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Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico

What are they going to do though?
For starters they'll slap comparable import duties on our exports and thus cost U.S. Exporters jobs, they're also likely to cut back on government purchases from U.S. companies which will end up costing more jobs and finally they could easily stop/cut-back on lending our Federal Government money and/or dump treasuries on the open market.
We have a 400 something billion dollar deficit with them a YEAR. I think that is something important to remember.
If they dump it, they will lose billions.
China doesn't like losing money. That much is certain lol.
We would have to have them on a ledge of a cliff to do those things. IMO
Yes it will hurt the Chinese economy but they are in a position to absolutely DEVASTATE our economy if we back them into a corner, do you really want to put your and your families standard of living at risk based on Donald the Demagogues laughably simplistic "plan" ? He's got nothing to lose whereas you and your family have everything to lose when it turns out that the Chinese aren't going to sit idly by while we openly attack their economy and violate our trade agreements.
My ideas on trade have been the same since before Donald got on the scene. He is just relaying what I already think about.
We could devastate them too. Do you not understand what missing 500 billion dollars a year would do to their economy? They are an export economy.. They know that. That's why they are trying to shift to a consumer based economy. lol
Hardships now would be fine with me if that means my kids will have a future that doesn't include stocking foreign junk for artificial wages.
I try to look long term.
Yes China is largely an export driven economy that sells globally not just to the U.S. they have a low cost manufacturing base and hold trillions of dollars in U.S. debt not to mention tight government control on their economy and their population, they can weather the storm because they have a population that largely has a low standard of living, how long do you think the American Citizenry is going to stand for very high unemployment and a rapidly declining standard of living?

The Chinese have been subsidizing OUR standard of living by deferring consumption and loaning us the goods and money that WE need to maintain our standard of living, now You and Trump want to openly challenge them to take away the punch bowl? What exactly do you think that's going to accomplish? Do You think suddenly manufacturers are going to ignore the fact that they cannot be globally competitive by manufacturing goods in the U.S.? Are you prepared for the possibility that the Chinese may well decide to crash our bond markets by dumping all the U.S. debt they hold?

Trump's "plan" doesn't address the root causes of the problems heck it doesn't even address the symptoms of it, it's simply the same old protectionist demagoguery wrapped in a bad hair cut.

No, China has been subsidizing USA.INC's propensity to keep spending money that they then skim off the top and buy up stocks and other money making assets that they keep offshore. China hasn't done a damn thing for us serfs but steal jobs from us in order to make money for USA.INC that has controlling interests in the Fortune 500 companies that offshore jobs to them. USA.INC owes them the money......us serfs do not owe them a thing nor are we beholding to them. Your beloved "gubermint" put themselves in that position and if Trump is legit, he can dissolve this corporation and consolidate the vast hidden holdings of this corporate entity that attempted to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body and square the debt with China....and then say "BTW, you can't pawn off your cheaply made goods on our shores anymore with slave labor".......it's not that tough to figure out. Do away with the Fed bank, confiscate their ill-gotten wealth after a thorough audit and use it to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, overhaul the educational system and stop paying people to sit on their asses by paying them a living wage that they will have to work for. It's not a complicated matter.
We have a 400 something billion dollar deficit with them a YEAR. I think that is something important to remember.
If they dump it, they will lose billions.
China doesn't like losing money. That much is certain lol.
We would have to have them on a ledge of a cliff to do those things. IMO
Yes it will hurt the Chinese economy but they are in a position to absolutely DEVASTATE our economy if we back them into a corner, do you really want to put your and your families standard of living at risk based on Donald the Demagogues laughably simplistic "plan" ? He's got nothing to lose whereas you and your family have everything to lose when it turns out that the Chinese aren't going to sit idly by while we openly attack their economy and violate our trade agreements.
My ideas on trade have been the same since before Donald got on the scene. He is just relaying what I already think about.
We could devastate them too. Do you not understand what missing 500 billion dollars a year would do to their economy? They are an export economy.. They know that. That's why they are trying to shift to a consumer based economy. lol
Hardships now would be fine with me if that means my kids will have a future that doesn't include stocking foreign junk for artificial wages.
I try to look long term.
Yes China is largely an export driven economy that sells globally not just to the U.S. they have a low cost manufacturing base and hold trillions of dollars in U.S. debt not to mention tight government control on their economy and their population, they can weather the storm because they have a population that largely has a low standard of living, how long do you think the American Citizenry is going to stand for very high unemployment and a rapidly declining standard of living?

