FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Jordan needs to file the articles of Impeachment 1st thing tomorrow morning, 5 July. Eisenstein was made aware, as if he didn't know, that he was breaking the law by obstructing justice through refusing to turn over the documents that were subpoenaed. He was generously given more time and still refused to comply with the law, and then he threatened Jordan and other GOP politicians who tried to force him to obey the law.

Time two perp walk that little son of a b****, sending him to prison. This will be a wake-up call to the rest of the traitors.
He's gonna and up resigning. Done deal. Don't know if he is guilty or not but it is going to come about.
AS SOON AS I HEARD THIS STORY YESTERDAY, I SAID THIS GUY WAS IN ON 'THE ACTION'. I even mentioned it to a friend, "mark my words." I just didn't think we would find ou this fast.

What level of participation, I don't give a flying shit, JORDAN WAS IN THE SHOWER WITH KIDS AND OTHER FACULTY, soaping up with BOYS, including masturbation while "lewd sex acts were performed".

Ohio State sex assault victim claims GOP Rep. Jim Jordan witnessed doctor committing ‘lewd acts’ in showers

04 JUL 2018 AT 17:00 ET

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Appearing on CNN while the rest of the country was celebrating July 4th, a former wrestler who has come forward with tales of sexual abuse by an Ohio State University doctor told CNN host Brooke Baldwin that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) witnessed the doctor commit “lewd acts while showering with athletes when the lawmaker served as a assistant wrestling coach at the school.

According to Mike DiSabato, who has gone public with the accusations that date back to a period between the late 70’s and the 90’s, knowledge about the alleged groping and attacks on athletes by Dr. Richard Strauss,was common knowledge within the....
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Where's the evidence? Let's check this guy's bank account and see how much money he was paid for this smear job.
no, he wasn't....naked in the showers...

the Doctor/groper took showers with them, allegedly.

Jordan was the asst coach for 8 of those years, and again...allegedly the boys told or hinted to Jordan what was going on and weird to them about the Doc, and he did nothing....
Where's the evidence? Let's check this guy's bank account and see how much money he was paid for this smear job.

Yep, just like the PENN STATE kids lied. Just like Denny Hastert's charges lied. Yep, boys go around lying all the time about grown men getting their jollies or RAPING them. Sure. Every boys fantasy, right?
Where's the evidence? Let's check this guy's bank account and see how much money he was paid for this smear job.

Yep, just like the PENN STATE kids lied. Just like Denny Hastert's charges lied. Yep, boys go around lying all the time about grown men getting their jollies or RAPING them. Sure. Every boys fantasy, right?
WTF are you babbling about? You just accused the Congressman of pedophilia. Where's your evidence, you slanderous prick? Oh yeah, and shifting the focus to somebody else doesn't cut it, coward.
Anybody find the timing (and the target) curious? Jordan is the Dem's biggest threat right now. He's about to force the corrupt DOJ officials to turn over the documents they know will expose their corruption, the documents they've been refusing to turn over for over a year. They have to find a way to stop him, and slander and character assassination is the method they ALWAYS use.

From Jordan's website...

He built a conservative, pro-family voting record, and authored an alternative state budget that balanced without raising taxes. He became the only legislator in state history to with both the Defender of Life award from Ohio Right to Life and the Pro-Life Legislator of the Year award from the United Conservatives of Ohio.
When will Speaker Ryan launch investigations and hold hearings on Jordan's perversion?
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
I agree that Jordan is a conspiracy theory scumbag, but I'm not jumping on this bandwagon. I'm going to wait and let this play out further. If the accusation is revealed to be true, then I'll add my voice to those condemning him on this issue. But it's time to stop jumping to conclusions before all the facts are in. Meantime, the pompous piety displayed by Jordan in his effort to cover Trump's butt is enough to gag a maggot.

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