Fourth PP video released, it's bad

If I heard right in the tape, they were talking about the patient having the baby before the procedure. They were talking about that baby? If so this is murder.
I saw the video's. When a hospital can charge 50 dollars for an aspirin, the numbers discussed are far from a profit making amount. I'm not aware of anything about procedure changes, but I will look into it. At first thought, I find it a little hard to describe a little extra care to preserve the integrity of the tissue as a procedure change.

Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

Cute baby picture, but that is not the tissue we are discussing.
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.

When the only thing you have is spin, you really don't have anything.

And of course it is a "sting" video, they are all "sting videos", which are being released both edited and unedited.

Or is undercover video investigations only OK when your side does them?[/QUOTE

I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?
was that a sting? Did it involve planned deception? It was simply Romney being recorded, there was no deception involved?
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Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.
The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go.
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dimocraps are scum --

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Describes Late-Term Abortions, “Usually You Can See The Whole Brain Come Out”

But according to Planned Parenthood this is just “fetal tissue.”

Via The Federalist:

Just two days after the release of video showing Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood employees picking apart a recently aborted child for parts, the Center for Medical Progress released another video featuring a conversation with Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains VP & Medical Director Savita Ginde. Here are 8 disturbing moments from the video.

While Planned Parenthood’s public relations campaign resorts to euphemisms about “fetal tissue,” Planned Parenthood officials such as Ginde speak more clearly about the organs they harvest from aborted children. Here Ginde talks about organs, including “the whole brain” coming out as abortive waste.

Keep reading
In the fourth video, the abortionist strategizes about presenting this practice as "research" and avoiding saying it is a business venture. She says she needs to coordinate with the wider Planned Parenthood community to make sure they are all singing from the same page in public before she signs on to this strategy.

Obviously, the only use for the baby parts is for research. There simply is no other use for them.

It is equally obvious that one could find a way to profit handsomely from selling body parts to researchers. However, the videos do not unequivocally establish this is in fact what PP is doing.

The videos seem to indicate Planned Parenthood is using the revenues from baby part harvesting to cover the cost of all the services they provide to women. Abortions, birth control, counseling, etc.

Nonetheless, there is a moral victory here for the pro-life movement. The abortionists coldly speaking of livers, and hearts, and neural tissue, and whole brains. The sound of a cracking skull. And the devastating admission, "It's a baby."
That doesn't change what it is. A fetal death is not an infant death, and never will be.
Yep it was just a goldfish!!
Why do you deny what you where and still are human from the very moment of your conception.
The willful ignorance is astounding.
One of the pillars of pro abortion is that we were "only talking about a clump of cells."

BS. Now in the Embryonic Stem Cell debate yeah the "Clump of Cells" was used and is accurate. In the abortion debate your allegation is simply not true.
Wrong. We were consistently told they were clumps of cells, they werent human beings, life did not begin at conception etc etc.
All of this has been revealed as a lie.

It's what the anti-choice folks claim but they never say who or offer the credentials of the person who they claim said it.

my gawd, it's NOT ABOUT ANTI-CHOICE for crying out loud
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.
They also posted the unedited version for comparison. They didn't make the execs say there were different prices for different organs. Nowhere, to the best of my knowledge, did the PP exec say that there was a fixed cost for transporting the various dead baby parts. Perhaps you can show where she vigorously insisted they would not accept higher prices for different parts.
the anti-choice could be PP. are they INFORMING these women of ALL they are doing with their aborted babies? they just tell them its for Tissue harvesting, Stem cells. And we see IT'S way more that. this is just plain sick
Planned Parenthood is a mess, shut them down

Complaint Filed Against Colorado Planned Parenthood for Covering Up Rape

Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood recently gained notoriety when the Center for Medical Progress released a video of people at the abortion clinic picking through a dish of aborted baby parts in order to sell them. Now the Planned Parenthood affiliate is facing accusations of serious wrongdoing:

Alliance Defending Freedom filed a complaint Wednesday with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies on behalf of Colorado Family Action against a Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood abortionist and another employee. According to information obtained from a recently settled civil lawsuit, the two employees failed to comply with Colorado law by not reporting the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl, performed an abortion on the girl without giving notice to her parents, and returned her to the custody of the sexual predator, who continued to sexually molest her.

Complaint Filed Against Colorado Planned Parenthood for Covering Up Rape The Weekly Standard
PP does D&C procedures. The video indicates that an intact fetus would only occur if the woman had a spontaneous abortion before PP started their procedure.

Furthermore no one is "selling body parts". The payment is for storage and handling only.

Note that it is the illegal video makers who keep on bringing up the price they are willing to pay and the subject of the body parts versus an intact fetus as was noted in the OP.

This is so obviously a sting video which explains why the pro-lifers can't understand what is happening here.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

The video reeks of desperation.

So that means you are against ANY investigative reporting involving deception, right?

This wasn't investigative reporting. It was a choreographed farce.
I haven't seen very many sting video's by democrats . You got a link to them?

How about the Romney "47%" one from last election cycle?

Nobody set Romney up by lying to get him to show up, and asking pointed questions to get that out of him. They only recorded the speech that he or one of his employees wrote expressing his beliefs. That doesn't meet any criteria for a sting.

The lying isn't the issue. PP thought they were dealing with a potential buyer. This is how they act with potential buyers.

There is nothing wrong with a sting. In fact if you support abortion and think there is nothing wrong with what they did, how about defending PP's words an actions instead of attacking the method of getting said information?

Because the information is not representative and is misdirected.

it looks pretty representative to me, and they release the unedited videos as well.

