Fox has no idea how to handle crisis in Hatiti...

What a sad trio, O'Reilly, Beck, and Coulter.

FoxNews is doing real damage to America.

I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.
FoxNews is doing real damage to America.

I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

Run away? Get over yourself, Phil. Your Internet tough guy routine wont work with me. It took you two hours to respond to my post and by that time I was fast asleep.

BTW when you said that "classical music dominates the radio" I knew the conversation was over ... that statement alone told me that you wouldn't admit to the right's dominance over the left when it comes to radio media. If you can't admit that then there was no sense in going forward. Oh, well.

You're saying because Rush Limbaugh is big on talk radio they dominate it? Think again.

and your diatribe about internet tough guy is laughable at's funny how the left always retreats to a personal attack when their opinions are challenged and it still doesn't explain your insult. I've driven across the country at least 6 times the last 4 years and I have heard NONE of what you attribute to "rightwing" dominance of the radio air waves and I was ACTUALLY LOOKING FOR Rush's programs!!! I did however become an expert on the life's work of Schubert and Mendelsohnn. Please list all of the rightwing radio stations that currently broadcast anti-left wing crap 24/7. You might be a bit better off not believing all that crap you read on Huffington....and I might be better off not listening to right-wing hate radio that so dominates the airwaves. :lol:

96.9 FM and 680 AM here in MA come immediately to mind. Name their liberal counterparts in my neck of the woods.

WHMP-AM Massachusetts
AM 1400

WHMQ-AM Massachusetts
AM 1240

WHNP-AM Massachusetts
AM 1600
East Longmeadow

WWZN-AM Massachusetts
AM 1510
FoxNews is doing real damage to America.

I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

Most of the problems here in America would be solved if people like you were aborted.
FoxNews is doing real damage to America.

I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

LOL; Please tell us where you are appearing. That's one of the funniest things i've heard in so long.LOL I really want to hear the rest of your act.

Real leadership from the Dems.Lol And they can't even get a bill passed with a super majority.LOL You are really funny.
Fox isn't about news, it's about entertainment. They don't know how to work this into the normal programming, the talking heads can't really blame Obama for it so they're clueless. Solution - pretend it isn't happening.

ya know what they say? about assholes and opinions???? obamalama tried to neutralize fox and failed get the hell over it..

Why are you so bent out of shape??? You know it's true. Reporters from CNN, NBC, and MSNBC have had staff there all week. Like Anderson Cooper, Brian Williams, and Ann Curry. I don't see any Fox reporters. But I guess not. They are very busy sitting on their respective asses looking for anything they can find to criticize.

If you watched Fox you would see they have reporters there just like everyone else. what All the networks foreign and domestic have reporters on site. I've watched them all and Fox covers whats going on as well as any of the others. Jeeze. What a lame thread this is.
I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

Most of the problems here in America would be solved if people like you were aborted.

Personal attacks are all you have.

The facts are against you.
I'm sure you mean MSNBC.

No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

LOL; Please tell us where you are appearing. That's one of the funniest things i've heard in so long.LOL I really want to hear the rest of your act.

Real leadership from the Dems.Lol And they can't even get a bill passed with a super majority.LOL You are really funny.

Nothing funny about it. It's sad really.

National health insurance would be very good for America.

Our businesses are getting killed worldwide because every other industrialized nation has national health insurance.
No, FoxNews lies. MSNBC does not.

Most of the solutions to our problems are progressive ones. Most of our problems stem from the people that FoxNews helped get elected.

The real leadership in this country comes from the Dems in the House.

The worst leadership comes from the Republicans in the Senate.

LOL; Please tell us where you are appearing. That's one of the funniest things i've heard in so long.LOL I really want to hear the rest of your act.

Real leadership from the Dems.Lol And they can't even get a bill passed with a super majority.LOL You are really funny.

Nothing funny about it. It's sad really.

National health insurance would be very good for America.

Our businesses are getting killed worldwide because every other industrialized nation has national health insurance.


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