Fox News Median viewer age: 68

Heard all this many times before.
What I find a appalling about FOXNews is that the only way a woman can get a job there is if she dresses like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress and spends more time in the makeup room than she does on air. Those types are definitely more appealing to old geezers touching themselves in their dirty, plaid BarcaLoungers.

Are you pissed off that you are ugly?

Do you think the 25 women who have accused Roger Ailes of sexual harassment are lying?

Good for Gretchen Carlson for outing Fox for what it is: a channel for dirty old white men.
Thread moved from CDZ because the opener is a political call-out plain and simple.

The CDZ is supposed to be reserved for civil discourse only.

Then omit the fucking posts that make it NOT civil. Don't move the whole thread because some troglodytes can't hang.

Dude... YOU are the opening poster. The lesson here is that the CDZ is an inappropriate forum to pick a political fight in, which you did with your opening post.

I can't omit the opening post without moving the entire fucking thread. The fact that doing so is easier than cleaning the thread, and the fact that I'm the laziest Moderator EVER are moot. This thread belongs in Politics because the opener is a direct request for right wingers to defend something and for left wingers to needle them over it.

If you want to start a conversation for civil discourse, ask a civil question.
Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?

Honestly, I see the Trump phenomenon in the GOP as little but a dying gasp of that portion of America that yearns for the days when "white = right" and in spite of one's relative ineptitude and ignorance, one could nonetheless sustain a financially reasonable existence. The rest of the GOP and the Democrats, as well, recognize that the U.S. is shifting every closer to being a full on meritocracy. That's especially and unsurprisingly frightening to those folks who would rather not have to work hard enough to compete with their countrymen to get the "good jobs" that are in abundance now, but that require either intellectual acuity, physical adroitness or both.
  • They don't like immigrants because many of them come to the U.S. with either innate business creation ability and motivations or with advanced degrees and technological know how.
  • They don't like minorities who are here because increasingly they are ensured of having the same opportunities to demonstrate their ability to be high performers and when they are given that opportunity, they rise to it.
  • They want the U.S. to have more low skilled labor jobs, but they expect those jobs to pay on par with skilled labor jobs and yet produce goods/services that must compete with those made elsewhere by low skilled and lowly paid workers. (Nevermind that such a combination of factors of production has never existed profitably.)

This is truly a remarkable post.

The key is in the phrase:

"...the U.S. is shifting every {sic} closer to being a full on meritocracy".

A Meritocracy is exactly what Jefferson envisioned, and for about two centuries, that is what he got...he got the greatest society the world has ever seen.

Now, just as this country reaches record numbers of people Sitting on the Porch of the Federal Plantation--waiting on the Green Check; or working for the Federal Government, or coddled by a Public Employee Union run by Democrats...this particular fool sees: "...the U.S. is shifting every {sic} closer to being a full on meritocracy".
The entire premise of this thread is that old people don't count.

The premise isn't that old folks don't count. The thread has a few premises, but that isn't among them. The thread (linked article) premises and observations are:
  • Folks over 68 will, on average, die sooner than will folks under 68.
  • Fox's viewership being 68+ years old indicates that the network is not attracting materially younger viewers.
  • Historically, Fox has been the most vocal and public "kingmaker" of the GOP.
In short, the basic premise is that in general Fox currently suffers from the aspect of "General Motors Syndrome" pertaining to the inability or unwillingness to transform itself as its customer base changes. Remember "This is not your father's Oldsmobile?" Well, at the moment, Fox is "still your father's Fox."

The conclusion from all that is that Fox that may become irrelevant, not that old folks don't count. The thread question asks us to posit whether, assuming Fox doesn't alter it's mantra and conform to what far younger Republicans want and think, by what far reaching voice, by what modality, will the GOP achieve relative congruity of thought among its members.

FWIW....That strikes me as a pretty interesting question to ponder. The independence afforded by the freewheeling nature of, and access to ears, hearts and minds, the Internet militates for it being quite difficult for any one organization to hold the sort of sway that Fox historically has. Furthermore, Trump's ascendance and the widespread rejection of it within the GOP shows clearly that there is material disagreement on core principles and means of implementing them within and among large segments of the GOP. Compound that with ancillary factors such as the GOP and its mouthpieces' predilection for prevarication and low and low quality information guiding decision making from both major sections of the party -- the Trumpeteers and the Traditionalists -- and the challenge becomes all the more difficult. If the Libertarians, as a result of this election cycle gain a larger and more often heard voice, the GOP as we know it may cease to exist.
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Same could be said of the entire Republican Party...

