FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Yep, lets the chips fall just like everyone who has lost their jobs at Michigan State.

Rep. Jim Jordan Accused Of Ignoring Sexual Assault While Wrestling Coach

People should not resign because of accusations.

You a member of the Gator nation?

And why do these incidents always seem to come from Big Ten schools - Penn State, Michigan State, now Ohio State?

Either all those yankee' are perverts or the southern school boys like it. Maybe both? What about the west and east? Maybe the ones who don't make it big in the pro's (even though told they would if they played along) decided it's time for payback and the ones who are make million's have said what the hell a little touchy was well worth it.

Anyway I started this thread as "let the chips fall", let the investigation tell us. He may not have known. If he is innocent it won't be the first time someone made false allegation's against someone of importance for fame or money.
Sen Franken resigned when he was accused, why should Jordan get to stay?

Do they have proof? Franken had actual photos showing him doing that stuff....
Ironically, most conservatives would have been ok with Franken (we do have a sense of humor unlike you guys), except you guys are on your holier than thou Metoo movement, he got what you lefties deserved.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Yep, you read that right. The guy not only is a liar that can never give a straight answer, a scum bag conspiracy theorist who often bullies people in Congressional hearings... but now he is a snowflake. He called the cops on ex-wrestlers who have emailed him to tell the truth.

"According to a CNN report Wednesday, Jordan will contact the Capitol police after receiving emails from one of the wrestlers who has accused Jordan of doing nothing about the sexual abuse by the team doctor, Dr. Richard Strauss.

A source in Jordan’s office told CNN that the emails were threatening because of how many had been sent but provided no other details about why the congressman believes he is being “bullied.”"

Republican congressman calls police on former students who say he ignored sex abuse

This guy is a fucking loser.
Rep Jordan said he had no idea what was going on. An allegation is not an indictment. Jordan's mistake was going after the corrupt Rosenstein.

I'm not arguing, "lock him up". You're almost correct; however, an allegation is not a finding of wrong doing! Yet Rep. Jordan has judged the FBI and Mr. Mueller as engaging in a Witch Hunt before any finding has been released.

He should have done the right thing if he, as alleged knew, or even should have known, such behavior was on going. That's the standard that cost others their job, when they did not participate in the sexual molestation of Olympians. They should have known? If so, shouldn't he be culpable too for not knowing?
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?
Sen Franken resigned when he was accused, why should Jordan get to stay?

Franken was being an adolescent. He thought he was impressing somebody. His sense of 'cuteness' needs work, for sure. I was not hollering for his resignation at the time because the degree of offense is minimal. Jordan, if he knew of abuse and failed to act, was an accomplice, not to cuteness, but real abuse. But I am just not willing to condemn him without more on this subject even though I think he is a dirtbag willing to sell out America to a demigogue. Lets face it...the nasty part of the birds and the bees is an equal party opportunity abuser. Neither side is squeaky clean here.
Trump on Rep. Jim Jordan allegations: “I don’t believe them at all. I believe him. Jim is one of the most outstanding people I’ve met since I’ve been in Washington. I believe him 100 percent. No question in my mind. I believe Jim 100 percent. He’s an outstanding man.”
Trump on Rep. Jim Jordan allegations: “I don’t believe them at all. I believe him. Jim is one of the most outstanding people I’ve met since I’ve been in Washington. I believe him 100 percent. No question in my mind. I believe Jim 100 percent. He’s an outstanding man.”

Tee hee, the kiss of death when Trump gives praise [good-bye Pruitt, don't let the door hit you in your ass].
If not doing anything about sexual abuse is a crime by association, what's the excuse for Hillary Clinton? Or Chelsea Clinton? Or the entire Democratic party who has applauded Bill Clinton for his sexual assaults on multiple women over multiple decades. Walk the walk or STFU.
So after hit job on Jordan and the political assassination of Pruitt, will Congressional Republicans finally get some scalps of the Left? When will the leakers and the liars be held accountable?
If not doing anything about sexual abuse is a crime by association, what's the excuse for Hillary Clinton? Or Chelsea Clinton? Or the entire Democratic party who has applauded Bill Clinton for his sexual assaults on multiple women over multiple decades. Walk the walk or STFU.

Why make stuff up? His wife and daughter did not applaud President Clinton for alleged sexual assaults; what evidence do you have to prove sexual assaults on multiple women over multiple decades occurred?

You are now free to offer proof, or be a good member of the echo chamber, lie and cut and run as your set is want to do.
So after hit job on Jordan and the political assassination of Pruitt, will Congressional Republicans finally get some scalps of the Left? When will the leakers and the liars be held accountable?

Pruitt killed his own political career by being a swamp rat. He knew better and intentionally did it all anyway.
So after hit job on Jordan and the political assassination of Pruitt, will Congressional Republicans finally get some scalps of the Left? When will the leakers and the liars be held accountable?

Pruitt killed his own political career by being a swamp rat. He knew better and intentionally did it all anyway.

Why won't the H. or Rep. and/or the Senate investigate Pruitt and learn and recoup our money he wasted with his arrogance?

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