FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Hillary's law firm is still up to it's dirty tricks. How much do you want to bet that Hillary paid the for the hit on Jordan? Who is surprised to discover that the recent attacks on Jordan have a sinister motivation? These goons all need to be locked up.

Figures. Perkins Coie Law Firm That Paid for Junk Steele Dossier is Behind Fake News Hit Piece on Jim Jordan

"""Figures. Perkins Coie Law Firm That Paid for Junk Steele Dossier is Behind Fake News Hit Piece on Jim Jordan"""

Last fall Glenn Simpson revealed in Congressional testimony that the Clinton campaign and Democrat Party were the financial backers behind Fusion GPS’s Trump dossier project.

Perkins Coie, the far left law firm frequently hired by the DNC, hired Fusion in May 2016 to continue an opposition research project on Donald Trump.

Simpson told investigators Perkins Coie were the main lawyers for the DNC.

Yes, yes, yes we have a bbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary, FINALLY! Can you give us a DEEP STATE now as well?:rolleyes::yes_text12:

What are you babbling about, moron?

The drool you spew daily on the forum numbnuts!
Okay, this might be inappropriately personal, but should I consider suing my jewish ex-doctor who stuck his finger up my ass to check my prostate in the mid 90's. After all, what the fuck was he checking for?
Okay, this might be inappropriately personal, but should I consider suing my jewish ex-doctor who stuck his finger up my ass to check my prostate in the mid 90's. After all, what the fuck was he checking for?

uh, that wasnt his finger.

God, then I am bigger than my ex's (gf'd ;) )have suggested! Because with them if I missed the mark it was like, "Jesus Christ wrong hole, ain't gonna fit." :p

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If I was Jordan and Gowdy, I would tell the Democrats that they will investigate these fake new charges but in the meantime I would perp walk Rosenstein as it is already been proven that he is guilty right now of continued obstruction by refusing to hand over documents he has been subpoenaed by Congress to turn over.

....And I would do it today. Talk about fireworks on the 4th and a great celebration for America, the return of Law and Order and justice for everyone in the United States.
Watch this analysis of Rosenstein's body language that shows he was lying though his teeth.

Excellent summary....she's good and she has Rosenstein pegged perfectly. This is the pompous prick who talked Sessions into recusing himself so he could move up in the food chain. He's up to his neck in the conspiracy to impeach Trump thinking we can't see what he's all about. So he preens and pontificates enjoying the spotlight with his cufflinks and claims that "1,100 employees work for me"...forgetting for a moment he's not the AG. I'd like to see the look on this face when Trump finally tells him he's FIRED and isn't allowed back into the building to retrieve his personal belongings...they'll be mailed to you, hire a lawyer.
Well, if these kids were in college instead of high school - at least Jordan probably won't be guilty of enabling pedophilia. Jordan even looks like a pervert. Why is he ignoring emails and phone calls from OSU investigators?

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Accused of Failing to Stop Sex Abuse of College Wrestlers While Coach at Ohio State - Towleroad

So in post #42 you're saying Jordan "may be a pervert", then you say he "looks like a pervert"....and now you're sending him to PRISON. You've become even more distressed than the night Hillary went berserk punching her campaign manager, smashing a big screen TV and the food buffet set up for her imagined victory party. You'll jump at any chance at revenge on any Republican no matter how bizarre the accusation is and then slink off when it's proven to be ridiculous...if you had any pride you'd disappear.
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Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

She demanded he resign with zero evidence of guilt or did you miss that part
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

She demanded he resign with zero evidence of guilt or did you miss that part

Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

She demanded he resign with zero evidence of guilt or did you miss that part
Innocent-Guilty....has nothing to do with it. It's all liberal politics.
Character Assassination,
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Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

She demanded he resign with zero evidence of guilt or did you miss that part
Your comment has nothing to do with what I wrote. If he is not guilty, then he can withstand an investigation, yes.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

She demanded he resign with zero evidence of guilt or did you miss that part
Your comment has nothing to do with what I wrote. If he is not guilty, then he can withstand an investigation, yes.

if Jordans peers and former wrestlers testify in an investigation, Jordan is screwed.
Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?
Letting the chips fall where they may fall is not proof "of guilty before proven innocence."

You're right I never once said he was guilty and these snowflakes come out whining and crying, yep they certainly follow their leader.

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