Fourth PP video released, it's bad

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.

Then why did they blur out her face so you couldn't see her expressions?

I can think of two reasons, maybe they actually respect her privacy while hating what she does, and two, there may have been more restrictions on recording a person's full image as opposed to their voice in the jurisdiction they were in, and this group seems to be very legally savvy.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

There is no libel here, as they take the person's own words, and can I assume you are against ANY form of investigative journalism involving deception, or just when it goes after something you cherish?
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

The video reeks of desperation.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

What is more sad is your defense of the murder of innocents and the sale of their remains
Do you scum know what this means (in red)

In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Ginde at the abortion-clinic headquarters of PPRM in Denver to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs. When the actors request intact fetal specimens, Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.”
Welcome to Spontaneous Abortion, closely related to Miscarriage. Look them up.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

What reeks is you consider the murder of infants less important than the mode used to expose it.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

Nobody set Romney up by lying to get him to show up, and asking pointed questions to get that out of him. They only recorded the speech that he or one of his employees wrote expressing his beliefs. That doesn't meet any criteria for a sting.

The lying isn't the issue. PP thought they were dealing with a potential buyer. This is how they act with potential buyers.

There is nothing wrong with a sting. In fact if you support abortion and think there is nothing wrong with what they did, how about defending PP's words an actions instead of attacking the method of getting said information?

Because the information is not representative and is misdirected.
I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.

The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.
I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.

Then why did they blur out her face so you couldn't see her expressions?

I can think of two reasons, maybe they actually respect her privacy while hating what she does, and two, there may have been more restrictions on recording a person's full image as opposed to their voice in the jurisdiction they were in, and this group seems to be very legally savvy.

Or they are just dishonest and know that her expressions will expose the fact that what they are asking are leading questions.
Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.

The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

Stop making excuses for the butchery. I look at people like you and want to vomit
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

There is no libel here, as they take the person's own words, and can I assume you are against ANY form of investigative journalism involving deception, or just when it goes after something you cherish?

It is libel with it is done with malice with the intent to harm.
Science, biology and physiology, are the major impediments to abortion. Only by substituting ignorance and myth, can abortion be justified.

The last thing the pro-abortion movement wants is a rational examination of the facts. As long as they can claim that human offspring is not human, that a being with brain and heart activity is not alive, they can continue to profit from the exploitation of the victims.

Abortionists are the slavers of the modern era. the profiteers of human degradation and misery. Abortion promoters are sociopaths who lack the basic development of compassion for other humans. Now we see how they are profiting from these deaths that they promote.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

What reeks is you consider the murder of infants less important than the mode used to expose it.

There is no murder involved unless you consider every woman on the planet who has had a miscarriage to be a murderer.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

The video reeks of desperation.

So that means you are against ANY investigative reporting involving deception, right?
When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

Nobody set Romney up by lying to get him to show up, and asking pointed questions to get that out of him. They only recorded the speech that he or one of his employees wrote expressing his beliefs. That doesn't meet any criteria for a sting.

The lying isn't the issue. PP thought they were dealing with a potential buyer. This is how they act with potential buyers.

There is nothing wrong with a sting. In fact if you support abortion and think there is nothing wrong with what they did, how about defending PP's words an actions instead of attacking the method of getting said information?

Because the information is not representative and is misdirected.

it looks pretty representative to me, and they release the unedited videos as well.
How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.

Then why did they blur out her face so you couldn't see her expressions?

I can think of two reasons, maybe they actually respect her privacy while hating what she does, and two, there may have been more restrictions on recording a person's full image as opposed to their voice in the jurisdiction they were in, and this group seems to be very legally savvy.

Or they are just dishonest and know that her expressions will expose the fact that what they are asking are leading questions.

What does a leading question have to do with her responses? She seemed to come up with them pretty quickly.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

What is sad and reeks of desperation is you anti-rights crowd needing to stoop to deception and libel in order to defame a legal and necessary service for women.

There is no libel here, as they take the person's own words, and can I assume you are against ANY form of investigative journalism involving deception, or just when it goes after something you cherish?

It is libel with it is done with malice with the intent to harm.

Where the hell did you come up with that definition of libel?

a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

So she's lying about herself, and thus libeling herself?

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