Fox Business News: Obama Will Push for Slavery Reparations in 2016

Seriously, folks. How many times will you have to be shown that Fox News is a propaganda outlet before you finally, finally, finally quit regurgitating their piss?

This unthinking devotion is now way beyond retarded.
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Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
So a talk host said he THINKS Obama will push for Reparations, and then went to to show that we paid $1.5 billion already to Black Farmers, many of who never farmed.
And you all are barking at the moon because of this???
It is an opinion show, and he gave an opinion.
What is wrong with that?
The Jews don't deserve reparations in any form from Americans as well as any negro decendent of an alleged slave.

Uhhh, where have you been? They've been getting reparations for 50 years and you've been paying for it.

So again, Tell me why the jews are getting it but blacks shouldnt.

Thats a tough one aint it?
Do you agree that Jews should be getting reparations?

See, you cant even answer :rofl: and thats the point. Whether or not you believe they SHOULD or SHOULDNT that doesnt matter because THEY ARE! And you cant explain it....

Which is the entire point
I know what you mean. My answer is no, curre t Jews (or any past Jew) should not get sympathetic reparations due to that overblown mythical event.
Channeling your very large, very ugly inner Nazi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
No, channeling the truth about Jews.
Uhhh, where have you been? They've been getting reparations for 50 years and you've been paying for it.

So again, Tell me why the jews are getting it but blacks shouldnt.

Thats a tough one aint it?
Do you agree that Jews should be getting reparations?

See, you cant even answer :rofl: and thats the point. Whether or not you believe they SHOULD or SHOULDNT that doesnt matter because THEY ARE! And you cant explain it....

Which is the entire point
I know what you mean. My answer is no, curre t Jews (or any past Jew) should not get sympathetic reparations due to that overblown mythical event.
Channeling your very large, very ugly inner Nazi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
No, channeling the truth about Jews.

You never post any truth about blacks or Jews or homosexuals or hispanics- just your usual hateful crap.
Uhhh, where have you been? They've been getting reparations for 50 years and you've been paying for it.

So again, Tell me why the jews are getting it but blacks shouldnt.

Thats a tough one aint it?
Do you agree that Jews should be getting reparations?

See, you cant even answer :rofl: and thats the point. Whether or not you believe they SHOULD or SHOULDNT that doesnt matter because THEY ARE! And you cant explain it....

Which is the entire point
I know what you mean. My answer is no, curre t Jews (or any past Jew) should not get sympathetic reparations due to that overblown mythical event.
Channeling your very large, very ugly inner Nazi.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
No, channeling the truth about Jews.

zeig heil, white trash.
I tried to find a link and looked on youtube as well. Its strange that I can't seem to find any evidence, but no matter, feel free to not believe me, I know what I heard. I remember Mark Levin playing a clip of him Obama being interviewed, where he said he does not believe in reparations because he believed they would not go far enough. And I heard numerous people repeat the fact that he said that.
It's not strange at all....because he didn't say it. You drank the kool aid and are now looking for seconds.

Again I heard him say it. Chose not to believe me, I don't care. I could pull up numerous sources that paraphrase what he said, but I can't seem to find an exact quote. Google loves Obozo.
Then produce the evidence. We live in the age where everything a politician says that you may have "heard" is there to dig up......and yet you cannot find it. And now you want to provide a "paraphrase" as a source. :lol: Go right ahead, lets see those so-called paraphrase sources.

evidence? they don't need no stinking evidence. they're Obama deranged bigoted loons.

And you continue to suck Obozo's dick while he works towards Israel's destruction.

can't rightwingnuts post anything without sesxually abusing the person they're posting to?


then get bent.
Gotta keep the black folks riled up to vote Democrat.

The irony is killing me!

Fox News is counting on you tards being stupid enough to buy this reparations propaganda so that YOU get riled up, just like you are now.
I'm still waiting for Obama to take my guns.

and set up FEMA camps.
He's too busy infecting Honduran children with Ebola at the ISIS camp in Mexico right now.

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