FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

First of all the allegations seem to be limited to "sexual abuse" and not rape. Even Clintonites should understand the difference. Is it freaking crazy or is it just me that the incoherent left wants to blame the wrestling coach for the alleged sexual abuse that was apparently rampant in Ohio State? Did they strip every other Ohio State official of their jobs and future jobs or is it just republicans?
Multiple people at the Schools were blamed and indicted for ignoring or covering up allegations of abuse in the Sandusky case and in the Nassau case. What makes Jordon exempt from investigation?
What "numerous people"? Sandusky was the only one I can recall and there were no wrestling coaches implicated. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites seem to run the institutes of higher learning an they want to punish the only straight guy ten years after the perp died.

You better do a little research on that Sandusky thing and get back with us.
Hillary's law firm is still up to it's dirty tricks. How much do you want to bet that Hillary paid the for the hit on Jordan? Who is surprised to discover that the recent attacks on Jordan have a sinister motivation? These goons all need to be locked up.

Figures. Perkins Coie Law Firm That Paid for Junk Steele Dossier is Behind Fake News Hit Piece on Jim Jordan

"""Figures. Perkins Coie Law Firm That Paid for Junk Steele Dossier is Behind Fake News Hit Piece on Jim Jordan"""

Last fall Glenn Simpson revealed in Congressional testimony that the Clinton campaign and Democrat Party were the financial backers behind Fusion GPS’s Trump dossier project.

Perkins Coie, the far left law firm frequently hired by the DNC, hired Fusion in May 2016 to continue an opposition research project on Donald Trump.

Simpson told investigators Perkins Coie were the main lawyers for the DNC.

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary yea that's right keep deflecting dunce.
First of all the allegations seem to be limited to "sexual abuse" and not rape. Even Clintonites should understand the difference. Is it freaking crazy or is it just me that the incoherent left wants to blame the wrestling coach for the alleged sexual abuse that was apparently rampant in Ohio State? Did they strip every other Ohio State official of their jobs and future jobs or is it just republicans?
Multiple people at the Schools were blamed and indicted for ignoring or covering up allegations of abuse in the Sandusky case and in the Nassau case. What makes Jordon exempt from investigation?
What "numerous people"? Sandusky was the only one I can recall and there were no wrestling coaches implicated. You almost gotta laugh that sodomites seem to run the institutes of higher learning an they want to punish the only straight guy ten years after the perp died.
Turning a blind eye to the sexual abuse of people you are responsible for isn’t good. According to on article Strauss was doctor for multiple athletic venues there and there are many complaints across the sports of assault and even rape.

There is no proof that Jordan 'turned a blind eye'

Then let it be investigated.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

The problem the Left has with Rep. Jordan has nothing to do with his record as a wrestling coach.

In the event, the gentleman is found guilty of a crime, he should definitely resign. Until then, tell the libs to F off.

After all, Bill Clinton was accused of Forcible Rape, multiple case of Sex Harassment, even engaging in relations in the work place, yet didn't quit.

Oh here we go with clinton again. Yep blame it on the libs.
Okay, this might be inappropriately personal, but should I consider suing my jewish ex-doctor who stuck his finger up my ass to check my prostate in the mid 90's. After all, what the fuck was he checking for?

Gray matter.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?
More guilty till proven innocent stuff that's become really popular with people just remember some day that standard might be applied to you.

I agree we are treading in dangerous waters. If he did ignore the abuse or cover it up, then he should resign but we need things to play out.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?

So what part of let the chips fall didn't you understand? Did I say he was guilty? Have I ever said in this thread he is guilty? I think not young one.
He understands and is just zipping a silly one line to zip.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach


"He dun mitze haz herd abut it, resigne sew we Marxists can have more power."

Fuck off, Comrade.

Hey why don't you put it to your forehead and pull you stupid fuck.

Sorry Comrade, the usual Himmler move by you scumbags won't cut it this time. An assistant coach on one of 20 teams the doctor was involved in has no power to change anything. You vicious demagogues simply think you can slander yet another normal so that you can gain power.

Fuck off.
So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?

So what part of let the chips fall didn't you understand? Did I say he was guilty? Have I ever said in this thread he is guilty? I think not young one.

Perhaps you need some help with the English language

  1. 1.
    voluntarily leave a job or other position.
    "he resigned from the government in protest at the policy"
    synonyms: leave, hand in one's notice, give notice, stand down, step down;

What part of resign do you not understand?
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

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