Fox News Host Confronts GOP Gov. Greg Abbott Over Texas Election Audit Cheered On by Trump

This so called "audit" is a waste of time and money.

The people of Texas should vote this man out of office. He's out of control and should never been elected dog catcher much less governor.

Fox News is embarrassed they were wrong about Arizona. They called it early for AZ and it’s clear Trump won AZ now. Faux News is controlled opposition, they have assed pretend they hate Democrats. When push comes to shove, they want Democrats to win so they can complain about them for ratings.
What kind of morons call for an audit of votes in a state their candidate won?
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If Cyber Ninjas audit Texas, and the Texas election was found to be sound, trump will go down in history as a kook.

I'm for a Texas audit.
If Cyber Ninjas audit Texas, and the Texas election was found to be sound, trump will go down in history as a kook.

I'm for a Texas audit.

Trump was a kook before he team up with the Reds. Now, he's a Fascist Kook.
What kind of morons call for an audit of votes in a state their candidate won?
Because Democrats still cheat in order to try to win. Will be interesting to see how many fake votes there is in Texas in Dem run shit holes.
Why are democrats always afraid of audits?
We arent. But according to Texas state law:


The audit must begin within seventy-two (72) hours after the polls close, and be completed not later than the 21st day after election day. Regarding optional audits by the Secretary of State (see “Additional Targeted Samples”): “The count may be conducted at any time during the period for preserving the applicable precinct election records.”
It showed many tens of thousands of votes were invalid. Not that you would even pay attention or care.
Over 40,000 "questionable" (read: fraudulent) votes in the first three items alone....

AZ Audit.jpeg
Over 40,000 "questionable" (read: fraudulent) votes in the first three items alone....
No, questionable means they don’t know.

You are doing exactly as I think they intended. Making the leap from uncertain to fraudulent despite no proof.

This is why an audit by partisan people is bad.
If I ILLEGALLY cast ballots, and those ILLEGALLY cast ballots are recounted 1000 times, it does no good.

We need to make sure the ballots CAST are LEGALLY CAST BALLOTS.

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