FOX....Fire Beckel NOW!


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Yesterday the radical LIB mycoginist Beckel on The Five called one of President Trump's cabinet members a "wife beater". The charge was NEVER laid and the 'wife' later said she was lying. Beckel KNOWS this of course. That's grounds for a successful lawsuit against Beckel AND FOX!
It's more than obvious the other members of The Five are very unhappy to have to put up with Beckel's thuggish, boorish, 'Trump Hate' behaviour.
I will never watch another The Five anytime Beckel is on.
I'm sure the FOX executives have received thousands of complaints about Beckel.
Beckel is like the jerk who always drinks too much at the party and ends up ruining it everyone else.
Beckel has already been fired once by FOX.
Don't know who Beckel is, but if its the one who was on Oprah wearing a disguise yes I believe her . There are so many questionable people and crooks Trump picked for his cabinet, its beyond comprehension the Pubs are allowing it, since they are supposedly such high and pious Christians. Most of them are the most sickening people with low morals there is, same as their leader, I guess that is why they have no problem with him and his cabinet picks. As long as they are pro guns and pro birth , they are fine, oh
anti EPA
pro polluting
anti science
pro young earth and pro Noah's ark
anti workers rights
anti corp regulations
anti health insurance.

I can't describe how much I despise the GOP and to think I use to be a pub, makes me ill.
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Yesterday the radical LIB mycoginist Beckel on The Five called one of President Trump's cabinet members a "wife beater". The charge was NEVER laid and the 'wife' later said she was lying. Beckel KNOWS this of course. That's grounds for a successful lawsuit against Beckel AND FOX!
It's more than obvious the other members of The Five are very unhappy to have to put up with Beckel's thuggish, boorish, 'Trump Hate' behaviour.
I will never watch another The Five anytime Beckel is on.
I'm sure the FOX executives have received thousands of complaints about Beckel.
Beckel is like the jerk who always drinks too much at the party and ends up ruining it everyone else.
Beckel has already been fired once by FOX.
Beckel brings a MODERATE liberal voice to The Five and even if you disagree with him on everything he says, he still provides the contribution of providing a contrast to the otherwise reasonable people on the panel.

That was the thing I like about that show. When Juan Williams is the liberal voice, he is more moderate than Beckel almost constantly, but Juan is not typical of liberals these days in the media and other occupations in the Chattering Class. Beckel is, and he provides the public a valuable service by reminding people and illustrating for them the insanity of the left.
Yesterday the radical LIB mycoginist Beckel on The Five called one of President Trump's cabinet members a "wife beater". The charge was NEVER laid and the 'wife' later said she was lying. Beckel KNOWS this of course. That's grounds for a successful lawsuit against Beckel AND FOX!
It's more than obvious the other members of The Five are very unhappy to have to put up with Beckel's thuggish, boorish, 'Trump Hate' behaviour.
I will never watch another The Five anytime Beckel is on.
I'm sure the FOX executives have received thousands of complaints about Beckel.
Beckel is like the jerk who always drinks too much at the party and ends up ruining it everyone else.
Beckel has already been fired once by FOX.
Beckel brings a MODERATE liberal voice to The Five and even if you disagree with him on everything he says, he still provides the contribution of providing a contrast to the otherwise reasonable people on the panel.

That was the thing I like about that show. When Juan Williams is the liberal voice, he is more moderate than Beckel almost constantly, but Juan is not typical of liberals these days in the media and other occupations in the Chattering Class. Beckel is, and he provides the public a valuable service by reminding people and illustrating for them the insanity of the left.

I agree. I like both Bechtel and Williams as neither of them is a lefty loon idiot. They always have good answers to the questions that are asked and good opinions as well.

Bechtel left for a few years and Gutfeld and the others were glad to have him back.

He and Williams are part of the show and I like them both.
Yesterday the radical LIB mycoginist Beckel on The Five called one of President Trump's cabinet members a "wife beater". The charge was NEVER laid and the 'wife' later said she was lying. Beckel KNOWS this of course. That's grounds for a successful lawsuit against Beckel AND FOX!
It's more than obvious the other members of The Five are very unhappy to have to put up with Beckel's thuggish, boorish, 'Trump Hate' behaviour.
I will never watch another The Five anytime Beckel is on.
I'm sure the FOX executives have received thousands of complaints about Beckel.
Beckel is like the jerk who always drinks too much at the party and ends up ruining it everyone else.
Beckel has already been fired once by FOX.
Beckel brings a MODERATE liberal voice to The Five and even if you disagree with him on everything he says, he still provides the contribution of providing a contrast to the otherwise reasonable people on the panel.

That was the thing I like about that show. When Juan Williams is the liberal voice, he is more moderate than Beckel almost constantly, but Juan is not typical of liberals these days in the media and other occupations in the Chattering Class. Beckel is, and he provides the public a valuable service by reminding people and illustrating for them the insanity of the left.
Everytime Beckel is on FOX he turns a thousand Independants into REPs.
Thanks Bob. You sure did your prat in getting Trump elected.
Yesterday his behavior was so boorish and childish one on the 'Five' had to tell him to "sit down"!
He was behaving like he had just snorted a TSP of cocaine.
I don't see him lasting more than another few appearances.
When he returns he'll 'apologize' for acting like such an asshole then for the hundredth time remind everyone that he's a "recovering drunk and drug addict" he should be given a 'pass' for his asshole behavior.
Note to you Bob: You've burnt your last bridge on FOX.
Yesterday the radical LIB mycoginist Beckel on The Five called one of President Trump's cabinet members a "wife beater". The charge was NEVER laid and the 'wife' later said she was lying. Beckel KNOWS this of course. That's grounds for a successful lawsuit against Beckel AND FOX!
It's more than obvious the other members of The Five are very unhappy to have to put up with Beckel's thuggish, boorish, 'Trump Hate' behaviour.
I will never watch another The Five anytime Beckel is on.
I'm sure the FOX executives have received thousands of complaints about Beckel.
Beckel is like the jerk who always drinks too much at the party and ends up ruining it everyone else.
Beckel has already been fired once by FOX.
Beckel brings a MODERATE liberal voice to The Five and even if you disagree with him on everything he says, he still provides the contribution of providing a contrast to the otherwise reasonable people on the panel.

That was the thing I like about that show. When Juan Williams is the liberal voice, he is more moderate than Beckel almost constantly, but Juan is not typical of liberals these days in the media and other occupations in the Chattering Class. Beckel is, and he provides the public a valuable service by reminding people and illustrating for them the insanity of the left.

I agree. I like both Bechtel and Williams as neither of them is a lefty loon idiot. They always have good answers to the questions that are asked and good opinions as well.

Bechtel left for a few years and Gutfeld and the others were glad to have him back.

He and Williams are part of the show and I like them both.
Beckel refers to himself as a "radical Liberal". Guess you missed all the times he has told everyone.
If you believe Williams, the FOX token negro LIB and 'Belchel' aren't self described Liberals you dear are fucking delusional!

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