Fourth PP video released, it's bad

The legality question is very much in play. The concept of compensation for costs vs. profit, and changing procedures for procurement of the tissue in a more whole condition are matters of fact for a court to decide.

An adult heart, or any other organ that is donated for transplant or research calls for different procedures as well. It's what is required to get the most out of the gift of organ donation. Are you against all tissue donation?

Except there is a law that states providers cannot change procedures in order to improve harvesting when it comes to fetal tissue, and a law saying the places cannot profit from it. All PP has to do is show it does not change procedures due to harvesting, and//or show the costs of the tissue recoveries vs. what they actually charge.

I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.
All of the libel comes from those editing the videos.

PP is not doing anything illegal.

It is the perverts who put these videos together that are talking about the body parts.

They also release the unedited versions, so that dog isn't going to hunt.

Where are these alleged "unedited versions"?

There is a link to one of them here, as well as an analysis. for the rest, do your own google searching.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

I will watch all of it, because I am pro-life and want to see what's going on here.

When you watch the videos make a careful note of who says what.

Because it is invariably the interviewers who are bringing up the legal violations and not the PP staff.
I'm underway to a big appointment right now. Will watch all of it tomorrow morning.

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PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?
Late term abortions, except in extreme medical need

May 2015---WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans finally won House approval Wednesday for a late-term abortion ban after dropping rape provisions that provoked a rebellion by female GOP lawmakers, forcing party leaders into an embarrassing retreat.

The near party-line 242-184 vote was a victory for abortion opponents and a relief for top Republicans. Yet the path to passage took months of negotiations among anti-abortion groups, female lawmakers and party leaders, underscoring how tough it will be for the GOP to satisfy abortion foes while retaining support from women voters for next year's elections.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, called the bill "the most pro-life legislation to ever come before this body," adding, "We should all be proud to take this stand today."

Even with House passage, the measure stands little chance of becoming law. Its fate is uncertain in the more moderate Senate and President Barack Obama would likely veto it, leaving it chiefly a platform for both parties to signal their abortion stances to their supporters.
In the fourth video, the abortionist strategizes about presenting this practice as "research" and avoiding saying it is a business venture. She says she needs to coordinate with the wider Planned Parenthood community to make sure they are all singing from the same page in public before she signs on to this strategy.

Obviously, the only use for the baby parts is for research. There simply is no other use for them.

It is equally obvious that one could find a way to profit handsomely from selling body parts to researchers. However, the videos do not unequivocally establish this is in fact what PP is doing.

The videos seem to indicate Planned Parenthood is using the revenues from baby part harvesting to cover the cost of all the services they provide to women. Abortions, birth control, counseling, etc.

Nonetheless, there is a moral victory here for the pro-life movement. The abortionists coldly speaking of livers, and hearts, and neural tissue, and whole brains. The sound of a cracking skull. And the devastating admission, "It's a baby."
That doesn't change what it is. A fetal death is not an infant death, and never will be.

Yeah the difference is the infant death still has it's head, arms and legs.
An adult heart, or any other organ that is donated for transplant or research calls for different procedures as well. It's what is required to get the most out of the gift of organ donation. Are you against all tissue donation?

Except there is a law that states providers cannot change procedures in order to improve harvesting when it comes to fetal tissue, and a law saying the places cannot profit from it. All PP has to do is show it does not change procedures due to harvesting, and//or show the costs of the tissue recoveries vs. what they actually charge.

I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?
In the fourth video, the abortionist strategizes about presenting this practice as "research" and avoiding saying it is a business venture. She says she needs to coordinate with the wider Planned Parenthood community to make sure they are all singing from the same page in public before she signs on to this strategy.

Obviously, the only use for the baby parts is for research. There simply is no other use for them.

It is equally obvious that one could find a way to profit handsomely from selling body parts to researchers. However, the videos do not unequivocally establish this is in fact what PP is doing.

The videos seem to indicate Planned Parenthood is using the revenues from baby part harvesting to cover the cost of all the services they provide to women. Abortions, birth control, counseling, etc.

Nonetheless, there is a moral victory here for the pro-life movement. The abortionists coldly speaking of livers, and hearts, and neural tissue, and whole brains. The sound of a cracking skull. And the devastating admission, "It's a baby."
That doesn't change what it is. A fetal death is not an infant death, and never will be.

Yeah the difference is the infant death still has it's head, arms and legs.

