Fox News Dominates the airwaves

You wonder how leftists feel about you liking Kat and Tyrus? Since I speak for all Leftist I will tell you that we give you our blessing and wish you many laughs and happy memories!
Ha! You admit you’re a dumb leftist. Thank you
Bongino! Show your love, leftist. He also believes CRT is a waste of time. Something you are very fond of. Why? You’re a leftist
I know Bongina... He is another one of those frothy mouthed haters that is out to get everybody pissed off at the left. All part of the Toxic drama hungry atmosphere that our media is perpetuating. The root of many of the problems we have in our country. There is no difference between the Bongina's and the Trump hating snowflakes out there. Don't be a sucker Az. You're falling right into the trap
I know Bongina... He is another one of those frothy mouthed haters that is out to get everybody pissed off at the left. All part of the Toxic drama hungry atmosphere that our media is perpetuating. The root of many of the problems we have in our country. There is no difference between the Bongina's and the Trump hating snowflakes out there. Don't be a sucker Az. You're falling right into the trap
I can think for myself. I like Dan. The fact that he offends weak ass snowflakes like you is an added bonus. I am smarter than you. That’s not even a fair comparison.
Yes, I speak for all... But I never said I was a dumb leftist. You must remember, we are the enlightened ones
In your own deranged mind. You’re part of the problem and you don’t even see it. Lemming
Why would anyone waste time watching a 24 hour news network cable channel?
I can think for myself. I like Dan. The fact that he offends weak ass snowflakes like you is an added bonus. I am smarter than you. That’s not even a fair comparison.
You being smarter than me is very much questionable if you don't see the agenda and effect of the drama hungry wing nut media who focuses on nothing more than demonizing the opposition. Bongina is a perfect example. You're a puppet man. You think you are an independent thinker but if you buy into that crap then you certainly are not.
You being smarter than me is very much questionable if you don't see the agenda and effect of the drama hungry wing nut media who focuses on nothing more than demonizing the opposition. Bongina is a perfect example. You're a puppet man. You think you are an independent thinker but if you buy into that crap then you certainly are not.
You calling him “Bongina” shows you’re a biased leftist zombie. Go vote for Newsom. You’re state is an embarrassment just like you. Happy to compare resumes at any time. Here or you may PM me. I never said I buy into everything he says but he is entertaining. And he triggers leftist scum who insist on CRT and gender neutrality, which I find to be abominable. Ben Shapiro, he I agree with 90% of the time.
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Ohh interesting... using the comment I made towards you against me... how original
You’re the one who is the dishonest debater so I
am giving you a taste of your own medicine. Bitter isn’t it, leftist fool?
I haven't watched Fox News since they went bat shit anti Trump crazy during the election last year.

I definitely will not watch anything on that network until they fire Chris Wallace.
You calling him “Bongina” shows you’re a biased leftist zombie. Go vote for Newsom. You’re state is an embarrassment just like you. Happy to compare resumes at any time. Here or you may PM me. I never said I buy into everything he says but he is entertaining. And he triggers leftist scum you insist on CRT and gender neutrality, which I find to be abominable. Ben Shapiro, he I agree with 90% of the time.
I didn't vote for Newsome smart guy... I call him Bongina because he is a vaginal Turd... There are many on the Right that I respect because they are smart and informative. Bongina is not one of them
You’re the one who is the dishonest debater so I
am giving you a taste of your own medicine. Bitter isn’t it, leftist fool?
yeah you got me good! Nice one
Why would anyone waste time watching a 24 hour news network cable channel?
24 hour news is my background music. I don’t always pay attention to it. I love to watch breaking news. Breaking news gets my full attention.
I haven't watched Fox News since they went bat shit anti Trump crazy during the election last year.

I definitely will not watch anything on that network until they fire Chris Wallace.
I watch The
I didn't vote for Newsome smart guy... I call him Bongina because he is a vaginal Turd... There are many on the Right that I respect because they are smart and informative. Bongina is not one of them

yeah you got me good! Nice one
Got you to opine on it and respond. Poke successful. You and I will never agree politically. It is just that simple. Not sure why that escapes you?
I watch The

Got you to opine on it and respond. Poke successful. You and I will never agree politically. It is just that simple. Not sure why that escapes you?
Haha, I disagree. The more enlightened you become the more you will agree with me. It’s that simple

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