It's what you chose to believe. Not what the facts are.
The anti-rights people in this thread are being callously manipulated by the makers of these illegal videos.

Unfortunately they lack the cognitive skills to understand how they are being manipulated by the out of context editing and slanted leading questions and who is doing the bidding.

In essence abortion is legal and the anti-rights zealots want to deny women their right to make the choice as to whether they can afford to bring another child into this world.

Note that the anti-rights zealots are against providing healthcare for both the pregnant women and their children once they have been forced to bear them.

The anti-rights zealots are against providing a living wage to these pregnant women and their children they will be forced to raise.

If we are going to have a discussion let's take a good hard look at who these anti-rights zealots are who are releasing these videos mentioned in the OP.

It isn't as though they are fighting for the rights of healthcare and living wages for these women.

No, they just want to punish them for becoming pregnant in every possible way that they can.
The anti-rights people in this thread are being callously manipulated by the makers of these illegal videos.

Unfortunately they lack the cognitive skills to understand how they are being manipulated by the out of context editing and slanted leading questions and who is doing the bidding.

In essence abortion is legal and the anti-rights zealots want to deny women their right to make the choice as to whether they can afford to bring another child into this world.

Note that the anti-rights zealots are against providing healthcare for both the pregnant women and their children once they have been forced to bear them.

The anti-rights zealots are against providing a living wage to these pregnant women and their children they will be forced to raise.

If we are going to have a discussion let's take a good hard look at who these anti-rights zealots are who are releasing these videos mentioned in the OP.

It isn't as though they are fighting for the rights of healthcare and living wages for these women.

No, they just want to punish them for becoming pregnant in every possible way that they can.

Planned Parenthood is a mess, shut them down

Complaint Filed Against Colorado Planned Parenthood for Covering Up Rape

Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood recently gained notoriety when the Center for Medical Progress released a video of people at the abortion clinic picking through a dish of aborted baby parts in order to sell them. Now the Planned Parenthood affiliate is facing accusations of serious wrongdoing:

Alliance Defending Freedom filed a complaint Wednesday with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies on behalf of Colorado Family Action against a Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood abortionist and another employee. According to information obtained from a recently settled civil lawsuit, the two employees failed to comply with Colorado law by not reporting the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl, performed an abortion on the girl without giving notice to her parents, and returned her to the custody of the sexual predator, who continued to sexually molest her.

Complaint Filed Against Colorado Planned Parenthood for Covering Up Rape The Weekly Standard
Typical, her step-father. They didn't cover it up, they didn't ask. And the mother didn't know her husband had been abusing the child for seven fucking years? I give up.
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Then all they have to do is release a cost analysis.

Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

Cute baby picture, but that is not the tissue we are discussing.

We aren't discussing tissue. You just think we are. We are discussing the role of planned parenthood in this brutal practice of abortion. So you consider that a picture of a baby? It is to some. To others it is $.
Fun watching the Left call for prosecution on unauthorized video and audio and other data leaks. Problem, as usual, they are inconsistent. They had no problem when Donald Sterling audio on blacks was released......same with Jimmy Carter grandson leaking audio of Mitt Romney speech. Many on the Left were furious with Edward Snowden but only because his leaks occurred when their guys were in charge.
I call Barbra Streisand. Storing, transporting and handling dead baby parts costs the same no matter which parts are involved. Charging higher prices for more "desirable" parts means profit seeking.

Note that it was only the illegal video makers who were raising the subject of "more desirable body parts" and the prices.

They just edited the videos to make it appear as though it was PP and not themselves.

This was a sting and the fact that they weren't openly videoing is yet another indictment against them.

The providers of the video admit they posed as a bunch of buyers, and released the unedited videos. Their point was to expose how PP deals with tissue transactions. Again, you can't attack the content, so you attack the messenger.

It's sad, and reeks of desperation.

The video reeks of desperation.

So that means you are against ANY investigative reporting involving deception, right?

This wasn't investigative reporting. It was a choreographed farce.

It was most definitely investigative reporting, but you don't agree with it, so you have to rationalize away any attempt to actually look at what was said, and instead go after the people doing it, and more importantly, their right to do it.
Tissue donation is highly regulate, and has been for a long time. I'm sure that those things are regularly evaluated for the entire medical tissue donation community. Otherwise, you would have livers being sold regularly on EBay. .

Evidently not as regulated as you think when it comes to fetal tissue samples. The whole point of the Videos is to show PP is being shifty about costs, about how they change the procedure to make recovery of samples easier, and the callousness in how the handle the whole thing.

Only the first two are possible legal issues, the last one is just a PR disaster.

Discussing costs to harvest tissue is being shifty? The guy making the video was the one asking questions about costs. Since when is answering questions shifty?

You have tissue (bad enough) confused with human body parts. Hearts, livers, kidneys..... Human body parts come from humans. It is why they are careful when they kill the human so their parts are left intact. Can we stop pretending that a baby in the process of being born is tissue? Late term aborted babies look like this:

The videos are not dealing with late term fetuses.
The videos were asking about 2nd term fetuses only.

So are you waiting for the video that does? Why wait:

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go.

Your ignorance is appalling.

In order to obtain a late term abortion you need to see a doctor, not PP.

The doctor needs to make a diagnosis as to the viability of the fetus and the threat to the health of the woman.

Only if the doctor makes the diagnosis that a late term abortion is a medical necessity does that occur in a hospital, not a clinic.

The doctor stands to lose his medical license if he fails to follow both federal and state laws regarding 3rd term abortions which is why they are so rare.

If you want to discuss your ignorance on this topic start another thread and don't derail the topic of this OP.

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