FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Actually, the GOP is utilizing the playbook that the Democrats used on them for decades who is dropping not only all moral pretense, but even the pretense of free will? "The Dems made me do it!"

Just shut up, man. Ya sound like a damn fool when you whine about hardball pllitics, then engage in them in the next breath.
No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
Your Trump obssession is getting away with you, but it is treatable.
obsession or Constitutional principles? America is not going to let a few people infected with TDS make a coup against the president.
My thoughts are a little different than yours bigreb I believe supporting and loving America does not mean supporting and loving our President who so happens to be a bully a liar a crook
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon

You forgot the Senate Intelligence Committee.
and Flack and a few others on Repub side
Actually, the GOP is utilizing the playbook that the Democrats used on them for decades who is dropping not only all moral pretense, but even the pretense of free will? "The Dems made me do it!"

Just shut up, man. Ya sound like a damn fool when you whine about hardball pllitics, then engage in them in the next breath.
No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
Your Trump obssession is getting away with you, but it is treatable.
obsession or Constitutional principles? America is not going to let a few people infected with TDS make a coup against the president.
My thoughts are a little different than yours bigreb I believe supporting and loving America does not mean supporting and loving our President who so happens to be a bully a liar a crook
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
NY Daily News Shreds ‘Clown King’ Trump In Blistering Independence Day Cover
The newspaper’s editorial vows that Trump “won’t conquer the bedrock values this nation was founded on.”

By Ed Mazza

President Donald Trump’s hometown newspaper criticized his administration’s immigration policies by calling him “the clown who plays king.”

The New York Daily News cover on Independence Day shows Trump wearing clown makeup and a broken crown:


A Daily News editorial said Trump “devotes this nation’s potent energies to barricading the borders, to separating refuge-seeking mothers from children, to ordering parents to leave the country with or without their kids now that a court has ordered their reunion.” It also blasted him for “cruelty” in rejecting “desperate migrants” as well as for restricting legal immigration channels.

“All told, visas have declined 12 percent from their prior volume since Trump’s inauguration — for business, school and travel that are part of this nation’s lifeblood,” the Daily News reported.

The newspaper’s editorial vowed that Trump “won’t conquer the bedrock values this nation was founded on.”

The Daily News has been a frequent Trump critic from the earliest days of his campaign, often using clown imagery to mock him. The newspaper has previously depicted him as Dr. Evil, a racist and “stupid,” and ripped his campaign call for Russia to hack rival Hillary Clinton’s emails as “treasonous.”
Will the House launch investigations into Jordan's deviant behavior? What did Jordan know - and when did he know it? Those OSU kids deserve the truth.
Actually, the GOP is utilizing the playbook that the Democrats used on them for decades who is dropping not only all moral pretense, but even the pretense of free will? "The Dems made me do it!"

Just shut up, man. Ya sound like a damn fool when you whine about hardball pllitics, then engage in them in the next breath.
No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
Your Trump obssession is getting away with you, but it is treatable.
obsession or Constitutional principles? America is not going to let a few people infected with TDS make a coup against the president.
My thoughts are a little different than yours bigreb I believe supporting and loving America does not mean supporting and loving our President who so happens to be a bully a liar a crook
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
Thanks but that makes no sense.

America is fed up with Trump obssession on the far right.

The election this fall is going to reject them and Trump's principles.
Actually, the GOP is utilizing the playbook that the Democrats used on them for decades who is dropping not only all moral pretense, but even the pretense of free will? "The Dems made me do it!"

Just shut up, man. Ya sound like a damn fool when you whine about hardball pllitics, then engage in them in the next breath.
No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
obsession or Constitutional principles? America is not going to let a few people infected with TDS make a coup against the president.
My thoughts are a little different than yours bigreb I believe supporting and loving America does not mean supporting and loving our President who so happens to be a bully a liar a crook
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
Thanks but that makes no sense.

America is fed up with Trump obssession on the far right.

The election this fall is going to reject them and Trump's principles.
It was DISGRESSED FBI agent Peter Strzok who said that who is dropping not only all moral pretense, but even the pretense of free will? "The Dems made me do it!"

