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Trump's tariff plan could boomerang, spark trade wars with China, Mexico

The global elites have used the leftists/ Fabian socialists/communists like a cheap whore to tear this country down when it comes to killing decent jobs and changing the fabric of this nation...the neocons were late to the party but they made a huge splash and have been trying to make up ground. Constitutionalists like myself have no political party that represents us and we are considered "extremists" by this corporate "gubermint" for wanting to return to constitutional common law instead of Admiralty law. We are considered extremists for wanting to audit and then end the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve central bank that is mostly foreign owned.Neither party is worth a shit but I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would ever support one...you can take that to the bank.
Until that's done, no change can and will be made.
Which, I would bet more republicans favor this shit over the left..
There isn't a c--t hair's worth of difference between the two bought and paid for factions that do the bidding of the owners of USA.INC. People need to get over this tribalisitic view of political parties. Both of them have screwed us over and the ones at the top of the political pyramid from both sides know that we are under a debt slavery system and perpetuate it and take their payoffs.

The hairs may be evenly split but most of the c--t is on the Right.

The global elites have used the leftists/ Fabian socialists/communists like a cheap whore to tear this country down when it comes to killing decent jobs and changing the fabric of this nation...the neocons were late to the party but they made a huge splash and have been trying to make up ground. Constitutionalists like myself have no political party that represents us and we are considered "extremists" by this corporate "gubermint" for wanting to return to constitutional common law instead of Admiralty law. We are considered extremists for wanting to audit and then end the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve central bank that is mostly foreign owned.Neither party is worth a shit but I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would ever support one...you can take that to the bank.

That was a rather verbose endorsement of what I said.
I don't agree with Trump's anti-free trade stance but there is a point that many of these countries are manipulating their currency to get a trade advantage over us or simply finding ways of preventing American products from entering their country. I think Trump is tapping into that sentiment with American workers who have lost their factory jobs.
He is a free trader. But he knows we cant just jump back in the market like that. Our manufacturing is high but too much is being made overseas.
There is already a trade war and we are losing it. The idea that putting a tariff on a product will further incite a trade war when a trade war already exists id foolishness. Once a company or corporation that manufactures a product overseas and imported into this country sees the cost of that product rising to more than it would cost to manufacture in this country, those companies and corporations will then build their manufacturing plants here instead of in Mexico or China. If Ford insists upon manufacturing their vehicles in Mexico, then Americans will cease buying Ford products when the costs of Ford products rise above that of American manufactured autos and trucks.
There is already a trade war and we are losing it. The idea that putting a tariff on a product will further incite a trade war when a trade war already exists id foolishness. Once a company or corporation that manufactures a product overseas and imported into this country sees the cost of that product rising to more than it would cost to manufacture in this country, those companies and corporations will then build their manufacturing plants here instead of in Mexico or China. If Ford insists upon manufacturing their vehicles in Mexico, then Americans will cease buying Ford products when the costs of Ford products rise above that of American manufactured autos and trucks.

yup ..

last year, anti dumping tariff's were put in place ..

According to a report released Tuesday by the US Department Of Commerce, corrosion-resistant steel imports from China were sold at unfairly low prices and will be taxed at 256 percent.

The measure is clearly aimed exclusively at China's dumping of steel on the US market, and its relentess exports of deflation.

According to Bloomberg, imports from India, South Korea and Italy will be taxed at lower rates. Imports from Taiwan and Italy’s Marcegaglia SpA will not face anti-dumping tariffs. The government found dumping margins of 3.25 percent for most South Korean steel imports, with Hyundai Steel Co.’s shipments subject to duties of 3.5 percent. Imports from Italian companies excluding Marcegaglia will be taxed at 3.1 percent. Indian imports are subject to duties from 6.6 percent to 6.9 percent.

Which means that the biggest "beneficiary" of this dramatic import price surge will be none other than Beijing.

