FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

So you are a big fan of guilty before proven innocent?

So what part of let the chips fall didn't you understand? Did I say he was guilty? Have I ever said in this thread he is guilty? I think not young one.

Perhaps you need some help with the English language

  1. 1.
    voluntarily leave a job or other position.
    "he resigned from the government in protest at the policy"
    synonyms: leave, hand in one's notice, give notice, stand down, step down;

What part of resign do you not understand?

Just curious... how many people does it take to come forward and say they told Jim Jordan what the doctor was doing and he did nothing, before you believe them over Jordan's denials?
Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

true - but as many wrestlers that tell the same story ?

Like I said, we shall see, this is serious stuff!

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

I read one piece were it said he did tell Jordan face to face. Not saying that is what happened but pretty sure that is what I read.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

Why hasn’t the head coaches come into question, I’m not familiar with that world however, the head coach is usually where all the responsibility starts.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

Indeed. And the SMEAR is the agenda, not the TRUTH.

Just curious... how many people does it take to come forward and say they told Jim Jordan what the doctor was doing and he did nothing, before you believe them over Jordan's denials?

Just curious, what crime do you accuse Jordan of, Herr Himmler?

How many fabricated hit pieces should we believe from you demagogues? Funny how you trot this shit our right when your "blue wave" turns out to just be a toilet backing up...

Look, you demagogues are reprehensible scum. You differ in no way from Himmler or the STASI - identical acts of character assassination against enemies of the party.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

Why hasn’t the head coaches come into question, I’m not familiar with that world however, the head coach is usually where all the responsibility starts.

Again I read that he has answered questions from OSU on this matter. This thing is just getting started so it could get messy!
Of, and what of the other assistant coaches?
Are they public figures, up for speaker?


Welcome to the big kid world. Don't tell me you have suddenly gotten squeamish at the hardball.

So you agree that this is just a Himmler style bit of Kabuki theater to slander and libel an enemy of the party in hopes of turning a seat.

You democrats are reprehensible scum.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

I read one piece were it said he did tell Jordan face to face. Not saying that is what happened but pretty sure that is what I read.

Here is the original smear from the little Goebbels of CBS.

Ex-wrestlers say powerful GOP Rep. Jim Jordan knew of alleged Ohio State abuse

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

Why hasn’t the head coaches come into question, I’m not familiar with that world however, the head coach is usually where all the responsibility starts.

The PURPOSE is to smear Jordan.

That is the ONLY Purpose.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

Why hasn’t the head coaches come into question, I’m not familiar with that world however, the head coach is usually where all the responsibility starts.

The PURPOSE is to smear Jordan.

That is the ONLY Purpose.


pussy RW's like to pitch dirty politics but they dont have the balls to catch ,

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

I read one piece were it said he did tell Jordan face to face. Not saying that is what happened but pretty sure that is what I read.

Here is the original smear from the little Goebbels of CBS.

Ex-wrestlers say powerful GOP Rep. Jim Jordan knew of alleged Ohio State abuse

So if they have already interviewed 150 former students from that time period then this investigation has been going on for sometime. Again we shall see.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
I bet you think Mueller is honest
I bet you think Trump is honest.
Only a fool would think so. Jordan may very well have known about the crimes, and he did nothing about them if he knew about them. This will be investigated.

It's already under investigation. I bet that pervert doctor didn't try to grope Mark Coleman. He'd have beat the shit out of him.

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