Fox contributor implicitly admits Recession is Trump's fault

Problem is Biden isn’t really the reason for the spike in oil prices or the rise of gas prices and this is something that has been coming for decades.

It is easier to blame the President than actually understand this has been a decades long issue that many on both sides either ignored or contribute to it.

Even if you could drill today it will be awhile down the road before we see any benefits and let be clear Biden isn’t the reason why we don’t have new refineries, Nuclear Reactors or moved further forward but it is from decades of stupid politicians on both sides not doing what is needed to fix our situation from making Mexico, Central and South America better trade partners where we could refine the extracted oil to having food and other stuff generated to selling us out to the Chinese…

Blame Nixon and every politician since for this damn issue we suffer from…

So. You're going all the way back to Nixon!
Move the goalposts, boyo!
We didn't start getting negative growth till the first quarter of 2022.
Inflation didn't start until Biden started signing EOs.

The price of gas started rising the day Obiden took office.
Complete nonsense. Trump gave us negative in 2020. Oh, and raw GDP is a crap metric for recession or actual growth, that's why no one could ascertain if we would go into recession or not.

Also wrong, They've been rising since 2020. Thank you Trump! Gas prices by year in the United States 1990-2020 | Statista
It sounds 'faculty lounge' too complicated.
Not really seeing it was Nixon that opened the door to China and we as a nation started to sell our soul to them in the 1990’s and ever since the early 2000’s we have been relying on the for their slave labor camps that produce our not so cheap made in China crap that the corporations like Apple sell to us while taking in billions off of slavery in China…

So let think for a second we have a supply chain issue because China closed itself down and we don’t have really great manufacturing here in our part of the World that should have been the focus in the first place.

A true leader would work on strengthening ties with Mexico, Central and South America while working with corporations to move their manufacturing from China to south of our border if they refuse to come back here and why?

We are paying our enemy to make our stuff and when they get uppity and believe they own us, well we have supply chain issues and a mysterious virus circulating the globe…

Hmmm, not rocket science but you have to be truly honest and admit neither political party has America best interest at heart…
Not really seeing it was Nixon that opened the door to China and we as a nation started to sell our soul to them in the 1990’s and ever since the early 2000’s we have been relying on the for their slave labor camps that produce our not so cheap made in China crap that the corporations like Apple sell to us while taking in billions off of slavery in China…

So let think for a second we have a supply chain issue because China closed itself down and we don’t have really great manufacturing here in our part of the World that should have been the focus in the first place.

A true leader would work on strengthening ties with Mexico, Central and South America while working with corporations to move their manufacturing from China to south of our border if they refuse to come back here and why?

We are paying our enemy to make our stuff and when they get uppity and believe they own us, well we have supply chain issues and a mysterious virus circulating the globe…

Hmmm, not rocket science but you have to be truly honest and admit neither political party has America best interest at heart…

Nixon opened up China 50 years ago.
And no one made the opportunity to change this in all that time, except Trump!
Why was this, professor?
We didn't start having shortages until Biden instituted mask and vaccine-mandates.
Do you just intentionally say things until something sticks, my man? We all know about the shortages of food and toilet paper back in 2020. I remember going to Jewel Osco and seeing completely empty shelves, as well as empty meat freezers. Ya boi Trump! hehe
"Supply chain is one of the major Contributors to inflation".

Trump's Tariffs markedly affected supply chains, and put many farmers/businesses out of business. Trump’s Tariffs Did, In Fact, Hurt U.S. Importers - UCLA Anderson Review

He then gave Billions in socialism to the farmers, simply putting a band aid on the issue. Trump's lack of leadership during the pandemic was the final nail in the economy coffin. We are now seeing the full effects of it as we head into Trump's recession.

If we were truly America first, if Trump brought back all the lost American jobs like he claims, got us industry and food sufficient, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Its too bad voters arent going to see it that way. Get ready to have your shit pushed in in November.
The pipeline literally isn't even done lol. You fell for the fake fox news. And like 90% of that oil isn't for the u.s anyways.

Trump decapitated farmers and businesses, leading to broken supply chains. The pandemic then sealed the deal.
The only thing you said close to being right is about Democrats'/Biden's failed COVID polivies, none of which followed science.

Regarding the pipeline, in your ignorance you said nothing about pipeline worker jobs, pipeline equipment manufacturers, support industry jobs (lodging, food...) etc...

You can't help being ignorant, though...
The only thing you said close to being right is about Democrats'/Biden's failed COVID polivies, none of which followed science.

Regarding the pipeline, in your ignorance you said nothing about pipeline worker jobs, pipeline equipment manufacturers, support industry jobs (lodging, food...) etc...

You can't help being ignorant, though...
Everything I said was true, which is why you equivocate and wont say exactly what was untrue.

You're moving the goalpost. This is about gas prices, not jobs.
Everything I said was true, which is why you equivocate and wont say exactly what was untrue.

You're moving the goalpost. This is about gas prices, not jobs.

I'm not moving anything, just pointing out your ignorance.

On Day 1 Biden killed the pipeline, and with it came the 1st American sacrifices for the Democrats NEW LIBERAL WORLD ORDER ... American jobs, American lives...part of the forced transition from fossil fuels to an alternate energy source that has NOT BEEN INVENTED YET.

Just f*ing brilliant...
Do you just intentionally say things until something sticks, my man? We all know about the shortages of food and toilet paper back in 2020. I remember going to Jewel Osco and seeing completely empty shelves, as well as empty meat freezers. Ya boi Trump! hehe
They started screwing with lumber and toilet paper under Trump.....but the food, baby forumla, and Kotex shortages are because of mask and vaccine-mandates. Biden is purging thousands of government workers out of their jobs because they won't get a poison injection.....and they pissed off so many people with mask requirements that hundreds of thousands decided to retire. I'm one of them.

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