FOX guest star Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?
Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.
So after hit job on Jordan and the political assassination of Pruitt, will Congressional Republicans finally get some scalps of the Left? When will the leakers and the liars be held accountable?

Pruitt killed his own political career by being a swamp rat. He knew better and intentionally did it all anyway.

Why won't the H. or Rep. and/or the Senate investigate Pruitt and learn and recoup our money he wasted with his arrogance?

I have no idea. Didn't Price pay back the government?
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?

Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.

Prove he touched her. BTW, did he even try to pay hush money as did Trump and Hastert?
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?
Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.
back then that was just play

Are we all to live in fear that our fooling around, churlish pranks and stupid ass behavior might become illegal in 20 years?
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?

Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.

Prove he touched her. BTW, did he even try to pay hush money as did Trump and Hastert?
I don't have to prove it, every picture tells a story, don't it?
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?
Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.
back then that was just play

Are we all to live in fear that our fooling around, churlish pranks and stupid ass behavior might become illegal in 20 years?
Hey, that's politics. If that had been Trump, you don't think it would have been fair game for the Dems?

Except this investigation has been going on for sometime now. It did not just start since Jordan got his head handed to him. Nobody knows what happened yet, so let's find out.

The investigation has nothing to do with Jordan, he is accused of nothing.

Jordan is head of the Freedom Caucus, meaning he is pro-American. Jordan is well suited to be speaker of the house after Ryan leaves.

These two facts have the Stalinists and the lying fuck press digging for shit to fling at him. They are desperate to slander and libel Jordan.

One of 8 assistant coaches who might have heard rumors. Big fucking deal - but the lying fuck press will pimp this as if it is the holocaust (which the NY Times denies)

The question is whether normals let the little Goebbels get away with obvious and absurd character assassination.
Waiting for justice is wrong? If he did do something wrong then he needs to pay but I wouldn’t take the word of a man that has a record for fraud, that is the primary accuser. I believe in justice through the court system, do you believe in vigilante justice? If I accuse someone of a crime or covering a crime, should I be taken at face value?

I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
Since when do regressives ever do that?

Same with Rethugs when it fits their agenda.

The Americans don't have the lying fuck press to fling shit the way you Stalinists do. The constant barrage of lies from CBS, CNN, NY Times, and the rest of the lying fucks of the left corrupts and perverts the political process to the point that casual observers have no chance of making informed decisions.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.
Look at you, Wry. You should be embarrassed at this feeble attempt to equate the two. No similarities whatsoever. You have a Democrat Senator sexually assaulting an unconscious woman and a Congressman (exposing Dem corruption) who is being accused of 'witnessing' sexual assault. The first one comes with indisputable evidence and the second one is an allegation with no evidence. Even YOU should be able to do better than that.

LIAR There was no sexual assault, he was clowning around. Claiming that photo is proof of a sexual assault is ridiculous. Did Sen. Franken try to pay someone to cover up this photo. or even try to deny it?
Yeah, you go with that. He had his hands on her tits. Clowning around or not, that's sexual assault, idiot.
back then that was just play

Are we all to live in fear that our fooling around, churlish pranks and stupid ass behavior might become illegal in 20 years?
Hey, that's politics. If that had been Trump, you don't think it would have been fair game for the Dems?

Trump's target is lower than the chest, and above the knees.
So after hit job on Jordan and the political assassination of Pruitt, will Congressional Republicans finally get some scalps of the Left? When will the leakers and the liars be held accountable?

Pruitt killed his own political career by being a swamp rat. He knew better and intentionally did it all anyway.
Pruitt's a swamp rat alright, but that ain't what killed his political career. If he had served in any other cabinet, R or D, he'd have been out the door long ago. But in spite of his in-your-face- corruption Trump kept him on for a very good reason...he was doing the job he came to do...destroy EPA. Michael Steel said it best. He explained that most of us thought when Trump said he's drain the swamp, he meant government corruption, graft, obligation to lobbyists, fraud, etc. We were wrong. Trump said drain the swamp, but meant clear away regs and obstacles to big business, like pollution controls, chemical waste regs etc. And his base understands this well, so Pruitt's felonies are automatically forgiven by them. The public outcry is what killed Pruitt's career, and Trump is smart enough to erase Pruitt's corruption before mid-terms and so deny Democrats the talking point.

But this removal of the pus-filled Pruitt boil is no victory. The next guy will continue down the same reg-destroying path.

Except this investigation has been going on for sometime now. It did not just start since Jordan got his head handed to him. Nobody knows what happened yet, so let's find out.

The investigation has nothing to do with Jordan, he is accused of nothing.

