Fourth PP video released, it's bad

You say that third trimester abortions are rare and usually the consequence of sound medical necessity. The problem you have now, is that we know that Planned Parenthood is motivated by the selling baby body parts and the more developed the baby body part, the more money they get in exchanging those baby body parts.

Your logic is that they are actually making money when they probably aren't.

In order to get a good sample, you need a fetus that is in a certain range, but I don't see a woman knowingly waiting to that range for any reason. Then she has to consent to a tissue donation and most women don't do that, either.

Try putting your glasses on.
You say that third trimester abortions are rare and usually the consequence of sound medical necessity. The problem you have now, is that we know that Planned Parenthood is motivated by the selling baby body parts and the more developed the baby body part, the more money they get in exchanging those baby body parts.

Your logic is that they are actually making money when they probably aren't.

My Logic merely recognizes the danger to the integrity of the system, where "they" are MOTIVATED by making money on it. And by "THEY" and am speaking to those who are selling the baby body parts... .

You know... those who are doing the procedures... who are describing the techniques they use to assure whole organs... procedures that are distinct from those used to reduce the pain and suffering of THE MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE.

And further, my LOGIC is that if we spent more time teaching children sound principle; explaining to little girls the nature of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities that come with conception and gestation and less time expressing ourselves in unprincipled terms that rationalize that sex is about FUN... and if we didn't spend so much time in the acceptance of unprincipled circumstances such as UNWED MOTHERHOOD; using terms like Baby-daddy and Baby-mommy... that we wouldn't be spending so much time concerning ourselves with the consequential product of unprincipled behavior.

Like LIFE... the consequences of unprincipled behavior, STARTS AT THE BEGINNING.
You say that third trimester abortions are rare and usually the consequence of sound medical necessity. The problem you have now, is that we know that Planned Parenthood is motivated by the selling baby body parts and the more developed the baby body part, the more money they get in exchanging those baby body parts.

Your logic is that they are actually making money when they probably aren't.

My Logic merely recognizes the danger to the integrity of the system, where "they" are MOTIVATED by making money on it. And by "THEY" and am speaking to those who are selling the baby body parts... .

You know... those who are doing the procedures... who are describing the techniques they use to assure whole organs... procedures that are distinct from those used to reduce the pain and suffering of THE MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE.

And further, my LOGIC is that if we spent more time teaching children sound principle; explaining to little girls the nature of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities that come with conception and gestation and less time expressing ourselves in unprincipled terms that rationalize that sex is about FUN... and if we didn't spend so much time in the acceptance of unprincipled circumstances such as UNWED MOTHERHOOD; using terms like Baby-daddy and Baby-mommy... that we wouldn't be spending so much time concerning ourselves with the consequential product of unprincipled behavior.

Like LIFE... the consequences of unprincipled behavior, STARTS AT THE BEGINNING.

Never thought I would do this, but I'm in agreement.
In order to get a good sample, you need a fetus that is in a certain range, but I don't see a woman knowingly waiting to that range for any reason. Then she has to consent to a tissue donation and most women don't do that, either.

The mother is a vessel for THE PRODUCT; dead baby organs.

And because of the unprincipled nature of Leftism and the substantial percentage of the population being influenced by Left-think... these would-be women come and go at every stage of gestation.

There is nothing complex about this... its basic supply chain management. The pot is boiling with every stage of development being readily available somewhere, at any time.
I agree that the discussions are callous and hard to listen to, but I think another poster put it into perspective here: Fourth PP video released, it's bad

I had a friend who used to work at NIOSH, and she would listen to some of the scientists casually talking about twisting the heads off of mice to kill them. I suspect when police or medical professionals talk amongst themselves at a bar they exhibit a similar blunt and callous means of talk. It's unpleasant and shocking because it has been removed from the realm of the private and inserted into the realm of the public where we all can judge it.

But is it illegal?
The tapes contain admissions of violations for tissue donation guidelines and ethical questions about deviating from the humane training these doctors received to end beating hearts with fingers and toes. Even for ME, a guy who would never want to end the choice of an abortion, this is just disgusting. And I imagine it would be to many pro aborts as well. If there first reaction wasnt to attack their political opposition.

Why do call them "pro aborts"? Does that mean "pro-lifers" should be renamed "pro-some-lifers"?

Since I am not in this game, im just sloppy I suppose. But from where I sit, the zealots on one side would have abortions AFTER delivery, and the zealots on the other side include those who believe that just masturbating is interfering with reproduction. Or condoms. So I take digs at both. Your pro choice side has been mooved off their original insane positions on choice to actually THINK about partial birth or parental consent or late term abortions. That train DID start out from the station as a pro abort train. ?.. this slow motion train wreck called the abortion debate has changed the shape of both sides in a slow and painful way.