Just shut up, man. Ya sound like a damn fool when you whine about hardball pllitics, then engage in them in the next breath.
No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
My thoughts are a little different than yours bigreb I believe supporting and loving America does not mean supporting and loving our President who so happens to be a bully a liar a crook
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
Thanks but that makes no sense.

America is fed up with Trump obssession on the far right.

The election this fall is going to reject them and Trump's principles.
It was DISGRESSED FBI agent Peter Strzok who said that

No, you're an idiot and asking Me to shut up is laughable.

There is no issue here other than the Democrats trying to smear someone on the right. When pointed out, you clowns drop all pretense at having some real moral objection, and then complain when your own tactics are used?

I know exactly what you people would do if such an accusation were made against you.

You'd say, "So what. It worked didn't it?"

So, in the immortal words of anyone who holds a superior moral position.

Fuck off. LMAO
There are so many here
supporting and loving the president?
When the president actually does something worth being impeached I'll join you but all we have is a bunch of fake news that has been taken back.
Look at the corruption of the FBI that helped create the witch hunt.
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
Thanks but that makes no sense.

America is fed up with Trump obssession on the far right.

The election this fall is going to reject them and Trump's principles.
It was DISGRESSED FBI agent Peter Strzok who said that

A typo but thanks
When will Speaker Ryan launch investigations? I look forward to many Benghazi-style hearings - with Jordan under oath.
When will Speaker Ryan launch investigations? I look forward to many Benghazi-style hearings - with Jordan under oath.
LOL don't hold your breath Lakhota These sob's will drown their babies in a bathtub before attacking one of their own

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!

There are no facts that help the party.

Lies, Innuendo, slander, these are the tools of democrats.

Facts? Well shit, Richard Strauss, the sports doctor for Ohio State who treated 13 teams for the campus is accused of sexual misconduct.

What does that have to do with Jim Jordan? Not a fucking thing.

Jordan was at the campus at the time Strauss was, so these pukes like DebbieHimmler slander him as guilty because he is vaguely associated. I mean, he was one of 8 assistant coaches for wrestling, so that makes him guilty of supporting the man he had virtually no interaction with, right?

Not since the STASI denouncements have we seen shit like this.

From the little bit I have gathered, both he and the head coach were told about it and did nothing. That is all I have heard. I am not making judgement because this is way to early in the process to know anything!

Even that is not correct.

Mike DiSabato claims Jordan "had to have known about the abuse." He does not claim to have told Jordan.

This is nothing more than the Slander machine attempting to destroy a political enemy based on nothing.

Of, and what of the other assistant coaches? Notice that CBS and the slander machine promotes this like Jordan was THE assistant coach. He was one of eight.

This is a crude smear - will America let the little Goebbels at CBS get away with it?
Not based on nothing. They are flailing around blindly. They have an SC Justice vote coming up in a month or two and they need desperately to remove a few Republicans from their seats in order to stop it before the election.

Uh, the House has no say in Supreme Court nominations. Only the Senate.
who cares about Jordan being innocent of anything - smear the living hell out of him and dont let up ...

he's no better than Clinton or Obama or any other Dem the RW's have been smearing for years - shoe is on the other foot, kick his ass with it.

The desperation is really beginning to show.
So what? Do you think you smear someone to accuse them of this, given you were in the same boat a few short years ago?

Dropping all pretense at some kind of morality, eh?

Good for you.

Somehow, I think that Jordan will remain in his seat and cast a vote for Trumps SC nomination.

Unless he moves to the Senate, he doesn't get a vote.
There are so many here
Yeah the FBI CIA DOJ Rosenstein Mueller all are against the Putin lover Trumps time is coming soon
There is no there, there because we have an insurance policy the Mueller witch hunt and the mainstream fake news.
Thanks but that makes no sense.

America is fed up with Trump obssession on the far right.

The election this fall is going to reject them and Trump's principles.
It was DISGRESSED FBI agent Peter Strzok who said that

A typo but thanks


Here is a fake post to be consistent with the fake news: Previously classified security footage has been released by Stormy Daniels lawyer who is currently running for President in 2020! Pervert "Dr. Strauss" called himself "Wolf" like Wolf Blizter. Let's go to the video tape!


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