Jordan is head of the Freedom Caucus, meaning he is pro-American. Jordan is well suited to be speaker of the house after Ryan leaves.

These two facts have the Stalinists and the lying fuck press digging for shit to fling at him. They are desperate to slander and libel Jordan.

One of 8 assistant coaches who might have heard rumors. Big fucking deal - but the lying fuck press will pimp this as if it is the holocaust (which the NY Times denies)

The question is whether normals let the little Goebbels get away with obvious and absurd character assassination.

It says he was told face to face by someone from the team.
I do not think he is the primary accuser, I believe it is a fellow named Mike DeSabato or something like that. I believe he has a business in the Columbus area. I have read only a few things in this and these are serious charges so let's pump the brakes and see how this plays out!

moral to the story;

when you attack an ADA you better be squeaky clean.

No doubt, but let the facts come out before rushing to judgement!
Since when do regressives ever do that?

Same with Rethugs when it fits their agenda.

The Americans don't have the lying fuck press to fling shit the way you Stalinists do. The constant barrage of lies from CBS, CNN, NY Times, and the rest of the lying fucks of the left corrupts and perverts the political process to the point that casual observers have no chance of making informed decisions.

Nope you unhinged fucks have Faux Paus Nuz, Breitbart and things like Info Wars. Stay unhinged and stupid.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
Lewdog is a serial pickpocket, throw his worthless ass outta here!

Gee, that’s fun and easy and the idiot has to go because someone’s accused him of something. This game could catch on.
Even Jimmy's friends are calling him a liar.

Imagine that, a Republican who protects Trump being a liar.

More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse

"I participated with Jimmy and the other wrestlers in locker-room talk about Strauss. We all did," Dailey, 43, told NBC News, referring to Jordan. "It was very common knowledge in the locker room that if you went to Dr. Strauss for anything, you would have to pull your pants down."

"Dunyasha comes back and tells Jimmy, 'Seriously, why do I have to pull down my pants for a thumb injury?'" Dailey recalled. "Jimmy said something to the extent of, 'If he tried that with me, I would kill him.'"

"What happened drove me out of the sport," said Dailey, a married father of two who works as a fundraiser for an Ohio college. "So I was surprised to hear Jim say that he knew nothing about it."

"Jimmy's a good guy," Dailey added. "But to say that he had no knowledge of it, I would say that's kind of hurtful."
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
Lewdog is a serial pickpocket, throw his worthless ass outta here!

Gee, that’s fun and easy and the idiot has to go because someone’s accused him of something. This game could catch on.

If you weren't so partisan blinded you'd see the guy can't answer a simple question without talking out both sides of his mouth. He's a scumbag and now several ex-wrestlers have come forward to say he knew and did nothing about it.
Even Jimmy's friends are calling him a liar.

Imagine that, a Republican who protects Trump being a liar.

More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew of sexual abuse

"I participated with Jimmy and the other wrestlers in locker-room talk about Strauss. We all did," Dailey, 43, told NBC News, referring to Jordan. "It was very common knowledge in the locker room that if you went to Dr. Strauss for anything, you would have to pull your pants down."

"Dunyasha comes back and tells Jimmy, 'Seriously, why do I have to pull down my pants for a thumb injury?'" Dailey recalled. "Jimmy said something to the extent of, 'If he tried that with me, I would kill him.'"

"What happened drove me out of the sport," said Dailey, a married father of two who works as a fundraiser for an Ohio college. "So I was surprised to hear Jim say that he knew nothing about it."

"Jimmy's a good guy," Dailey added. "But to say that he had no knowledge of it, I would say that's kind of hurtful."

Sorry but a 'good guy' doesn't turn a blind eye to a sexual predator. A 'good guy' doesn't continue to lie about his knowledge of it several years later.

I'll be honest, I was at Ohio State for part of this and I know how the college operated at the time. Two of the star football players who later played in the NFL and one of whom is an NFL coach now, grew weed in their house... and ironically was tapped to do an anti-drug ad for the university.
Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theory scum bag. He knew and did nothing about it. Kick his ass out of Congress.
Lewdog is a serial pickpocket, throw his worthless ass outta here!

Gee, that’s fun and easy and the idiot has to go because someone’s accused him of something. This game could catch on.

If you weren't so partisan blinded you'd see the guy can't answer a simple question without talking out both sides of his mouth. He's a scumbag and now several ex-wrestlers have come forward to say he knew and did nothing about it.
Take your form of lefty justice to some shitbag country where such tripe makes sense. Mexico comes to mind and it’s so close even you might be able to find it.

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