FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

If you weren't so partisan blinded you'd see the guy can't answer a simple question without talking out both sides of his mouth. He's a scumbag and now several ex-wrestlers have come forward to say he knew and did nothing about it.

In other words, he is an enemy of the party and you will do what you Himmler clone fucks always do, spew vicious lies in an attempt to destroy him.

Tell me demagogue scumbag, what power did Jordan have to change the situation? Why did the frauds and convicts you Marxists have paid to slander Jordan go to the head coach? Or the dean?
Nope you unhinged fucks have Faux Paus Nuz, Breitbart and things like Info Wars. Stay unhinged and stupid.

Fox is the only center news that has any clout. The others are akin to Huffington, Slate, and ThinkProgress.

Granted that Breitbart is vastly more reasonable, accurate, and has more integrity that CNN or the NY Times, but advocate sites are not the same as the MSM.

And as we all know, the MSM are shameless lying fucks.

So are you, you should love them! Hell you love Faux Paus Nuz, Breitbart and Info Wars, you love liars and being lied to carry on!:290968001256257790-final::420::5_1_12024::abgg2q.jpg:
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
Lewdog is a serial pickpocket, throw his worthless ass outta here!

Gee, that’s fun and easy and the idiot has to go because someone’s accused him of something. This game could catch on.

If you weren't so partisan blinded you'd see the guy can't answer a simple question without talking out both sides of his mouth. He's a scumbag and now several ex-wrestlers have come forward to say he knew and did nothing about it.

Take your form of lefty justice to some shitbag country where such tripe makes sense. Mexico comes to mind and it’s so close even you might be able to find it.

"Lefty Justice"? Is that like a bunch of lefties yelling all together "lock her up" when the she, or in other cases, that he, has never been arrested, charged or convicted?

Methinks you're confused, no real American would ever do that.
Yeah.... more is coming out about the accusers...and their ties to Perkins Coie law firm...

Jim Jordan and his accusers, Part Two

Unfortunately for the anti-Jordan forces, the two wrestlers — Dunyasha Yetts and Mike DiSabato — turn out to be, respectively, a convicted criminal and an guy who recently was charged with a crime. Their credibility is negligible.

It’s also worth noting that the two ex-wrestlers are represented by the law firm of Perkins, Coie. That’s the Seattle-based operation that served as the go-between between Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Fusion/GPS, as they colluded with Russians to put together the phony dossier for use against Donald Trump.

That caper is only part of the law firm’s longstanding relationship with Democrats and the left. To cite just one example, Perkins, Coie helped inflict Al Franken on the nation when, quite likely via voter fraud, he became a U.S. Senator.

Given their penchant for committing fraud and thuggery, the two Jordan accusers could use all the fancy legal representation they can get.

But Perkins, Coie’s representation of the two isn’t about Yates and DiSabato, it’s about nailing Jim Jordan.

The firm’s presence is a sure sign that the left has undertaken a concerted effort to bring Jim Jordan down, and that the sudden emergence of allegations centering on events from at least 25 years ago has nothing to do with what happened (or didn’t happen) back then. This is the Jim Jordan equivalent of the Trump dossier.
He had no authority to do anything, he wasn't the coach
This is so embarrassingly stupid. Anyone has the authority to report a crime.

So then why did the 3 ex-cons and the grifter who you Stalinists are paying to make these allegations not report the crime, Comrade?

They didn't talk to the police. They didn't talk to the dean. They didn't talk to the coach. But you claim that they talked to one of eight assistant coaches who just HAPPENS to be an enemy of your evil and filthy party.

Sure Herr Himmler, I'll put that right up there with the claims your type make about Jews having horns and eating Gentile babies - or rather the modern version you use, eating Muslim babies.
It says he was told face to face by someone from the team.

OH my ALLAH! :eek:

Even if that is true, which there is less tahn 1% it is, so what?

He had no authority to do anything, he wasn't the coach.

This is a lame smear by the desperate left.

He was told and did nothing, like a coward!

Tell me Herr Himmler, why do you think the three ex-convicts and the other who was fired from the University for fraud decided to tell ONLY Jordan? Why did they not tell the police, dean, coach, or any of the other assistant coaches?

Obvious smear is obvious.
It says he was told face to face by someone from the team.

OH my ALLAH! :eek:

Even if that is true, which there is less tahn 1% it is, so what?

He had no authority to do anything, he wasn't the coach.

This is a lame smear by the desperate left.

He was told and did nothing, like a coward!

Tell me Herr Himmler, why do you think the three ex-convicts and the other who was fired from the University for fraud decided to tell ONLY Jordan? Why did they not tell the police, dean, coach, or any of the other assistant coaches?

Obvious smear is obvious.