I agree, and if there is some good to have come out of this debacle it is that we are now having this discussion.

There are established HHS protocols and if a PP doctor violated them, for whatever reason, they need to be held accountable. No exceptions.

When it comes to 3rd trimester abortions those are few and far between and usually because the fetus won't survive because of a medical condition or the woman's life is in jeopardy. There are protocols for those too and need to be followed properly.

Yes, abortion is a gruesome business but the alternative is worse. Back street abortions used to kill women and that is why we now have legal abortion that must follow the approved protocols.

If the anti-rights zealots have their way and ban all abortions we will end up with back street abortionists killing women again. That is not an acceptable alternative and no amount of anti-rights zealous laws can stop that from happening.

Let's clean up PP and thank the anti-rights zealots for shedding some light on protocol violations and move on.

All well and good...

But the problem is that Planned Parenthood is operated by unprincipled people. Thus it's natural progression is toward the inevitable consequences of unprincipled actions, which is of course, Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe, OKA: Destruction.

That's where they are now.

When Relativism comes to light, it's natural consequence is the loss of trust, the separation of a soundly reasoned morality and INEVITABLY, the failure to serve justice.

That's where we are now.

You say that third trimester abortions are rare and usually the consequence of sound medical necessity. The problem you have now, is that we know that Planned Parenthood is motivated by the selling baby body parts and the more developed the baby body part, the more money they get in exchanging those baby body parts.

So, in THAT alone, the MEDICAL NEED is superseded by the financial motivation.

Again... where the individuals were known for their principled behavior, such would not be at issue. But where those in play are known for their REJECTION OF SOUND PRINCIPLE... it is foolish to judge them within the scope of a paradigm which is foreign to them.

This is the SAME THING that killed: ACORN...

And that "THING" is DECEIT and FRAUD, which was applied as a means to exploit THE IGNORANT.

These videos have now informed the ignorant and at it is at this point that THE FORMERLY IGNORANT go to work destroying the EVIL that they now know, no longer is worthy of their trust.

Natural law... you simply cannot beat Nature, scamp.

That ACORN video was a fraud.

This is what the R's consider journalistic integrity.

James O Keefe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

O'Keefe and colleagues were arrested in New Orleans in January 2010 during an attempt to make recordings at the office of United States Senator Mary Landrieu, a Democrat. His three fellow activists, who were dressed as telephone repairmen when apprehended

O'Keefe has produced and distributed secretly recorded videos and audio files made during deliberately staged encounters. He has sought to embarrass organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Medicaid and ACORN

ACORN Workers Cleared Of Illegality By Outside Probe The Two-Way NPR

ACORN welcomed the report as an important step in its redemption. In a statement, ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis is quoted as saying:

"The report is part vindication, part constructive criticism and 100% roadmap to the future," ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said.

"ACORN's leadership is pleased that this evaluation shows even the low-level employees portrayed in the videos did not engage in any illegal activity or seek to encourage it," Lewis continued. "Mr. Harshbarger was tough but fair in examining where ACORN has been and what we still need to accomplish in having the most effective possible organization to represent the interests of the communities we represent—low and moderate income, African American and Latino families across America."

It's unlikely the Harshbarger report will silence the group's conservative critics, however.
Those time-wasting days when one went to a chop-shop for car parts then to the butcher shop for meats. These day's it's all about one-stop shopping.....

Thanks, Murder, Inc.!
My Logic merely recognizes the danger to the integrity of the system, where "they" are MOTIVATED by making money on it. And by "THEY" and am speaking to those who are selling the baby body parts... .

Except there is no evidence they are making any real money. The payments barely cover the expenses of preserving the tissue- which I might point out has valid scientific usage.

You know... those who are doing the procedures... who are describing the techniques they use to assure whole organs... procedures that are distinct from those used to reduce the pain and suffering of THE MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE.

Guy, you work on the assumption that a fetus is human life, something the law doesn't recognize. Legally, it's part of the woman it is in.

And further, my LOGIC is that if we spent more time teaching children sound principle; explaining to little girls the nature of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities that come with conception and gestation and less time expressing ourselves in unprincipled terms that rationalize that sex is about FUN... and if we didn't spend so much time in the acceptance of unprincipled circumstances such as UNWED MOTHERHOOD; using terms like Baby-daddy and Baby-mommy... that we wouldn't be spending so much time concerning ourselves with the consequential product of unprincipled behavior.

Guy, I think the last thing we need are the "Sex Police" telling us what morality should be.

Like LIFE... the consequences of unprincipled behavior, STARTS AT THE BEGINNING.