The Chinese have been subsidizing OUR standard of living by deferring consumption and loaning us the goods and money that WE need to maintain our standard of living, now You and Trump want to openly challenge them to take away the punch bowl? What exactly do you think that's going to accomplish? Do You think suddenly manufacturers are going to ignore the fact that they cannot be globally competitive by manufacturing goods in the U.S.? Are you prepared for the possibility that the Chinese may well decide to crash our bond markets by dumping all the U.S. debt they hold?

Trump's "plan" doesn't address the root causes of the problems heck it doesn't even address the symptoms of it, it's simply the same old protectionist demagoguery wrapped in a bad hair cut.

Let them dump the debt. They simply won't get paid.
LOL, apparently you don't understand how debt markets work.... you do realize that the Chinese dumping their holdings will mostly likely lead to a crash of our markets HERE in the U.S and huge losses for U.S. banks and other institutional/private bond holders. Did you guys already forget what happened in 2007-2008 when credit markets seized up? You want to risk going through that again and throw a 45% increase in consumer prices on top of it?

I was wrong, Trump and all his little Trumpkins aren't just ignorant, they're also CRAZY.

Well actually I survived. I also never saw any of the long soup lines you Liberals seemed to have seen during the Bush years. I have ran a corporation for over thirty-five years and have somehow managed to survive all the Administrations during all that time. The sky has yet to fall upon me.
China hasn't done a damn thing for us serfs
Oh contraire, they've allowed U.S. consumers to keep on buying cheap goods to maintain their standard of living, if we had to pay the costs of those same goods manufactured here in the good ole U.S.A we'd all be living A LOT less comfortably. They've also facilitated the vast borrow and print conspiracy in Washington that has allowed the citizenry to pat themselves on the back for their Welfare/Warfare State faux altruism at the expense of future generations.

In a nutshell China has allowed Americans to continue to exist in the magic fairy tale bubble of "you can spend all you want without consequences" and now Trump comes along and tries to convince everyone that he can pop the bubble overnight without any negative consequences.

Your beloved "gubermint" put themselves
LOL, my "beloved gubermint" ???? That's rich , believe me pal it's a safe bet that I hate gub'mint and gub'mint worshipers (like for example Donald Duck and his merry band of out of control lemmings) more than you do.

in that position and if Trump is legit,
'Cept for the fact that Trump isn't legit, his "plans" are idiotic and even the scumbags in Congress aren't crazy or stupid enough to go along with them on the outside chance that Trump scams his way into the Oval Office, Most Congress Critters are evil fucks but they aren't suicidal.
'Cept for the fact that Trump isn't legit, his "plans" are idiotic and even the scumbags in Congress aren't crazy or stupid enough to go along with them on the outside chance that Trump scams his way into the Oval Office, Most Congress Critters are evil fucks but they aren't suicidal.
You mean their masters will not buy the votes to reelect them?
China hasn't done a damn thing for us serfs
Oh contraire, they've allowed U.S. consumers to keep on buying cheap goods to maintain their standard of living, if we had to pay the costs of those same goods manufactured here in the good ole U.S.A we'd all be living A LOT less comfortably. They've also facilitated the vast borrow and print conspiracy in Washington that has allowed the citizenry to pat themselves on the back for their Welfare/Warfare State faux altruism at the expense of future generations.

In a nutshell China has allowed Americans to continue to exist in the magic fairy tale bubble of "you can spend all you want without consequences" and now Trump comes along and tries to convince everyone that he can pop the bubble overnight without any negative consequences.

Your beloved "gubermint" put themselves
LOL, my "beloved gubermint" ???? That's rich , believe me pal it's a safe bet that I hate gub'mint and gub'mint worshipers (like for example Donald Duck and his merry band of out of control lemmings) more than you do.

in that position and if Trump is legit,
'Cept for the fact that Trump isn't legit, his "plans" are idiotic and even the scumbags in Congress aren't crazy or stupid enough to go along with them on the outside chance that Trump scams his way into the Oval Office, Most Congress Critters are evil fucks but they aren't suicidal.

Well, apparently Trump's plans are already having some effect with Ford. The problem, just as he claims, is that we have no one in Washington who has our interests at heart. The Iran Nuclear deal comes to mind. Kerry and Obama give our money away at will and we gain nothing at all in return. We always end up with the short end of the stick. One would think by now the politicians would realize that our money buys only hatred and loss of respect for the nation. I find it refreshing to finally see someone with some balls and common sense trying to do something for America.
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.