“We’re concerned that the dumping that’s occurring is at higher levels than these determinations reflect,” Tim Brightbill, a partner at Wiley Rein LLP, a law firm representing U.S. steelmaker Nucor Corp., said Tuesday in an interview. “We have serious concerns that these preliminary duties are not enough at a time when unfairly priced imports continue to surge into the U.S. market at unprecedented rates.”

According to some the US foray into trade wars was long overdue:

U.S. producers including Nucor, U.S. Steel Corp. and Steel Dynamics Inc. filed cases in June alleging that some products from China, India, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan had been dumped in the U.S., harming domestic companies. In November, the government found that all those countries, except Taiwan, subsidized their domestic production by as much as 236 percent of its price.

The tarfiff hike comes on the heels of a previous announcement from November 3, which saw countervailing duties as high as 236%. Together these create a barrier to imports of these steel products from China, said Caitlin Webber, an analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence in Washington.

Trump must have read about it, and decided to include it in his rally speeches ..
and so what? we should continue being screwed over because it might upset China, and other foreign counties?
Please explain exactly how we're getting "screwed over" ? American consumers and businesses are the ones that want the cheaper goods that foreign manufacturing offers to us for sale, does anybody want to pay an additional 45% on the goods that they buy that are manufactured in China? and that 45% goes to government NOT the businesses that are selling those products here so given that increasing prices will drive volume down it's likely to mean domestic job losses and reduced buying power for American Consumers (i.e. lower standard of living).

Trumps plan is nothing more than protectionism which has historically had detrimental effects on domestic economies and led to trading partner retaliation.

If one wants to bring back manufacturing to the U.S. and do it in a way that is healthy for the long-term economy, then one needs to address the costs (regulatory, taxation and labor) that drove manufacturing off shore in the first place.
Fuck them! We need to get manufacturing back into the U.S. Of course, unions need to be reined in because they ruined domestic industries. Manufacturing needs to be invigorated in right to work states.
I believe in collective bargaining, but not through a union. Especially American Unions.
25 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line? WTF?

And people wonder why a decent truck now runs you forty grand.
WTG Trump! About time someone stood up for Americans again. These numerous massive trade deficits are appalling. How could our Politicians get away with selling us out this way? Something's gotta change. And Trump seems to be the only Candidate talking about it.
America has everything that it needs right here. We do not need to import a damn thing. We have the manufacturing capabilities to make anything we need. If you want a German made car? Pony up and pay the tariff. We have to get rid of the foreign owned Fed bankers and return to the Constitution where we print our own interest free currency and regulate it. We FULLY audit the Fed bank (which has never been done in it's almost 103 years of existence. We then confiscate their ill-gotten hard assets and gains (that they acquired off of our sweat equity/labor) hold those assets in a trust. We then do a complete audit of the holdings of USA.INC via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports that would show that this massive corporate entity has been hoarding at least 60 TRILLION dollars in stock options, hard assets and other profitable ventures that they have stashed in offshore accounts and we put that in the trust. The next thing is that we have term limitations for politicians and only donations from Americans can be used to fund their campaigns with a limit on the amount you can give. Do away with the two party system because it does not work. We release the 6,000 or so patents that could get us off of any type of petroleum based fuel that has been suppressed under the guise of "national security". Last but not least, we hold a Nuremburg like trial for the crimes these elitists have committed against humanity. The drug trade, the world wide child prostitution/human trafficking ring they have profited off of. The wars that they have been behind while funding both sides. We do an audit of Fort Knox and I bet that we will find that our national gold reserve is nothing but lead bars covered with gold paint...then we take it back from the House of Rothschild that stole it. the biggest fear of this tiny core of elitists is that we will finally wake up to how we have been used which is why they have been intentionally poisoning and dumbing us down by poisoning our water, food and air while keeping us distracted with shit that doesn't matter.....rant over.
led to trading partner retaliation.

What are they going to do though?
For starters they'll slap comparable import duties on our exports and thus cost U.S. Exporters jobs, they're also likely to cut back on government purchases from U.S. companies which will end up costing more jobs and finally they could easily stop/cut-back on lending our Federal Government money and/or dump treasuries on the open market.
led to trading partner retaliation.

