraudulent attempt.

Tissue for money.. Call it reimbursement or "list price".. Regen'ed fetal tissue IS available. But PP is a cheaper source. Especiallly if they "harvest it" in a manner that changes the way the procedures are supposed to be done.

Guidelines issued by HHS do not allow that.

How exactly fetal tissue is used for medicine -

When fetal tissue is used in research, it is often sent from the hospital or clinic that performs the abortion to an affiliated research center, Hyun said. Another safeguard in the Health and Human Services guidelines is that a clinical team that performs the abortion cannot know that the fetus will be donated, to help ensure that they do not change how they perform the abortion, or jeopardize the safety of the woman, Hyun said.

These guidelines have been solidified and become more widespread since the 1990s, Hyun said, adding that, "I believe [all clinicians] are well aware of them now."

Well obviously DUH !!! That's how it's SUPPOSED to work. But you now have multiple PP personnel confirming that they VIOLATE these guidelines with impunity. THAT is why I'm even in this thread. Because I'm appalled at the callousness and unprofessionalism of the people punked on video. And would NEVER want my daughter or loved ones anywhere NEAR a PP clinic for more than a urinary tract infection....

Did you not WATCH the segments??? Why are you arguing what SHOULD BE????

Yes, they appear to be callous.

But not for the reasons that the zealots want you to believe.

They are working in an industry where abortions are what they do all day long. To them that is their job and everyone ultimately makes jokes about their job because that is human nature.

I had girlfriends who were nurses in psychiatric care and the ER. You should have heard some of the things they said. It wasn't because they didn't care and weren't professionals providing the best care possible. It was a form of stress release for them just as it is in every other profession.

So no, I am not going to hold them to a different standard than I do everyone else. What was on those vile videos was edited to make it appear as though they were callous and unprofessional.

Given that the basis of those vile videos is a lie no different to the blood libel that was used against the Jews as a person of integrity I have to give the benefit of the doubt to those who doing a difficult job rather than those who have a nefarious and dishonest agenda.

If you have to bear false witness in order to make your point then you don't have a position to stand on IMO.

And yes, those who created those videos are liars who have destroyed their own credibility.

"They are working in an industry where abortions are what they do all day long. To them that is their job and everyone ultimately makes jokes about their job because that is human nature."
After 12 weeks, a fetus assumes an increasingly human form. After an abortion was completed, the doctor's assistant could see the tiny hands and feet, the potential for a human life that would never be expressed.
She asked the doctor, "How do you handle this?"
"Scientific distance," the doctor replied. "I think of them as extremities rather than hands or feet. I do this day in and day out to give women a choice."

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