It could dramatically increase the cost of goods for all of us. That would be a bad combination with stagnant wages.
China hasn't done a damn thing for us serfs
Oh contraire, they've allowed U.S. consumers to keep on buying cheap goods to maintain their standard of living, if we had to pay the costs of those same goods manufactured here in the good ole U.S.A we'd all be living A LOT less comfortably. They've also facilitated the vast borrow and print conspiracy in Washington that has allowed the citizenry to pat themselves on the back for their Welfare/Warfare State faux altruism at the expense of future generations.

In a nutshell China has allowed Americans to continue to exist in the magic fairy tale bubble of "you can spend all you want without consequences" and now Trump comes along and tries to convince everyone that he can pop the bubble overnight without any negative consequences.

Your beloved "gubermint" put themselves
LOL, my "beloved gubermint" ???? That's rich , believe me pal it's a safe bet that I hate gub'mint and gub'mint worshipers (like for example Donald Duck and his merry band of out of control lemmings) more than you do.

in that position and if Trump is legit,
'Cept for the fact that Trump isn't legit, his "plans" are idiotic and even the scumbags in Congress aren't crazy or stupid enough to go along with them on the outside chance that Trump scams his way into the Oval Office, Most Congress Critters are evil fucks but they aren't suicidal.

"Oh contraire, they've allowed U.S. consumers to keep on buying cheap goods to maintain their standard of living, if we had to pay the costs of those same goods manufactured here in the good ole U.S.A we'd all be living A LOT less comfortably. They've also facilitated the vast borrow and print conspiracy in Washington that has allowed the citizenry to pat themselves on the back for their Welfare/Warfare State faux altruism at the expense of future generations"

Cheap goods because a vast majority of Americans don't have a decent paying job to buy anything else and it's not like they have a lot of options because almost everything now days IS made in China

"They've also facilitated the vast borrow and print conspiracy in Washington that has allowed the citizenry to pat themselves on the back for their Welfare/Warfare State faux altruism at the expense of future generations"

That isn't my problem nor is it the problem of the vast majority of people that have managed to put their noses to the grindstone and eeked out an existence with no help from "da gubermint". This is an issue for USA.INC and it's headquarters in Washington .D.C and the jurisdiction thereof that does not include you....unless you live there or one of their territories and if it goes "belly-up" because it refuses liquidate it's vast amount of holdings and wants to try and pawn their debt off on us? We tell them to go fuck themselves....after all, if you have a birth certificate, you are technically an employee of this massive corporate entity and not responsible for it's debts anymore than you would be responsible for the debts of your place of employment should it declare bankruptcy.

"In a nutshell China has allowed Americans to continue to exist in the magic fairy tale bubble of "you can spend all you want without consequences" and now Trump comes along and tries to convince everyone that he can pop the bubble overnight without any negative consequences"

You mean the corporation that is USA.INC, right? Because most Americans are hurting financially. 71 percent of the populace that even have a job make less than 50K a year....51 percent make less than 30K and a staggering 38 percent make less than 20K. China has been nothing but a parasitic entity and your beloved leaders from both sides that knew the score allowed this to happen while fattening their own wallets. Trump may be legit or he may not be but I know for a fact and without a shadow of a doubt that not a damn thing will change if Hitlery or Cruz is allowed to be CEO. The global elite's master plan is to eradicate at least half (if not more) of the world's population because with the coming robotic age where it is getting cheaper and cheaper to produce automation...do you really believe that they are going to subsidize a a bunch of unemployed ne'er-do-wells that have nothing but time on their hands in order to squirt out another worthless consumer of their food and air? If you do...you are beyond stupid. Trump may be a "Hail Mary" from the 40 yard line with 4 seconds left to play but I would take him over the current crop of establishment types any day of the week and twice on Sunday. You need to watch a video on youtube called "JFK to 9/11...Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick".......it will enlighten you and maybe see what we are really up against.
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.

It could dramatically increase the cost of goods for all of us. That would be a bad combination with stagnant wages.
Only on shit that you don't really need and that will only be until manufacturing returns to America. Personally, I don't need cheap shit nor do I want it. It's time for Americans to stop worrying about getting cheap shit for a cheap price and look at the overall big picture.
If this trend continues, this country will have to be socialist; or everyone is going to fuckin starve.
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.

It could dramatically increase the cost of goods for all of us. That would be a bad combination with stagnant wages.
Only on shit that you don't really need and that will only be until manufacturing returns to America. Personally, I don't need cheap shit nor do I want it. It's time for Americans to stop worrying about getting cheap shit for a cheap price and look at the overall big picture.

