FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

The problem the Left has with Rep. Jordan has nothing to do with his record as a wrestling coach.

In the event, the gentleman is found guilty of a crime, he should definitely resign. Until then, tell the libs to F off.

After all, Bill Clinton was accused of Forcible Rape, multiple case of Sex Harassment, even engaging in relations in the work place, yet didn't quit.

Oh here we go with clinton again. Yep blame it on the libs.

We should blame it on Heinrich Himmler - since that is what you are exactly like.

Slander and libel in an attempt to destroy the enemies of the party.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

I totally agree, it maybe true, just way to early for anyone to tell.

After the MSU and US Olympic team debacle, anything is possible, that story was mind boggling on who was complicit in the doctor’s actions.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.
Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach
Yep the left wants to ruin everyone accused of something without EVER waiting for proof, a conviction, or an admission of guilt! Man you people are a danger to the world!

Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

See, that's the thing, Jordan isn't accused of doing anything. DebbieHimmler and the other demagogues seek to smear Jordan for simply existing where abuse occurred.

Richard Strauss is accused of abuse. Jordan had nothing to do with it. Demagogues in the leftist slander press "report" that Strauss was the "team doctor." What they don't report - being lying fucks - is that Strauss was the CAMPUS sports doctor and the wrestling team was just one of 13 teams he treated.

DebbieHimmler and the lying fuck leftist press report that Jordan was "assistant coach" and thus in a position of power. What these lying scum DON'T tell you is that Jordan was one of eight assistant coaches. Jordan had ZERO interaction with Strauss.

DebbieHimmler seeks to use a "Guilt by association" ruse to try and slander Jordan so that the Communists can try and pick off his seat.

Decent people MUST stand up to CBS and the other gutter trash who engage in this sort of Nazi slander - and that includes standing up to DebbieHimmler.
Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.
Your previous post was spot on. But, the man IS innocent UNTIL proven guilty.
Seems the extreme liberals on this board doesn't see it that way.
Assassinate his character and let him prove his innocence is their game plan..
Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.

And if he is not guilty, his character will still take hit. Once something Is said it is there, true or not.
I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.

And if he is not guilty, his character will still take hit. Once something Is said it is there, true or not.
Yup, "A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth has its boots on."
Not a peep about any of this until Jordan starts looking into Democrat wrong-doing.

Is anyone really surprised by these wild accusations and the media's attempt to change the subject?
They’ve become masters at set-ups of those they fear. What they don’t see is the population that really watches has awakened to it being simply low down, scurrilous and contumelious attack’s by the left.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.
Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.

Guilty of WHAT?
Rep. Jordan left the wrestling gig in 1994, the man accused of actually perpetrating the molestations died in 2005. There is no way for the congressman to "prove" that he is innocent. So, that's the reason for this attack on him. The liberal playbook is to say anything to try and win.

Unfortunately for them, President Trump has awaken the people to the concept of "Fake News"
I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
True, but that is not the objective. Character assassination is the objective.

If, if he is guilty he assassinated his own character.
Your previous post was spot on. But, the man IS innocent UNTIL proven guilty.
Seems the extreme liberals on this board doesn't see it that way.
Assassinate his character and let him prove his innocence is their game plan..

absolutely agree.
And if he is not guilty, his character will still take hit. Once something Is said it is there, true or not.

What EXACTLY is CBS accusing Jordan of?

Some vague "he had to have known" shit?

See, the left is engaging in innuendo to assassinate Jordan's character. The slander factory of CBS never points to any actual wrong doing, they just fling shit in hopes that some will stick and they can pick off a seat for their filthy and disgusting party.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!
Accusations alone should not be reason to step down, I don’t know enough about it after reading the NBC article, however I’ll wait and see and if he really did know, the. He should resign. What happened to the head coach? He must of known also.
Like we LIED about Hastert? Who got jail time because DEMOCRATS were out ti get him? And we lied about Moore and went around ALA and found 5 girls out of the blue to accuse him?

You really believe that, do you?

Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

true - but as many wrestlers that tell the same story ?
I'd be willing to bet this is a soft steaming pile of liberal bullshit.

1. It's an MSLSD story, you don't find steamier bullshit anywhere else.

2. The primary accuser is a felon who stole 2 million dollars from investors. Not exactly a credible witness.

Try again bed wetters.

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