Say what you will about Donald Trump... win or lose this year, the Republicans are finally starting to change their fucking message.

George W, back in 05 or so, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that his daddy was right about "Trickle Down" economics being "Voodoo" economics.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
You are right, Fox just made that story up....

It is much better to watch blow-horn politics where they side with a bunch of black racist pieces of shit in Milwaukee.
What do you think I/ we was born conservative?

I /we grew up.

More than likely.

Studies show people adopt the political and social views of their parents.

If that's the excuse you want to try to make...

Don't know any conservatives in my class of 1983, heck even the PKs (preacher kids partied back then) looking at fb today 98% of them are now conservatives at 51. Even the ex cheerleaders...

And Fox News had a lot to do with that.
And MSNBC is the reason why Democrats embraced black and brown racists instead of running from them.
Seriously you know how ridiculous that sounds and slapped in the face of reality?

The reality is you act like a spoiled toddler, and you're a conservative.

The reality is that far more conservatives than liberals here act like spoiled toddlers. This board is strong evidence of how maturity is associated with being liberal.

I showed an actual study. The conservatives responded with anger and anecdotes. Liberals are reason-based, conservatives are feelings-based.
You study goes against the laws of nature.

Even the most liberal people become more conservative when they get older, even if that means being just right of Stalin
Fox News’s biggest problem isn’t the Ailes ouster, it’s that its average viewer is a dinosaur

Between that and the demographic shift in the U.S., how will the Republican party keep pace if its mouthpiece no longer catches enough eyeballs?
I figured that from their commercials--medications and medical supplies. I don't think young people watch tv news, is all. They get it on their phones.

Talk radio is the same, full of erectile dysfunction ads
That is because Talk Radio broadcasts on CBS and ABC radio stations.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.
Dog whistle?

I'd question the release of an enemy combatant and it is not "fear!"

Another Progressive Marxist who finds it acceptable to release terrorists and criminals to continuously prey on the weak. As we bury those they kill as well as the soldiers who protect them.
I was at the gym today on my lunch (the only time I catch Fox News -- and even then on mute) and it said "Obama releasing 15 high-risk detainees". It's just a constant fear dog-whistle, during its so-called "fair & balanced" news rotation of 8-5.

Seeing Fox's headlines and understanding what a proper news headline is, and to address the context of your OP, I am inspired to wonder just what is indicated by Fox's insistence on using headlines to tell folks how/what to think about soemthing that occurred rather than simply using them to tell folks what occurred:
  • Fox's awareness of the limited cognitive analysis abilities of its target or primary audience?
  • Fox's awareness of it's target or primary audience's unwillingness to think critically and soundly?
  • Fox and its editorial board members' hubris?
  • Fox's not being able or not wanting to make the transition from "novelty mouthpiece," sensationalist "news," and bias confirmer to serious and objective news organization?
  • Fox's awareness that younger conservatives aren't as "oblivious" (or worse) as are older ones?
  • Something else?
Whatever be the reason and however intriguing it is to discover it, there can be no denying Fox's liberal use of biased headlines. The phenomenon isn't limited within the conservative news empire to Fox. For example:
  • Headline 1:
    • Legit news version:

    • "Fox" version:

  • Headline 2:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


  • Headline 3:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


  • Headline 4:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


  • Headline 5:
    • Legit news version:


    • "Fox" version:


Fox cited/quoted each of the headlines above, regardless of whether Fox personnel wrote the headline and the related story that accompanied it. That in my mind is even worse than writing those headlines while purporting to be a new organization. Why? Because it indicates that Fox either doesn't realize that "fair and balanced" necessarily means unbiased from start to finish or they do and just don't care and are thereby willing to contribute to the problem of Americans making poor choices due to their being fed slanted information, the slant of which they believe, rather than being a part of the solution that unrelentingly allows viewers to think for themselves.

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