I agree. So considering that PP is in the business of education women on how not to get pregnant to start with, you really don't have an argument there.

Or do you think we need to send Bristol Palin out there to explain abstinence again?

The mother is a vessel for THE PRODUCT; dead baby organs.

And because of the unprincipled nature of Leftism and the substantial percentage of the population being influenced by Left-think... these would-be women come and go at every stage of gestation.

There is nothing complex about this... its basic supply chain management. The pot is boiling with every stage of development being readily available somewhere, at any time.

Okay- couple of things.

Do you actually know any women who have had abortions? If you did, you'd know how absurd your rantings sound.
My Logic merely recognizes the danger to the integrity of the system, where "they" are MOTIVATED by making money on it. And by "THEY" and am speaking to those who are selling the baby body parts... .

Except there is no evidence they are making any real money.

That you need to justify the terms, is evidence of the feeble nature of your position, Joe.

That they would consider receiving ANY REVENUE for such, is all one needs to know, TO KNOW: that they're in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, to the wrong people: exploiting the product of their poor choices.

They're taking THE MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE... and seeking to profit from the destruction of it.

You know... those who are doing the procedures... who are describing the techniques they use to assure whole organs... procedures that are distinct from those used to reduce the pain and suffering of THE MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE.

Guy, you work on the assumption that a fetus is human life.

Joe, you're living in a world that doesn't exist any more. You're working from a playbook that 'advised us' that "The Fetus is a clump of inviable tissue".

We're here discussing whole, developed organs being harvested from DEVELOPING HUMAN BEINGS IN UTERO... OKA: Human Life.

This is now Joe... and the heady days of "Personhood" and "Inviable Fetal Tissue Mass", have come and gone.

The jig is up... Planned Parenthood may not be gone... but I assure you that what it WAS is over and, if it survives, at all... it won't be THAT again.

And further, my LOGIC is that if we spent more time teaching children sound principle; explaining to little girls the nature of their bodies and the mind-numbing responsibilities that come with conception and gestation and less time expressing ourselves in unprincipled terms that rationalize that sex is about FUN... and if we didn't spend so much time in the acceptance of unprincipled circumstances such as UNWED MOTHERHOOD; using terms like Baby-daddy and Baby-mommy... that we wouldn't be spending so much time concerning ourselves with the consequential product of unprincipled behavior.

Guy, I think the last thing we need are the "Sex Police" telling us what morality should be.

Well Joe, that's how we came to watching numerous videos of a group that touts itself as Planning Parenthood, selling the corpses of it's patient's babies.

So... while I agree that we don't need "Sex Police", we sure as hell NEED to find a soundly reasoned morality that MOST of us can agree upon... and by which we comport ourselves. Or "WE" are domed.

Now I understand that you disagree Joe. But, what ya may not be aware of is that your attitude is quickly becoming passé... You 'think' it's edgy... but what ya don't understand is that the edge you're on, is the following, blunt one; you know... the one that doesn't matter.

Decent people do not allow ideas that encourage children to engage in sexual intercourse, murder their babies because such is inconvenient, then sell the corpse of the murdered child.

And while most people fall short of perfection... NO ONE WANTS TO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS INDECENT... because indecency is ILLEGITIMATE. See where this is headin'?

Like LIFE... the consequences of unprincipled behavior, STARTS AT THE BEGINNING.

I agree. So considering that PP is in the business of education women on how not to get pregnant to start with, you really don't have an argument there.

Planned Parenthood is in the business of ABORTION. PERIOD! They exist for no other reason what so ever.

Or do you think we need to send Bristol Palin out there to explain abstinence again?

Bristol Palin had an abortion? That's news to me.

The mother is a vessel for THE PRODUCT; dead baby organs.

And because of the unprincipled nature of Leftism and the substantial percentage of the population being influenced by Left-think... these would-be women come and go at every stage of gestation.

There is nothing complex about this... its basic supply chain management. The pot is boiling with every stage of development being readily available somewhere, at any time.

Okay- couple of things.

Do you actually know any women who have had abortions?

Yes... quite a few. And without exception, each and every one of them have suffered the balance of their lives in soulful regret of their having murdered their child.

And all it took for them to figure it out, was for them to deliver the children they did not murder.
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"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video
"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

And having failed to prove any crimes were committed, we are now moving on to conspiracy theories.

That didn't take long.
And having failed to prove any crimes were committed, we are now moving on to conspiracy theories.

That didn't take long.

Is this a court? Have charges been filed? Has there been a trial? Were the facts spoken to above been tried? Was there a jury who heard those facts, considered the evidence against the relevant statutes come to a decision regarding guilt?