Really? It is hard to find stuff not made in China now. There are a lot of things that don't make sense to make here. There are other things that should be make here. If you just throw around tariffs it will probably just increase the cost. We should really start by bringing back jobs that never should have left like CS call centers and other similar jobs. Then use tariffs where it makes sense. I'm amazed that so many repubs now sound like the unions did back in the 80s. I guess they were right?
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.
Doesn't matter. We'll just bring those suppliers back here to 'merican shores and 'merican workers who can make the same dam shite for twice the wages. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.

It could dramatically increase the cost of goods for all of us. That would be a bad combination with stagnant wages.
Only on shit that you don't really need and that will only be until manufacturing returns to America. Personally, I don't need cheap shit nor do I want it. It's time for Americans to stop worrying about getting cheap shit for a cheap price and look at the overall big picture.

Really? It is hard to find stuff not made in China now. There are a lot of things that don't make sense to make here. There are other things that should be make here. If you just throw around tariffs it will probably just increase the cost. We should really start by bringing back jobs that never should have left like CS call centers and other similar jobs. Then use tariffs where it makes sense. I'm amazed that so many repubs now sound like the unions did back in the 80s. I guess they were right?
He doesn't want high tariffs indefinitely. He is just defending the middle class. I tend to imagine things like that would work themselves back out. Then again, in a few years, china might not give a shit. Like I mentioned earlier, they are transitioning to a consumer economy..
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.
Doesn't matter. We'll just bring those suppliers back here to 'merican shores and 'merican workers who can make the same dam shite for twice the wages. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
No more dollar store! :uhoh3:
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.

It could dramatically increase the cost of goods for all of us. That would be a bad combination with stagnant wages.
Only on shit that you don't really need and that will only be until manufacturing returns to America. Personally, I don't need cheap shit nor do I want it. It's time for Americans to stop worrying about getting cheap shit for a cheap price and look at the overall big picture.

Really? It is hard to find stuff not made in China now. There are a lot of things that don't make sense to make here. There are other things that should be make here. If you just throw around tariffs it will probably just increase the cost. We should really start by bringing back jobs that never should have left like CS call centers and other similar jobs. Then use tariffs where it makes sense. I'm amazed that so many repubs now sound like the unions did back in the 80s. I guess they were right?
He doesn't want high tariffs indefinitely. He is just defending the middle class. I tend to imagine things like that would work themselves back out. Then again, in a few years, china might not give a shit. Like I mentioned earlier, they are transitioning to a consumer economy..

I understand the intent. But it doesn't help the middle class if the price of everything they buy goes up. If it was simple and easy we would have these tariffs now.
Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico
Donald Trump's threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
The Republican presidential front-runner's campaign pledges to impose 45 percent tariffs on all imports from China and 35 percent on many goods from Mexico would spark financial market turmoil and possibly even a recession, former trade negotiators, trade lawyers, economists and business executives told Reuters.
Among those hardest hit would be the U.S. auto industry, which has fully integrated Mexico into its production network. Some $118 billion worth of vehicles and parts flowed north and south across the border tariff-free last year, according to U.S. Commerce Department data.
A 35 percent tariff would raise costs for Ford Motor Co's U.S.-assembled F-series and medium-duty pickup trucks that use Mexican-made diesel engines, one of its most profitable vehicle lines. (Graphic on U.S.-Mexico auto and parts trade: tmsnrt.rs/1UN3wun)
Ford CEO Mark Fields on Wednesday defended the company's investment strategy, which includes $9 billion for U.S. plants over the next four years, saying, "We will do what makes sense for the business."
Buyers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's popular Ram 1500 pickup trucks assembled in Saltillo, Mexico, could see their $26,000 base price pushed up by $9,000 if the tariff is fully passed on to consumers. A Chrysler spokesman declined to comment on Trump's statements.
severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains.
Oh you mean, their cheap labor wouldn't matter? Wont that be terrible? :badgrin:
I think a little hardship is necessary in order to fix problems of this magnitude. Just being realistic. Band-aids don't work. And neither do more unfair trade deals.
I also don't give a crap about trade wars with mexico and china. What are they going to do? Raise the prices of foreign product that we don't HAVE to have? Who cares if it means we benefit in the long run? They don't seem to go over the specifics of that.. They never do. Just doom and gloom for the elites.
Once we get the market going with jobs and American production, we go free trade. I think that sounds PERFECT.
We are only running a 125 billion dollar trade deficit this year and its only March.
Doesn't matter. We'll just bring those suppliers back here to 'merican shores and 'merican workers who can make the same dam shite for twice the wages. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
No more dollar store! :uhoh3:
No more bargain big screen tvs
The one guarantee with increasing tariffs is that the prices for consumers will go up. There is no guarantee it will bring any jobs back.

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