Fox News Dominates the airwaves

I found it interesting that two stations audible in this area have dropped their former "network news" and picked up Fox. Radio, that is, and neither of them previously known for a conservative point of view.
Are liberals getting tired of being lied to?

This CANNOT be!
I found it interesting that two stations audible in this area have dropped their former "network news" and picked up Fox. Radio, that is, and neither of them previously known for a conservative point of view.
Are liberals getting tired of being lied to?

This CANNOT be!
Do you think conservative media is more honest than liberal media? If so then why do you think that?
I think things will change at Fox when old fart Rupert Murdoch takes a dirt nap.

His sons are certainly not on board with their old man's bullshit.
Money talks and Fox News has nine of the top 10 rated shows. Why would the shareholders want to change that? Please explain that.
I watch very little TV news, but when I do, I of course turn only to FOX.

I would never degrade myself by being indoctrinated by CNN or MSNBC.

I hope the Dems do not find a way to close down FOX.
Money talks and Fox News has nine of the top 10 rated shows. Why would the shareholders want to change that? Please explain that.
Because the sons are smarter than the old man and realize that spinning propaganda is harming our democracy.

Did you watch the documentaries I posted? That might help you understand the situation a bit better.
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Because the sons are smarter than the old man and realize that spinning propaganda is harming our democracy.

Did you watch the documentaries I posted? That might help you understand the situation a bit better.
Sons have shareholders to answer to and it’s not propaganda. It’s News Entertainment. Same as CNN and MSNBC spin. Once sided bullshit. Don’t talk down to me leftist, I am smarter than you could ever hope to be.
Because the sons are smarter than the old man and realize that spinning propaganda is harming our democracy.

Did you watch the documentaries I posted? That might help you understand the situation a bit better.
Sorry mate... you may have had a chance with James Murdoch but Lachlan is CEO of Fox and best buds with Tucker. He is all about the drama so I don't see anything changing... it's only going to get worse.
Sons have shareholders to answer to and it’s not propaganda. It’s News Entertainment. Same as CNN and MSNBC spin. Once sided bullshit. Don’t talk down to me leftist, I am smarter than you could ever hope to be.
You're right wing, so you've already proven yourself to be retarded.
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If you don't understand that lying is to liberals as swimming is to fish then you have overdoosed on Kool-Aid. Now lie down and submit....don't forget to double-mask!
I think lying is like swimming for partisan hacks from both parties. I don't see a difference in the media or in the politicians. Do you?
You're right wing, so you've already proven yourself to be retarded.
I am a Jew you moron. I am a moderate centrist. If you want to compare resumes let’s do it, leftist. Aka the epitome of what is wrong with America today.
I am a Jew you moron. I am a moderate centrist. If you want to compare resumes let’s do it, leftist. Aka the epitome of what is wrong with America today.
Yeah well you still sound like a complete fucktard.

And that's the Truth over Facts.
Do I? I am a taxpayer and a voter. I am entitled to have an opinion disparate from yours without you crying in your safe space.
I am a taxpayer and voter as well fucktard.

If you don't like my opinions or how I vote, too bad.

Go suck yourself.

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