Can the parent(s) still donate the tissue from their child then?
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.
Except there is a law that states providers cannot change procedures in order to improve harvesting when it comes to fetal tissue, and a law saying the places cannot profit from it. All PP has to do is show it does not change procedures due to harvesting, and//or show the costs of the tissue recoveries vs. what they actually charge.

I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

He was posing as a buyer, and the seller seemed pretty damn familiar with the questions.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

Nobody set Romney up by lying to get him to show up, and asking pointed questions to get that out of him. They only recorded the speech that he or one of his employees wrote expressing his beliefs. That doesn't meet any criteria for a sting.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

Nobody set Romney up by lying to get him to show up, and asking pointed questions to get that out of him. They only recorded the speech that he or one of his employees wrote expressing his beliefs. That doesn't meet any criteria for a sting.

The lying isn't the issue. PP thought they were dealing with a potential buyer. This is how they act with potential buyers.

There is nothing wrong with a sting. In fact if you support abortion and think there is nothing wrong with what they did, how about defending PP's words an actions instead of attacking the method of getting said information?
In the fourth video, the abortionist strategizes about presenting this practice as "research" and avoiding saying it is a business venture. She says she needs to coordinate with the wider Planned Parenthood community to make sure they are all singing from the same page in public before she signs on to this strategy.

Obviously, the only use for the baby parts is for research. There simply is no other use for them.

It is equally obvious that one could find a way to profit handsomely from selling body parts to researchers. However, the videos do not unequivocally establish this is in fact what PP is doing.

The videos seem to indicate Planned Parenthood is using the revenues from baby part harvesting to cover the cost of all the services they provide to women. Abortions, birth control, counseling, etc.

Nonetheless, there is a moral victory here for the pro-life movement. The abortionists coldly speaking of livers, and hearts, and neural tissue, and whole brains. The sound of a cracking skull. And the devastating admission, "It's a baby."
That doesn't change what it is. A fetal death is not an infant death, and never will be.

Yeah the difference is the infant death still has it's head, arms and legs.
Details, and that changes the status of what is what not a damn...
Doesn't matter.

I really and truly don't care if the dimocrap party aborts itself into oblivion. Honestly.

In fact, I think we should give dimocraps abortion on demand and $5 from Crime Stop. Plus a Gift Certificate for a Happy Meal from the Darwin Society.

I shit you not.

What's great about this is that dimocrap scum are too STUPID to stand up and say, "This sucks! We need to look into this!" and are instead defending it like a dog guarding his bone.

Guess what, dimocrap scum? If there was ANY doubt about the 2016 election before? It is GONE now. Totally and completely gone.

The dimocrap party is THE most evil, corrupt, dishonest, disgusting, lying, criminal organization to ever exist in the history of this Planet. Worse than the Nazis, worse than the Soviets, worse than Mao's communists, worse than Pol Pot, worse than any of them.

The only thing that keeps them from being mass-murderers is people like me, Because they know they'd have to face us down. And that they would lose if that ever happened

dimocrap voters? Look at how they're reacting to the news on PP....

Sheep. Sheep being led to their slaughter
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

No one was asking Romney misleading questions or baiting him.

That wasn't happening here either. These people posed as buyers, and the seller seemed pretty familiar and comfortable with the questions being asked.

Then why did they blur out her face so you couldn't see her expressions?
Except there is a law that states providers cannot change procedures in order to improve harvesting when it comes to fetal tissue, and a law saying the places cannot profit from it. All PP has to do is show it does not change procedures due to harvesting, and//or show the costs of the tissue recoveries vs. what they actually charge.

I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:
Can we abort that college student?

Elective abortion after 6 months being out is fine, most are done at half that.

And post-abortion makes sense if the infant is truly damaged and some are. They won't mind, they aren't really here yet. We call them neonates for a bit because of that.
Do you scum know what this means (in red)

In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Ginde at the abortion-clinic headquarters of PPRM in Denver to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs. When the actors request intact fetal specimens, Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.”

Since PPRM does not use digoxin or other feticide in its 2nd trimester procedures, any intact deliveries before an abortion are potentially born-alive infants under federal law (1 USC 8).

Note, in case you missed it in the second video, the reason they don't use feticide is because then the organs aren't viable. Meaning they crush the babies and tear them apart while they are still alive and able to feel pain.

Read the part in Red. Do you know what that means?

It means that PP is taking BORN ALIVE INFANTS and murdering them in order to sell them.

Do you NOT understand that?

I'm telling you people like it is..... dimocrap scum DO understand it.

They just don't care. They don't care that BORN ALIVE INFANTS are being murdered at Planned Parenthood

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