I don't think so... .

What we're discussing here, is the need for charges to be filed, for their to be a PUNISHINGLY EXTENSIVE INVESTIGATION... for the evidence of such to be tried, for a jury to consider that evidence and to set that against the relevant statutes and from that DETERMINE IF CRIMES WERE COMMITTED... and to punish those who have SO CLEARLY COMMITTED THOSE CRIMES.

And for the US Legislature to create NEW LAW which sets such practice into the CAPITAL arena of crime, so that those in the future who commit such, can simply be subjected to a quick trial and summarily executed within moments of the conclusion of such.

And that is because such behavior tears at the very fabric of our society... and any SENSE of tolerance for such is detrimental to the very viability of our culture.
Now what is more telling than anything else, is how charges have not been filed.

Because that tells us who those leading the Justice Department are... and it tells us that these crimes are an innate component of what the Ideological Left IS... and how the degeneracy that is Planned Parenthood is woven into that cult.

Now I will tell you that No charges will be filed by this cult... for the above stated reasons. And that THAT, along with all of the mess from the recent licensing of other forms of degeneracy, is perhaps the best evidence that what we are dealing with IN the Ideological Left,

is little more than the rise of Old Testament EVIL.
"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

David Daleiden is a criminal.

Live Action and the Center for Medical Progress did not respond to requests for comment.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of Communications at Planned Parenthood, fired back at the Center for Medical Progress. He told HuffPost, "This group's outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood are flat-out lies, so it should be no surprise that they also lied and may have broken multiple laws in order to pull off this smear campaign. This is the latest in an eight-year-long string of false attacks and heavily edited videos that are all part of a political agenda to ban abortion completely and defund Planned Parenthood -- an agenda that the public overwhelmingly opposes."

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

It is unclear how many people might have donated to the Center for Medical Progress since 2013 thinking it was a biomedicine charity, because the nonprofit does not appear to have filed its 990 tax forms.

Full story @

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors
Now what is more telling than anything else, is how charges have not been filed.

Because that tells us who those leading the Justice Department are... and it tells us that these crimes are an innate component of what the Ideological Left IS... and how the degeneracy that is Planned Parenthood is woven into that cult.

Now I will tell you that No charges will be filed by this cult... for the above stated reasons. And that THAT, along with all of the mess from the recent licensing of other forms of degeneracy, is perhaps the best evidence that what we are dealing with IN the Ideological Left,

is little more than the rise of Old Testament EVIL.

Everyone get out your tin foil hats! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!
"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

David Daleiden is a criminal.

Live Action and the Center for Medical Progress did not respond to requests for comment.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of Communications at Planned Parenthood, fired back at the Center for Medical Progress. He told HuffPost, "This group's outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood are flat-out lies, so it should be no surprise that they also lied and may have broken multiple laws in order to pull off this smear campaign. This is the latest in an eight-year-long string of false attacks and heavily edited videos that are all part of a political agenda to ban abortion completely and defund Planned Parenthood -- an agenda that the public overwhelmingly opposes."

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

It is unclear how many people might have donated to the Center for Medical Progress since 2013 thinking it was a biomedicine charity, because the nonprofit does not appear to have filed its 990 tax forms.

Full story @

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors


"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video
"Daleiden said the group met with “top leadership” at StemExpress, a biotech company that supposedly partners with Planned Parenthood on the harvesting of fetal tissue. Further, he claimed the officials made a shocking admission.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden said. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”"

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Says There s a Reason Biotech Company Is Very Scared of Unreleased Video Video

David Daleiden is a criminal.

Live Action and the Center for Medical Progress did not respond to requests for comment.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of Communications at Planned Parenthood, fired back at the Center for Medical Progress. He told HuffPost, "This group's outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood are flat-out lies, so it should be no surprise that they also lied and may have broken multiple laws in order to pull off this smear campaign. This is the latest in an eight-year-long string of false attacks and heavily edited videos that are all part of a political agenda to ban abortion completely and defund Planned Parenthood -- an agenda that the public overwhelmingly opposes."

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

It is unclear how many people might have donated to the Center for Medical Progress since 2013 thinking it was a biomedicine charity, because the nonprofit does not appear to have filed its 990 tax forms.

Full story @

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS Donors

Forming a corporation, is not a criminal act.

The Corporation used in the ploy did not break any laws... as the corporation did not take any action. It was merely a legal entity.

You're trying to affiliate the actions of the Center for Medical Progress, with the actions of the non-profit. These are two entirely distinct entities.

But this is what happens when individuals lose the means to reason objectively... and that is what makes them Relativists and THAT is what strips them of credibility.

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