Some told the head coach and one even told another campus doctor. They are as guilty of doing nothing as coward Jordan. It really is that simple you Nazi prick Herr Dumdasscuss!
It says he was told face to face by someone from the team.

OH my ALLAH! :eek:

Even if that is true, which there is less tahn 1% it is, so what?

He had no authority to do anything, he wasn't the coach.

This is a lame smear by the desperate left.

He was told and did nothing, like a coward!

Tell me Herr Himmler, why do you think the three ex-convicts and the other who was fired from the University for fraud decided to tell ONLY Jordan? Why did they not tell the police, dean, coach, or any of the other assistant coaches?

Obvious smear is obvious.

Some told the head coach and one even told another campus doctor. They are as guilty of doing nothing as coward Jordan. It really is that simple you Nazi prick Herr Dumdasscuss!


You are desperate Herr Himmler. Your "blue wave" is just the toilet backing up. Your filthy and evil party sees the fact that they will not take the House and will lose 5 + senate seats.

You're desperate and doing what you always do, lies, slander, libel, smears, innuendo, character assassination.

As we get closer to the election, your party will foment more violence, unleashing your ANTIFA and BLM Brown Shirts to go on Kristalnacht rampages in major cities.

It is all you have left, as your power fades.
It says he was told face to face by someone from the team.

OH my ALLAH! :eek:

Even if that is true, which there is less tahn 1% it is, so what?

He had no authority to do anything, he wasn't the coach.

This is a lame smear by the desperate left.

He was told and did nothing, like a coward!

Tell me Herr Himmler, why do you think the three ex-convicts and the other who was fired from the University for fraud decided to tell ONLY Jordan? Why did they not tell the police, dean, coach, or any of the other assistant coaches?

Obvious smear is obvious.

Some told the head coach and one even told another campus doctor. They are as guilty of doing nothing as coward Jordan. It really is that simple you Nazi prick Herr Dumdasscuss!


You are desperate Herr Himmler. Your "blue wave" is just the toilet backing up. Your filthy and evil party sees the fact that they will not take the House and will lose 5 + senate seats.

You're desperate and doing what you always do, lies, slander, libel, smears, innuendo, character assassination.

As we get closer to the election, your party will foment more violence, unleashing your ANTIFA and BLM Brown Shirts to go on Kristalnacht rampages in major cities.

It is all you have left, as your power fades.

Lol, you are in a partisan hack RWNJ dream world. Frankly I don't care who takes Congress or Senate. Not a single one of them will work for you or me, but you keep that BS MAGA dream alive derpy derp.
Neither party has a platform to represent me. I'm going full 3rd party and getting away from the 2 wacko major parties.
Talk about bold hypocrisy from the party trying to parade guys thru girls locker rooms

And more details on the accusers and the democrat law firm pushing the attack against Jordan...

Rep. Jim Jordan Denies He Ignored Sexual Abuse at Ohio State: 'Absolutely Not True'

Perkins Coie, you may recall, has was hired by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign to funnel money to Fusion GPS. FEC filings show that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid Perkins Coie a combined $12.4 million in 2016. Marc Elias, general counsel to Hillary for America and a partner at Perkins Coie, retained Fusion GPS in April 2016 to dig up dirt on President Trump. A political group tied to the former president -- Obama for America (OFA) -- paid nearly a million dollars to the same law firm.

Perkins Coie also retained CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity outfit, to look into the DNC’s servers after they had been hacked in 2016.

So far, Perkins Coie has interviewed more than 150 former OSU students and witnesses, according to the Columbus Dispatch.
So then why did the 3 ex-cons and the grifter who you Stalinists are paying to make these allegations not report the crime, Comrade?
You would have to ask them, skinhead.


Listen Herr Himmler - you lying fucks and the lying fuck press are running a smear of Jordan that is straight out of the third reich,

The scum you hired are rather obvious.

Congressman Jim Jordan's Two Accusers Have Vile Pasts
Of course, skinhead, you sound like an idiot, as there are more than3 people speaking out
So then why did the 3 ex-cons and the grifter who you Stalinists are paying to make these allegations not report the crime, Comrade?
You would have to ask them, skinhead.


Listen Herr Himmler - you lying fucks and the lying fuck press are running a smear of Jordan that is straight out of the third reich,

The scum you hired are rather obvious.

Congressman Jim Jordan's Two Accusers Have Vile Pasts
Of course, skinhead, you sound like an idiot, as there are more than3 people speaking out

Only the 4 have been paid to lie about Jordan.

Herr Himmler, you DO grasp that Jews don't really have horns, doncha?

You DO grasp that the perpetrator was the team doctor and that you Nazis are just flinging shit in hopes of smearing an enemy for things he had nothing to do with.

You lying fucks hired ex-cons to lie about Jordan, and the gutter scum of the Nazi press reported it as if it were true.

It's what you filth always do.

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