FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Mueller knowingly sent four innocent men to prison for a murder they did not commit Mueller is a lying sack of shit.
That is an alt fact fake news lie with no proof. Next.
No it isn't
Two died in prison and the other two were later freed they and the two other men family members got a large settlement from the government
Not because of Mueller. That is an alt right alt fact fake news lie, big reb.

Your trump obssession prevents you from seeing clearly.

Your next statement will prove it. AND THERE IT IS: immediately above this post.
Mueller hid the evidence he refused to allow it to be entered into the trial.
Your trump obssession makes you think this, but you are wrong.
You really should have that TDS checked out.
This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest scandal in the scandal-ridden history of the FBI. And Bob Mueller was apparently right in the middle of it!
BREAKING: Did Robert Mueller conspire to keep four innocent men framed by the FBI in prison for life for a murder they did not commit? The Boston Globe and a longtime member of the MA Parole Board say YES.
who cares about Jordan being innocent of anything - smear the living hell out of him and dont let up ...

he's no better than Clinton or Obama or any other Dem the RW's have been smearing for years - shoe is on the other foot, kick his ass with it.
From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?

I read one piece were it said he did tell Jordan face to face. Not saying that is what happened but pretty sure that is what I read.

Here is the original smear from the little Goebbels of CBS.

Ex-wrestlers say powerful GOP Rep. Jim Jordan knew of alleged Ohio State abuse

So if they have already interviewed 150 former students from that time period then this investigation has been going on for sometime. Again we shall see.

Again, this is nothing more than a tactic by the slander factory of the democrat press - CBS in this case - to smear an enemy in hopes of picking off a GOP seat for their party.

Except this investigation has been going on for sometime now. It did not just start since Jordan got his head handed to him. Nobody knows what happened yet, so let's find out.
Hey, there is definitely something wrong with their kind.

Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
Since when do regressives ever do that?

Same with Rethugs when it fits their agenda.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
I bet you think Mueller is honest

If you were really in the military, you'd KNOW Mueller is honest.
Mueller knowingly sent four innocent men to prison for a murder they did not commit
Mueller is a lying sack of shit.

Trump wanted to put to death teenagers... who were later released from prison after DNA proved they were innocent. Even after it was proven they were innocent Trump STILL WANTED THEM PUT TO DEATH.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
I bet you think Mueller is honest

If you were really in the military, you'd KNOW Mueller is honest.
Mueller knowingly sent four innocent men to prison for a murder they did not commit
Mueller is a lying sack of shit.

Trump wanted to put to death teenagers... who were later released from prison after DNA proved they were innocent. Even after it was proven they were innocent Trump STILL WANTED THEM PUT TO DEATH.
great imagination your TDS has.
If some of these Republicans were from NY they'd know what a slime bag liar Trump truly is

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?
Not based on nothing. They are flailing around blindly. They have an SC Justice vote coming up in a month or two and they need desperately to remove a few Republicans from their seats in order to stop it before the election.
who cares about Jordan being innocent of anything - smear the living hell out of him and dont let up ...

he's no better than Clinton or Obama or any other Dem the RW's have been smearing for years - shoe is on the other foot, kick his ass with it.

The desperation is really beginning to show.
who cares about Jordan being innocent of anything - smear the living hell out of him and dont let up ...

he's no better than Clinton or Obama or any other Dem the RW's have been smearing for years - shoe is on the other foot, kick his ass with it.

The desperation is really beginning to show.
So what? Do you think you smear someone to accuse them of this, given you were in the same boat a few short years ago?
who cares about Jordan being innocent of anything - smear the living hell out of him and dont let up ...

he's no better than Clinton or Obama or any other Dem the RW's have been smearing for years - shoe is on the other foot, kick his ass with it.

The desperation is really beginning to show.
So what? Do you think you smear someone to accuse them of this, given you were in the same boat a few short years ago?

Dropping all pretense at some kind of morality, eh?

Good for you.

Somehow, I think that Jordan will remain in his seat and cast a vote for Trumps SC nomination.
If some of these Republicans were from NY they'd know what a slime bag liar Trump truly is
So says fake news
Not fake His history is FACT A real pos ,all for himself and F his fellow man
It's fake news sonny don't you get it we ain't buying that shit anymore?
By the way do the GOP a favor keep repeating it 2018 will be great
Your Trump obssession is getting away with you, but it is treatable.
Dropping all pretense at some kind of morality, eh?
Actually, I was commenting on the behavior of others,not my own. And I am not surprised at all to see the Democrats pull out all the stops. They are fools to handicap themselves against the relentless GOP, which has no qualms about fighting dirty.

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