What are they going to do though?
For starters they'll slap comparable import duties on our exports and thus cost U.S. Exporters jobs, they're also likely to cut back on government purchases from U.S. companies which will end up costing more jobs and finally they could easily stop/cut-back on lending our Federal Government money and/or dump treasuries on the open market.
We have a 400 something billion dollar deficit with them a YEAR. I think that is something important to remember.
If they dump it, they will lose billions.
China doesn't like losing money. That much is certain lol.
We would have to have them on a ledge of a cliff to do those things. IMO
and so what? we should continue being screwed over because it might upset China, and other foreign counties?
Please explain exactly how we're getting "screwed over" ? American consumers and businesses are the ones that want the cheaper goods that foreign manufacturing offers to us for sale, does anybody want to pay an additional 45% on the goods that they buy that are manufactured in China? and that 45% goes to government NOT the businesses that are selling those products here so given that increasing prices will drive volume down it's likely to mean domestic job losses and reduced buying power for American Consumers (i.e. lower standard of living).

Trumps plan is nothing more than protectionism which has historically had detrimental effects on domestic economies and led to trading partner retaliation.

If one wants to bring back manufacturing to the U.S. and do it in a way that is healthy for the long-term economy, then one needs to address the costs (regulatory, taxation and labor) that drove manufacturing off shore in the first place.

Well, actually Trump has addressed the unfair taxation and regulatory requirements imposed upon American corporations. Why not do a bit of research and familiarize yourself with just exactly what measures Trump has addressed?
We could also drop the dollar and all of those countries will lose their ass. Or if we were to ban their currency in response, they would be fucked even more.
We have a lot of pull with them because we let them trample us for so long..
led to trading partner retaliation.

What are they going to do though?
For starters they'll slap comparable import duties on our exports and thus cost U.S. Exporters jobs, they're also likely to cut back on government purchases from U.S. companies which will end up costing more jobs and finally they could easily stop/cut-back on lending our Federal Government money and/or dump treasuries on the open market.
We have a 400 something billion dollar deficit with them a YEAR. I think that is something important to remember.
If they dump it, they will lose billions.
China doesn't like losing money. That much is certain lol.
We would have to have them on a ledge of a cliff to do those things. IMO

Yes indeed. Who would be able to survive the longest? Take Mexico and Ford for example. I say if a company or corporation decides to move to Mexico and use Mexican labor and materials then said company or corporation should look to Mexico to buy their products. How long do you think Ford can survive by selling to Mexico and not relying on an American consumer market? No for long I would wager.
Trade wars was a significant spark that helped set up the Great Depression. In addition to that, there is absolutely only 2 possible outcomes for creating a tariff: 1. American consumers pay more for the product, or 2. Trade will diminish in both countries. neither of these scenarios are good for America. Trump is either a fool, or a snake oil salesman. I strongly suspect the later.
led to trading partner retaliation.

What are they going to do though?
For starters they'll slap comparable import duties on our exports and thus cost U.S. Exporters jobs, they're also likely to cut back on government purchases from U.S. companies which will end up costing more jobs and finally they could easily stop/cut-back on lending our Federal Government money and/or dump treasuries on the open market.

Yes and all the while see their own economy die a thousand deaths. Bring it on.
Trade wars was a significant spark that helped set up the Great Depression. In addition to that, there is absolutely only 2 possible outcomes for creating a tariff: 1. American consumers pay more for the product, or 2. Trade will diminish in both countries. neither of these scenarios are good for America. Trump is either a fool, or a snake oil salesman. I strongly suspect the later.

I would claim he is a businessman of the highest caliber.
Trade wars was a significant spark that helped set up the Great Depression. In addition to that, there is absolutely only 2 possible outcomes for creating a tariff: 1. American consumers pay more for the product, or 2. Trade will diminish in both countries. neither of these scenarios are good for America. Trump is either a fool, or a snake oil salesman. I strongly suspect the later.

I would claim he is a businessman of the highest caliber.

Sort of like Jimmy Carter, who was a very successful peanut farmer, and a nuclear engineer, as well....

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