Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump Can’t Say Impeachment ‘Unfair’ if He Won’t Participate ‘


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Donald Trump has undermined his own arguments by not participating in the impeachment process by calling it unfair. His non-participation renders his argument of 'unfair' invalid.

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy as he shuns professional legal advice and makes 'gut' decisions on matters that require careful consideration and rational thought.

Donald Trump can't get himself out of a hole because his gut won't let him stop digging.

"Napolitano said that in his view, the president’s actions with regards to Ukraine were “clearly impeachable, because it involves two potential crimes,” namely bribery and campaign finance violations."

This will have the MAGA howling mob gnashing their dentures.

Fox News Judge Explains Why Trump Can’t Call Impeachment ‘Unfair’

Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump Can’t Say Impeachment ‘Unfair’ if He Won’t Participate
Judge Andrew Napolitano argues that the president is making a “mistake” by not participating in this week’s impeachment hearings.
Matt Wilstein
Senior Writer
Updated Dec. 02, 2019 7:55PM ET / Published Dec. 02, 2019 6:53PM ET

Over the weekend, Brian Stelter aired a segment on Reliable Sources titled “A Tale of Two Fox News Judges” in which he expressed concern that “dissenting” voices like that of Judge Andrew Napolitano were being “drowned out by the sycophants” like Judge Jeanine Pirro.

“Do you think there’s room left for people like Judge Napolitano who are trying to explain to Fox’s viewers that Trump is in pretty hot water?” the CNN host asked.

Napolitano rarely, if ever, appears on Fox’s primetime lineup anymore, but he did sit down with afternoon host Neil Cavuto on Monday and delivered just the type of commentary that the president and his followers don’t want to hear.

Ahead of this week’s House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Trump impeachment inquiry, Napolitano said that in his view, the president’s actions with regards to Ukraine were “clearly impeachable, because it involves two potential crimes,” namely bribery and campaign finance violations.

“They are free to say that’s not an impeachable offense,” he argued, “but they are not free to say it didn’t happen, because the evidence that it happened is overwhelming.”

Meanwhile, the president and his legal team are declining to make either argument under oath, announcing that they will not be participating in the hearings because they do not “begin to provide the president with any semblance of a fair process.”

“I think the president would be very unwise not to send lawyers there,” Napolitano advised, at the same time saying it would be “unseemly” for Trump to appear himself while witnesses give testimony against him. “But I think he makes a mistake when he refuses to participate,” he added of Trump, explaining that his lawyers would be able to make arguments on his behalf and call additional witnesses to defend him.
“So it would be in his interest to participate in that, right? To exonerate himself or at least state his case?” Cavuto asked.

“Absolutely,” Napolitano answered. “He also loses the argument ‘it’s unfair’ if he doesn’t take the opportunity to participate himself.” ...
Rational Republicans who put country before politics vs. Trumpers who put Trump before everything, including country.
Why all the sudden leftist love for some Republican on FOX News?

Have any leftists even ever watched FOX News, or are they just repeating a story they read somewhere?

So many questions.
What a ridiculous statement. The Democrats have created a farce and expect President Trump to legitimize it. Have your vote chumps, then get ready to be skewered in the Senate trial.
What a ridiculous statement. The Democrats have created a farce and expect President Trump to legitimize it. Have your vote chumps, then get ready to be skewered in the Senate trial.

If it weren't "legitimate" then the Senate would not have to do anything, dope.

Trump will be impeached.
Dumb thread.

It isn’t a fair process, and just because Trump has said he won’t be there Wednesday while Nadless calls pinhead academics with no knowledge of the situation doesn’t change that fact.
This man--Napolitano. Well, one day a year and a half or so ago he blurted out Great Britain was involved in trying to frame Trump for RUSSIA/RUSSIA/RUSSIA Collusion.

He was absolutely right, but this adversely affected Rupert Murdoch's (or his Liberal sons') interest in England.

Napolitano was promptly pulled from the air and, apparently sent to a re-education camp---and he has not made a whiff of sense, legal or otherwise, since they let him come back.

He is now so completely worthless (and he knows he is making a fool of himself)----that he is only biding his time until they do a re-make of "The Munsters"---in which he can be a real star.

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