FOX NEWS: #blacklivesmatter is 'Murder' movement....

Fox News continues its descent into madness.

Does Bernie support dead cops?:dunno:

? I don't think anyone supports dead cops.


I was looking for that this morning. I fucking hate liberals.

Sounds like personal problem to me..Since you do not know every liberal in the USA..

Too many are brain dead clones like the O.P. He gets some media matters talking point then starts a thread on them
Does Bernie support dead cops?:dunno:

? I don't think anyone supports dead cops.


I was looking for that this morning. I fucking hate liberals.

Sounds like personal problem to me..Since you do not know every liberal in the USA..

Too many are brain dead clones like the O.P. He gets some media matters talking point then starts a thread on them

Also too emotive and lacking in rhetorical skills...

obama didnt invent racism; he just made it MUCH WORSE; not inlike almost everything else he tries to do.
Cops are getting, what they give...

good one leftard; how dare that cop just stand there filling up his car with gas??!! who does he think he is???!!!
Because of a (very) few bad cops, then all cops are at fault. That's just the way the liberal mind works. But we better never talk about ALL muslims being bad, that would set up of shit storm of whining from the lefties!

No, it really is not the way they think. The democrats know how imperative it is to divide the races in order to push their victimology strategy for political expediency.

If you will notice, that is all they do. That is all they are about. It has worked so well over the last 50 years and they have such help from Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry, they will never let it go.

In fact, it has only become worse every time blacks (especially that minority) get anything. From united negro college funds, to the NAACP, to, to Jackie Robinson day, on and on and on, culminating into a black president.

Do they ever just stop with the victim bullshit? No it has only gotten worse, with these fucking unappreciative animals being offended by someone who says ALL lives matter. To the point where politicians have to apologize for saying ALL lives matter.

No, they are fucking animals (and you know which animal I am referring to also) who have never had it better. Not any time on any continent than they have it right now right here.

Yet, the divisions have never been worse. They all act as though they themselves were slaves. Not one of them would have any clue what it is to be a slave. Oh, but that is what is still pushed.

All for political gain.

Liberals like the OP are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like him that this is perpetuated. People like the OP deserve to get their faces broken in.
The democrats know how imperative it is to divide the races

Democrats? Not too bright are you?

Cops are getting, what they give...

good one leftard; how dare that cop just stand there filling up his car with gas??!! who does he think he is???!!!
Because of a (very) few bad cops, then all cops are at fault. That's just the way the liberal mind works. But we better never talk about ALL muslims being bad, that would set up of shit storm of whining from the lefties!

No, it really is not the way they think. The democrats know how imperative it is to divide the races in order to push their victimology strategy for political expediency.

If you will notice, that is all they do. That is all they are about. It has worked so well over the last 50 years and they have such help from Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry, they will never let it go.

In fact, it has only become worse every time blacks (especially that minority) get anything. From united negro college funds, to the NAACP, to, to Jackie Robinson day, on and on and on, culminating into a black president.

Do they ever just stop with the victim bullshit? No it has only gotten worse, with these fucking unappreciative animals being offended by someone who says ALL lives matter. To the point where politicians have to apologize for saying ALL lives matter.

No, they are fucking animals (and you know which animal I am referring to also) who have never had it better. Not any time on any continent than they have it right now right here.

Yet, the divisions have never been worse. They all act as though they themselves were slaves. Not one of them would have any clue what it is to be a slave. Oh, but that is what is still pushed.

All for political gain.

Liberals like the OP are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like him that this is perpetuated. People like the OP deserve to get their faces broken in.
The democrats know how imperative it is to divide the races

Democrats? Not too bright are you?

leave it a clueless leftard to bring up something 34 years old while the Left divides the races TODAY
He told the guy "Obama has brought to light an issue that existed between blacks and police for years what do you say"

The cop replied "Thats a lie"

JUST THE LEFT doing what the Left does best; getting innocent people killed least that one brain cell works.....

have you seen the murder rate since racial panderers on the Left showed up in Baltimore leftard?

nothing to laugh about!
I am not sure if it is the left only....It could be a 5th element infiltration to exacerbate a situation for chaos, instead of the old fashioned style of outright guerrilla warfare...

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