Fox Business News: Obama Will Push for Slavery Reparations in 2016

Seriously, folks. How many times will you have to be shown that Fox News is a propaganda outlet before you finally, finally, finally quit regurgitating their piss?

This unthinking devotion is now way beyond retarded.
Jews don't get reparations, so your question is a non sequitur.

They did at one time.

But that was mostly for resettlement costs in Israel.

I'd gladly pay for Nee-Groes to settle back in Africa.

Also, the Jews were robbed blind by the socialist bastards.

They actually had major amounts of money and property taken from them -- Tangible assets.

Nee-Groes weren't worth anything when they were brought here and were worth even less when Republicans fought dimocrap scum to free them.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Fox News viewer:


I want to believe it, so it must be true!
Seriously, folks. How many times will you have to be shown that Fox News is a propaganda outlet before you finally, finally, finally quit regurgitating their piss?

This unthinking devotion is now way beyond retarded.

Yeah, I bet you're watching and re-watching old Brian Williams newscasts, huh?

douchebag moron
Nee-Groes weren't worth anything when they were brought here and were worth even less when Republicans fought dimocrap scum to free them.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

I guess it was dimocraps who spent over 50 pages in a topic defending the Confederacy last week, eh? :badgrin:
Seriously, folks. How many times will you have to be shown that Fox News is a propaganda outlet before you finally, finally, finally quit regurgitating their piss?

This unthinking devotion is now way beyond retarded.

Yeah, I bet you're watching and re-watching old Brian Williams newscasts, huh?

And here we see the Indigenous Retard in his native habitat, desperately inventing yet more bullshit in his head in order to maintain his carefully crafted delusional belief system.
It's back to their standard: CLASS WARFARE

what else do they have? they were kicked out of Congress after only SIX years of his and his parties "reign of terror over us"

I just hope the people doesn't fall for anymore of his bullshit. AND see he still only care for CERTAIN groups of people in the country. and that ILLEGAL immigrants to get their VOTES and now this with Reparations ...... IN ORDER to get their votes and spread US TAXPAYERS monies to others who didn't do anything to DESERVE IT....
Wow- Fox News clearly is doing its job well.

There are not going to be any reparations, nor will President Obama suggest them- just nutjobbery to keep the poor white trash riled up to vote Republican.

I heard him say it. He absolutely said it. You are the piss drinker here.
You have zero evidence. See my previous post.

I tried to find a link and looked on youtube as well. Its strange that I can't seem to find any evidence, but no matter, feel free to not believe me, I know what I heard. I remember Mark Levin playing a clip of him Obama being interviewed, where he said he does not believe in reparations because he believed they would not go far enough. And I heard numerous people repeat the fact that he said that.
It's not strange at all....because he didn't say it. You drank the kool aid and are now looking for seconds.

Again I heard him say it. Chose not to believe me, I don't care. I could pull up numerous sources that paraphrase what he said, but I can't seem to find an exact quote. Google loves Obozo.

Sure- and I heard the Ted Cruz say that he hates negroes......I just can't seem to find the
U.S. taxpayers have provided the Israeli military that invaded Gaza on Thursday night with more than $121 billion since the state’s founding, subsidizing about 25 percent of the tiny country’s annual defense budget in recent years.

Some of Israel s Top Defenders Say It s Time to End U.S. Aid - The Daily Beast

That's Israel, not American Jews. "Reparations" would require the government to write checks to American Jews. If you want to call aid to Israel "reparations," then it would be just as valid to call welfare "reparations" to blacks.
Fox news reported this and probably ended it with "Thanks for bringing us together Obama"

and the irony is lost on these mouth breathers
Fox news reported this and probably ended it with "Thanks for bringing us together Obama"

and the irony is lost on these mouth breathers

Not sure if this is a side issue, but if we are on the same story.... Fox news did not report this. It had nothing to do with Fox news other than the fact that the guy who said it works for Fox. But he was not working for Fox at the time he said it.
Fox news reported this and probably ended it with "Thanks for bringing us together Obama"

and the irony is lost on these mouth breathers

An "Uncle Tom" no doubt ........ Lol

I heard him say it. He absolutely said it. You are the piss drinker here.
You have zero evidence. See my previous post.

I tried to find a link and looked on youtube as well. Its strange that I can't seem to find any evidence, but no matter, feel free to not believe me, I know what I heard. I remember Mark Levin playing a clip of him Obama being interviewed, where he said he does not believe in reparations because he believed they would not go far enough. And I heard numerous people repeat the fact that he said that.
It's not strange at all....because he didn't say it. You drank the kool aid and are now looking for seconds.

Again I heard him say it. Chose not to believe me, I don't care. I could pull up numerous sources that paraphrase what he said, but I can't seem to find an exact quote. Google loves Obozo.

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During his first campaign Obama was asked if he believed in reparations and he said, "No, because reparations don't go far enough."
His agenda is so radical that reparations are just miniscule in comparison.

He's going to do it right after he takes all your guns and send people to the death panels to carry out the will of Allah

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They are getting them...You tell me why they are getting them and blacks arent
The Jews don't deserve reparations in any form from Americans as well as any negro decendent of an alleged slave.

Uhhh, where have you been? They've been getting reparations for 50 years and you've been paying for it.

So again, Tell me why the jews are getting it but blacks shouldnt.

Thats a tough one aint it?
Do you agree that Jews should be getting reparations?

See, you cant even answer :rofl: and thats the point. Whether or not you believe they SHOULD or SHOULDNT that doesnt matter because THEY ARE! And you cant explain it....

Which is the entire point
I know what you mean. My answer is no, curre t Jews (or any past Jew) should not get sympathetic reparations due to that overblown mythical event.
Channeling your very large, very ugly inner Nazi.

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