Fox Business News: Obama Will Push for Slavery Reparations in 2016

The cited original article strikes me as the biggest bluff since falsies...
During his first campaign Obama was asked if he believed in reparations and he said, "No, because reparations don't go far enough."
His agenda is so radical that reparations are just miniscule in comparison.

Yeah, and he's going to take our guns, turn us into a communist nation, put everyone in concentration camps and - this is the scary one - marry our sisters.
If he pushes division the democrats will lose in 2016. Identity politics is stupid...All Americans should be respected and not divided.

Even ted cruz could win the white house if the democrats choose to use this kind of idiocy.
...Great idea. We just need to gather up all the former slaves and the former slave owners and work out a deal. No one else was affected, so the current generation should not be involved.
Nothing fancy, for that meeting... a 'bare-bones' setting will do.
If they could get the wing nuts riled up about something as stupid as death panels, they can rile them up about this. It doesn't take much.
Pay priosners released when evidence of their innocence comes to light. Should pay the descendents of slaves for what we did to their ancestors. Free tuition, tax breaks, free healthcare, etc.

#1) It's unconstitutional

#2) Millions of Americas came to this country after the Civil War. How are they in any way responsible?

#3) The theory that children are responsible for the sins of their parents goes against every principle this country supposedly stands for.
Gotta keep the black folks riled up to vote Democrat.

How they don't see this as offensive is beyond me. I wasn't AROUND for slavery. I owe nothing to anyone
Isn't pretty much everything libturds do offensive Republicans?
Until we pay what we owe there's a blight on our collective souls.
How do you figure I owe them a cent?

I was talking about the black community. USING them and slavery to get monies from the people today who had nothing to do with slavery
Gotta keep the black folks riled up to vote Democrat.

How they don't see this as offensive is beyond me. I wasn't AROUND for slavery. I owe nothing to anyone
Isn't pretty much everything libturds do offensive Republicans?
Until we pay what we owe there's a blight on our collective souls.
How do you figure I owe them a cent?

I was talking about the black community. USING them and slavery to get monies from the people today who had nothing to do with slavery
:lol: You teapers are a bunch of gullible idiots.

funny how the race baiters bring up reparations every so often. I think the teapers think that f they keep everything about blacks, we can elect a wetback or canadian to office.
If they could get the wing nuts riled up about something as stupid as death panels, they can rile them up about this. It doesn't take much.

When Obama gets these hair brained ideas, he tries to find a way to make them happen. It's stupid. The current generation is simply not responsible for the sins of the past and there are no victims of slavery alive now. Just who do we pay? The ones who claim they are related to a former slave? And who pays? Just those, like Ben Afflect, who have ancestors that were slave owners?

No, the current rhetoric is that whites are all guilty of being born white and owe just because of their skin color.

This is just the latest scheme to redistribute money and, as usual, they attempt this by trying to shame everyone.

The goal isn't making things right. We've done that with equal rights, no thanks to the Democrats. The real goal here is robbing people to make their constituents happy. They've already convinced many people that they are entitled to things because of the evil people in the country and next step is to make them pay for their crime of being born white.
Remember how we were told Obambam wasn't Responsible for the sins OF his ugly Reverend Wright

how soon they change their tunes as long it's their dear leader spewing it

they can go find and dig up my ancestors if they find they were involved in slavery. and then try and get blood from their bones
Remember how we were told Obambam wasn't Responsible for the sins OF his ugly Reverend Wright

how soon they change their tunes as long it's their dear leader spewing it

they can go find and dig up my ancestors if they find they were involved in slavery. and then try and get blood from their bones

OMG frikken DEMS dear leader spewing dark horses blood bones in something something.
Say no to identity politics and say yes to infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and good policies.

We know this shit in this thread causes division and that aint good. Lets all just agree that all humans no matter what color has done wrongs.
Pay priosners released when evidence of their innocence comes to light. Should pay the descendents of slaves for what we did to their ancestors. Free tuition, tax breaks, free healthcare, etc.
I agree with your first sentence and I admire but disagree with your sentiments in the second sentence. I feel that we have to move forward and treat everyone equitably. I think that our current social programs are sufficient enough to help all underprivileged or personally distressed people. I think that all most of us want (speaking for myself and others I know), is to be treated fairly an not worry being singled out or racially profiled when dealing with the authorities. In my opinion, Our country is getting better and better every day. I don't want "the good ole' days" because for many of us they weren't the "good ole' days". I remember it used to be a "funny" thing when a little Black kid stated that they wanted to be President on any of the variety shows in the 70's 80's, etc. People used to smile but seem to think "yeah right". Now it's a possibility and a reality.
If they could get the wing nuts riled up about something as stupid as death panels, they can rile them up about this. It doesn't take much.

When Obama gets these hair brained ideas, he tries to find a way to make them happen. It's stupid. The current generation is simply not responsible for the sins of the past and there are no victims of slavery alive now. Just who do we pay? The ones who claim they are related to a former slave? And who pays? Just those, like Ben Afflect, who have ancestors that were slave owners?

No, the current rhetoric is that whites are all guilty of being born white and owe just because of their skin color.

This is just the latest scheme to redistribute money and, as usual, they attempt this by trying to shame everyone.

The goal isn't making things right. We've done that with equal rights, no thanks to the Democrats. The real goal here is robbing people to make their constituents happy. They've already convinced many people that they are entitled to things because of the evil people in the country and next step is to make them pay for their crime of being born white.

So you actually believe reparations is actually one of Obama's goals. I can't think of any better way to prove my claim is right. Right wingers will fall for any silly lie they are told.
If they could get the wing nuts riled up about something as stupid as death panels, they can rile them up about this. It doesn't take much.

When Obama gets these hair brained ideas, he tries to find a way to make them happen. It's stupid. The current generation is simply not responsible for the sins of the past and there are no victims of slavery alive now. Just who do we pay? The ones who claim they are related to a former slave? And who pays? Just those, like Ben Afflect, who have ancestors that were slave owners?

No, the current rhetoric is that whites are all guilty of being born white and owe just because of their skin color.

This is just the latest scheme to redistribute money and, as usual, they attempt this by trying to shame everyone.

The goal isn't making things right. We've done that with equal rights, no thanks to the Democrats. The real goal here is robbing people to make their constituents happy. They've already convinced many people that they are entitled to things because of the evil people in the country and next step is to make them pay for their crime of being born white.

Except it wasn't Obama's hair brained idea. It was a side comment made by a Fox person on a panel, and made without even the attempt to support with it evidence of any kind. But people just pick it up and act as if it were true. Not even a the slightest attempt to engage in critical thinking. It's just plain sad.

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